Mayor Crombie provided an update on COVID-19 regarding case numbers including the variants, the hospitals, and the vaccine roll out. Members of Committee spoke to the matter and inquired about the vaccine immunity timeframe and percentage as well as the centralized information site.
Members of Committee spoke to the matter and raised the following questions and concerns:
- Vaccine immunity rate;
- Phase 2 of the vaccine roll out;
- Taxi service industry;
- Centralized website regarding the vaccine and lockdown;
- Practicing the core four, post vaccination;
- Requested Dr. Loh’s presence at each meeting;
- Complaints surrounding construction hours;
- Vaccine roll-out for homebound seniors; and
- Municipal Property Tax Deferral Programs.
Mayor Crombie, Paul Mitcham, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, Andra Maxwell, City Solicitor and Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer responded to questions from the Committee.
Councillor Starr inquired about when the taxi service industry and essential workers will be getting vaccinated. Mayor Crombie, and Mr. Mitcham responded noting that Phase 2 of the vaccine roll-out plan encompasses a broad category and is scheduled to be vaccinated in June. Mr. Mitcham and Ms. Maxwell noted that he would redistribute the chart to Members of Council to include in their Councillor’s Newsletters.
Councillor Damerla requested that staff prepare a Mayor’s letter to the Premier of Ontario requesting that municipalities be allowed to regulate and enforce their City By-laws surrounding hours of operation for construction.
Councillor Saito inquired if the newly announced City of Brampton Property Tax Deferral Program was similar to the City of Mississauga’s deferral program and if the City will be requesting deferring remittance to the School Boards again. Mr. Kent responded noting that the Brampton’s tax deferral program is similar to the City’s and further noted that he would follow up with the Province regarding the deferral remittance to the school boards.
DIRECTION to staff was given to prepare a Mayor’s Letter to the Province of Ontario and the Peel’s Medical Officer of Health outlining why personal care services should be considered an essential service. The letter should include the deputant’s presentation materials and highlight that personal care services operate under similar health and safety regulations as other essential services, such as dentist and physiotherapy offices.