Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building confirmed for the record that Council has not endorsed the Minister’s Zoning Order and explained the purpose for today’s meeting.
David Breveglieri, Planner, provided an overview of the history and development applications and outlined the MZO’s significant provisions, implications, and next steps. Mr. Breveglieri advised that the Ministry gave notice that the City will not have discretion to apply height limits on Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA’s).
Mayor Crombie spoke regarding the news release on the issuance of the MZO and stressed that no Members of Council approved the MZO nor was any notice given in advance.
Councillor Dasko emphasized the importance of today’s meeting despite the Minister’s approval of the MZO noting that the vision and efforts of staff and the community input needs to be considered.
Councillor Butt noted that Mayor Crombie extended an invitation to Minister Steve Clark and MPP Rudy Cuzzetto to attend today’s meeting.
Councillor Kovac expressed disbelief upon hearing the news on the approval of the MZO, which includes a development in Ward 4, requested that Planning staff provide briefing notes and an assessment for his community, and encouraged the local MPP to describe to the community the particulars of the MZO.
Committee Members engaged in discussion and expressed concerns of the number of units to be built without the support of infrastructure, community facilities and amenities; the scale of intensification; no height restrictions for MTSA’s; time to plan complete communities and not retrofit communities; the need to start over from original plans and urged residents to contact their local MPP and Minister Clark.
- Myron Pestaluky, President, Delta Urban Inc. (on behalf of the Rangeview Landowners Group) identified the lands for the proposed Rangeview development, and noted that there was sufficient capacity to build alongside the Lakeview community. Pestaluky commented collaboration with staff, noted that they have conducted appropriate studies, submitted a Master Plan, and would not like to see this work forgotten.
- Lindsay Dale-Harris, Partner, Bousfields Inc. spoke on behalf of the Rangeview Landowners Group and provided an overview of Rangeview’s application, studies and Master Plan. Dale-Harris spoke of the landowner’s efforts, investment and commitment to develop their lands and expressed concerns regarding the lack of transportation capacity.
- Trevor Baker, President, Lakeview Rate Payers Association, expressed concerns on the impact to the community with the issuance of the MZO that will double the capacity of the Lakeview community. Baker described the community efforts over the years and enquired whether the Province supports the developer; to whom does the developer need to justify quality and integrity of the development, and how does the developer build additional units without City resources and permissions. Baker requested that Members of Committee invite community leaders to participate in discussions as they move forward.
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building and Lia Magi, Legal Counsel responded to enquiries from Councillor Damerla and Councillor Horneck regarding the meaning of an MZO and EMZO.
- Gavin Clark, Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA) expressed concern regarding the work and efforts for Planning appears all for not, and that infrastructure and services initially planned will not support the MZO.
- Deborah Goss spoke of community’s fight with the Province on its plans for Lakeview and recognized the vision of the late Jim Tovey, John Danahy and the community volunteers who worked tirelessly on planning the Lakeview community. Goss enquired as to how approval for an MZO was obtained without notice, and requested the City engage with the community, who have ideas for the future plans geared for the community.
- Krystyna Stechly, spoke of the support from all levels of governments on the late Jim Tovey’s vision for Lakeview, expressed concern that the developer’s request for approval of this MZO was known much earlier, and requested that Councillor Dasko reach out to the Community to urge them to contact the Province.
Councillor Dasko advised that would look at what resources he can utilize to reach out to the community.
Mayor Crombie suggested that the Mayor’s office and Strategic Communications & Initiatives provide resources for the mailing to the community.
In response to the Mayor’s and Councillor Horneck’s enquiries, Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building provided responses with respect to the timelines of when the MZO was requested to the time it was approved by the Minister; and the process of requesting an MZO and approval of such.
- Jonathan Giggs, enquired as follows:
- Did Lakeview Community Partners Inc. express dissatisfaction with current application?
- Did you inform the Mayor and Councillor Dasko regarding the meetings with the Ministry?
- Pros and Cons of podiums and larger floor plates
- Confirm that City of Mississauga has no jurisdiction on height restriction on MTSA’s
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building, clarifying on what was communicated to the Mayor and Councillor Dasko.
Chris Rouse, Director, Development and Design, responded to the enquiry regarding built environment.
Councillor Dasko noted that he shared information regarding the Ministry’s request for feedback with the Rate Payers Association’s.
- Marc Bruni, Resident, expressed concern regarding the impact of this MZO and the potential increase of MZO requests.
- Chris Mackie, Resident suggested a mass mailing to all residents to communicate the approval of this MZO and the precedent setting for future MZO requests, and provided comparisons between the Brightwater development and the Lakeview development and expressed concern regarding the City’s ability to budget for required infrastructure.
- Irene Owchar, Resident, commented on the submission for an MZO by Lakeview Community Partners, the purchase price of the lands, and suggested the City hold the Province responsible for the transportation costs which should include a subway system.
- Larry Columbine, Resident, enquired whether the issuance of the MZO can be appealed.
Councillor Butt responded to Mr. Columbine’s enquiry.
- Arlene Paculan, Resident expressed concerns that the new plans do not reference the Eagles of the Great Spirit Group and suggested MP Charles Sousa be contacted to ensure allocation for the group.
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building, cited the comments from the press released that stated the Province would work with the Region of Peel, City and Mississauga, and Indigenous Groups.
- Laure Olstar Resident, expressed concern that the Province is encroaching on the Municipalities jurisdiction and enquired regarding heights and affordable housing percentages. Olstar requested that staff review the possibility of a judicial review process.
Lia Magi, Legal Counsel provided a response to Ms. Olstar’s enquiry.
- David Shaw, Resident, expressed regarding the issuance of the MZO and urged Members of Council be the voice of the residents and to contact MP’s and MPP’s and Doug Ford.
- Steven Gords, Resident enquired regarding the implications on the capacity of the wastewater system, and how will the City protect the water system and improve the health and safety and environment risk that already exists, and the importance to address the issues related to the incineration and filtration system;
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building explained that staff would assess what is available today and what it means for the future and that the issues regarding the incineration and filtration system will be a priority.
Councillor Dasko advised that the issues relating to GE Booth Wastewater Treatment Plant are top of mind and that he has spoken with the CAO of the Regional of Peel to spoke regarding this matter.
Councillor Damerla commented on the language of Minister Clark’s letter regarding “no height” restrictions and requested staff to not only put out messaging to residents regarding the MZO at Lakeview but to draw awareness to the “no height” restrictions on MTSA’s, and that staff put together a report to present at a Planning and Development Committee meeting to provide the community an understanding of the implications of the “no height” restrictions.
Councillor Dasko summarized the vision for Lakeview noting that the plans were to welcome a community within an existing vibrant community and raised concerns regarding the lack of infrastructure and amenities, the housing crisis and emphasized the need to build the developments that have already been approved. Councillor Dasko urged residents to contact MPP Rudy Cuzzetto to voice their concerns with the issuance of the MZO.