Paul Mitcham, City Manager, provided brief introductory comments regarding Bill 23.
Katherine Morton, Manager, Planning Strategies, provided an overview on Bill 23 including the background, key themes, potential financial impacts, parkland, infill and intensification, affordable housing, heritage and natural environment.
Members of Council spoke to the matter and raised questions and concerns regarding:
- The Provinces difference to the Development Charges; the previous threshold of affordability and whether slide number 7 in the presentation speaks to eligibility or affordability
- Affordability and rental protection regarding accessible and senior units / flood mitigation and adaptation with respect to Dundas Connects and conservation authorities; prepare Mayor's letter to make submissions
- Loss of money over the next 10 years from a Regional perspective; difficulty to maintain Parkland POPS (Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Spaces) versus non Parkland POPS; and pose to the Premier "to what degree are you committed to the democratic process"
- Concerns of the impact of Site Control; heritage designation, district, and landscape / shovel to the ground for the building permit should be included in the letter to the Province.
- Direct impact on resident’s finances.
- Immediate communications media campaign and support
- During the Budget engagement sessions the Mayor should lead with the tax hit due to Bill 23
Members of the Leadership Team responded to questions from Members of Council.
Robert Trewartha, Director, Strategic Communications & Initiatives, spoke to communication and education strategy.
Councillor Parrish put forth a Motion for the Mayor to work with Ontario's Big City Mayors (OBCM) on developing and implementing a campaign to inform residents of the impact of Bill 23 through a professional public relations firm, and to ensure that residents are informed that the municipalities have not created the housing supply shortage.