Diana Rusnov, Director of Legislative Services and City Clerk responded to enquiries from Mayor Parrish regarding staff time expended to process rebate payments, and whether rebate payments can be processed as a credit to the resident’s tax bill.
Marisa Chiu, Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer responded to Mayor Parrish’s enquiry regarding costs associated with issuing and mailing rebate payments.
Mayor Parrish spoke to the eligibility of non-Mississauga resident donors and moved a Motion to amend the report recommendation to restrict campaign donors to residents of Mississauga only and, that the other aspects of the Campaign Contribution Rebate program outlined in the staff report be referred to the Governance Committee.
Councillor Horneck spoke in support of restricting campaign donors to residents of Mississauga only.
Councillor Damerla and Councillor Butt spoke to Mayor Parrish’s amendment to restrict campaign donors to residents of Mississauga only and recommended that entire Campaign Rebate Program be considered at the next Governance Committee meeting.
Diana Rusnov responded to Councillor Tedjo’s enquiries regarding whether residents outside of Mississauga were eligible for the rebate in the 2022 election, and whether donor’s citizenship is verified.
Members of Committee voted on Mayor Parrish’s amended recommendation; Motion failed.
Members of Committee voted on an alternate recommendation to refer the staff report to the next Governance Committee meeting.