Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2 (Chair)
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3 (Vice-chair)
  • Adrianne Szabo, Citizen Member
  • Barbara Leskovec, Citizen Member
  • Bill Johnston, Citizen Member
  • Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member
  • Mark Currie, Citizen Member
  • Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member
  • Ryan Donik, Citizen Member
  • Vicki Tran, Citizen Member

Agency Representatives/City Staff

Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services 
Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation 
Fred Sandoval, Coordinator, Active Transportation
Jeremy Blair, Manager, Transportation Infrastructure Management
Colin Patterson, Manager, Traffic Services & Road Safety
Catherine Nguyen-Pham, Communications Advisor  
Eglantina Bacaj-Gondia, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor Tedjo, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Councillor Tedjo, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

That the June 11, 2024 Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee Agenda be approved as presented.

Approved (B. Johnston)

That the April 9, 2024 Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee minutes be approved.

Approved (Councillor Fonseca) 

Laura Zeglen, Coordinator, Active Transportation spoke to the School Walking Routes Program.

Committee Members inquired about the types of infrastructure provided to schools, private partnerships, recognition of students, and Region of Peel and Mississauga service and program changes; and L. Zeglen, Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services, and Jeremy Blair, Manager, Transportation Infrastructure Management responded to inquiries.

Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member expressed interest in collaborating with L. Zeglen on the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee Youth/Cycling Recognition Award.

    Moved ByMoaz Ahmad

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Laura Zeglen, Coordinator, Active Transportation regarding the Mississauga School Walking Routes Program: 2023-2024 Year in Review dated June 11, 2024, be received.


Fred Sandoval, Coordinator, Active Transportation spoke to the Cycling Program Quarterly Update.

Committee Members inquired and commented on the Dixie pedestrian bridge accident on the QEW, Collegeway project cycle lanes, Rathburn-Ponytrail raised crosswalks, Orbitor Drive cycle lanes, and Square One Drive West extension; F. Sandoval, Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation and Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services responded to inquiries.

    Moved ByJuelene Stennett

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Fred Sandoval, Coordinator, Active Transportation regarding the Cycling Program Quarterly Update dated June 11, 2024, be received.


Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation spoke to the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee 2024 Work Plan Workshop Summary and highlighted discussion points from the Committee's workshop in 2023. 

Committee Members commented on the need to prioritize work plan goals and items based on capacity.

Councillor Tedjo, Chair suggested the Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee and Cycling Network and Technical Subcommittee meet to discuss priorities for each year of the term and seek staff support if required; additionally, Councillor Tedjo, Chair proposed using the Committee's appreciation dinner in December 2024 as an opportunity to workshop the work plan items for the term.

    Moved ByMark Currie

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation regarding the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee 2024 Work Plan, be received.

    Moved ByAdrianne Szabo

    That the following items were approved on consent:

    • 10.1 - Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee 2024 Action List (5 minutes)
    • 11.2 - Memorandum from Jacqueline Hunter, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, Active Transportation, dated June 4, 2024 and entitled "BikeFest 2024 Recap"
    • 11.3 - News release dated May 30, 2024 entitled "June is Bike Month: Get outside and explore Mississauga on two wheels" 
    • 11.4 - Report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated April 17, 2024 and entitled “2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 4)”

No discussion took place regarding this matter. 

    Moved ByAdrianne Szabo

    That the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee 2024 Action Item List, be approved.


This item was discussed after item 10.3

Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member, noted that the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee revised the award nomination criteria for the four Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee awards.

Councillor Tedjo, Chair inquired about the timeline for promoting and presenting the awards.  Catherine Nguyen-Pham, Advisor, Communications noted that promotion would occur from August to late Fall; and J. Stennett, Citizen Member indicated the awards would be presented in the Spring of the following year. 

    Moved ByRyan Donik

    That the memorandum from Eglantina Bacaj-Gondia, Legislative Coordinator, Legislative Services dated June 4, 2024 and entitled "Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee Awards Nomination Criteria Revisions", be received.

    Moved ByRyan Donik

    That recommendations GC-0492-2022 and GC-0049-2024 be deleted and replaced with the following to be reflective of the Phil Green Recognition Award nomination criteria:

    1. That the description of the award reflect the following “The Phil Green Recognition Award is presented annually by the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee, or a representative thereof, to a person or persons who have demonstrated exemplary effort to the cause of promoting or furthering cycling or other forms of sustainable transportation in the City of Mississauga over the preceding year.
    2. That Mississauga resident(s) of any age are eligible for the Phil Green Recognition Award.
    3. That the nomination criteria reflect that nominees or any member of their immediate family are not a current member of, or have not been a member of the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee (MCAC) for a minimum of a full term of Council.
    4. That the nominees or any member of their immediate family are not employed with the City of Mississauga or the Region of Peel in any capacity related to cycling or sustainable transportation.
    5. That nominees have not been awarded the Phil Green Recognition Award within the last four years.
    6. That self-nominations be permitted.
    7. That the award may be awarded to the same winner(s) every four years.
    8. That the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee be the Nominating Committee to request, review and recommend nominations to MCAC.
    9. That the nominations be ratified at the end of the calendar year and presented to City Council in the spring of every year.
    10. That the nomination includes a description of the contribution of the nominee, i.e., details such as project(s) undertaken, length of time involved and community impact; and two (2) letters from individuals or organizations in support of nomination.
    11. That a word count for the description of contribution and nominations be maximum 300 words per nomination.
    Moved ByRyan Donik

    That recommendations GC-0492-2022 and GC-0050-2024 be deleted and replaced with the following to be reflective of the Youth/School Cycling Recognition Award nomination criteria:

    1. That the description of the award reflect the following “The Youth/School Cycling Recognition Award is presented by the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee, or a representative thereof, to a student or group of students who promoted cycling amongst their peers and/ or actively set an example for safe cycling in the City of Mississauga over the preceding year.”
    2. That the Student(s) between the ages of 12 and 18, attending an elementary, middle, or secondary school in the City of Mississauga are eligible for the Youth/School Cycling Recognition Award.
    3. That the nomination criteria reflect that nominees or any member of their immediate family are not a current member of, or have not been a member of the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee (MCAC) for a minimum of a full term of Council.
    4. That the nominees or any member of their immediate family are not employed with the City of Mississauga or the Region of Peel in any capacity related to cycling or sustainable transportation.
    5. That nominees have not been awarded the Youth/School Cycling Recognition Award within the last four years.
    6. That self-nominations be permitted.
    7. That the award may be awarded to the same winner(s) every four years.
    8. That the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee be the Nominating Committee to request, review and recommend nominations to MCAC.
    9. That the nominations be ratified at the end of the calendar year and presented to City Council in the spring of every year.
    10. That the nomination includes a description of the contribution of the nominee, i.e., details such as project(s) undertaken, length of time involved and community impact; and two (2) letters from individuals or organizations in support of nomination.
    11. That a word count for the description of contribution and nominations be maximum 300 words per nomination. 
    Moved ByRyan Donik

    That recommendations GC-0492-2022 and GC-0050-2024 be deleted and replaced with the following to be reflective of the Business Cycling Recognition Award nomination criteria:

    1. That the description of the award reflect the following “The Business Cycling Recognition Award is presented by the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee, or a representative thereof, to a business or business owner who have demonstrated exemplary effort to the cause of promoting cycling amongst their employees and/or customers by breaking down barriers to cycling, including but not limited to establishing safe bicycle parking, discounts for cyclists, and more in the City of Mississauga over the preceding year.”
    2. That the nominees be a business or business owner in the City of Mississauga.
    3. That the nomination criteria reflect that nominees or any member of their immediate family are not a current member of, or have not been a member of the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee (MCAC) for a minimum of a full term of Council.
    4. That the nominees or any member of their immediate family are not employed with the City of Mississauga or the Region of Peel in any capacity related to cycling or sustainable transportation.
    5. That nominees have not been awarded the Business Cycling Recognition Award within the last four years.
    6. That self-nominations be permitted.
    7. That the award may be awarded to the same winner(s) every four years.
    8. That the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee be the Nominating Committee to request, review and recommend nominations to MCAC.
    9. That the nominations be ratified at the end of the calendar year and presented to City Council in the spring of every year.
    10. That the nomination includes a description of the contribution of the nominee, i.e., details such as project(s) undertaken, length of time involved and community impact; and two (2) letters from individuals or organizations in support of nomination.
    11. That a word count for the description of contribution and nominations be maximum 300 words per nomination.
    Moved ByRyan Donik

    That recommendations GC-0492-2022 and GC-0050-2024 be deleted and replaced with the following to be reflective of the Cycling Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Recognition Award nomination criteria:

    1. That the description of the award reflect the following “The Cycling Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Recognition Award is presented by the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee, or a representative thereof, to a person or persons who have demonstrated EDI while promoting cycling or other forms of sustainable transportation through implementation of specific programs or initiatives to improve access to related resources, events etc., for marginalized (i.e., people with disabilities, low-income households) and other, underrepresented communities in the City of Mississauga over the preceding year.”
    2. That Mississauga resident(s) of any age are eligible for the Cycling Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Recognition Award.
    3. That the nominee(s) be a person or group residing or working in the City of Mississauga.
    4. That the nomination criteria reflect that nominees or any member of their immediate family are not a current member of, or have not been a member of the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee (MCAC) for a minimum of a full term of Council.
    5. That the nominees or any member of their immediate family are not employed with the City of Mississauga or the Region of Peel in any capacity related to cycling or sustainable transportation.
    6. That nominees have not been awarded the Cycling Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Recognition Award within the last four years.
    7. That self-nominations be permitted.
    8. That the award may be awarded to the same winner(s) every four years.
    9. That the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee be the Nominating Committee to request, review and recommend nominations to MCAC.
    10. That the nominations be ratified at the end of the calendar year and presented to City Council in the spring of every year.
    11. That the nomination includes a description of the contribution of the nominee, i.e., details such as project(s) undertaken, length of time involved and community impact; and two (2) letters from individuals or organizations in support of nomination.
    12. That a word count for the description of contribution and nominations be maximum 300 words per nomination. 
  • Subcommittee is scheduled to meet by the end of June 2024

This item was discussed prior to item 10.2

Mark Currie, Citizen Member noted that the Mississauga Cycling Network and Technical Subcommittee is planning to meet with the WSP consultants over the summer to validate and advocate for the recommended improvement activities.

    Moved ByAdrianne Szabo

    That the Mississauga Cycling Network and Technical Subcommittee update on June 11, 2024 from Mark Currie, Citizen Member, be received. 


This item was discussed during item 7.3

This memorandum was received at the March 19, 2024 Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee meeting - GC-0174-2024.

No discussion took place regarding this matter. 

    Moved ByAdrianne Szabo

    That the Memorandum from Jacqueline Hunter, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, Active Transportation, dated June 4, 2024 and entitled "BikeFest 2024 Recap", be received.


No discussion took place regarding this matter. 

    Moved ByAdrianne Szabo

    That the news release dated May 30, 2024 entitled "June is Bike Month: Get outside and explore Mississauga on two wheels", be received.


Referred from General Committee on May 8, 2024 for information as per GC-0219-2024

No discussion took place regarding this matter. 

    Moved ByAdrianne Szabo

    That the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated April 17, 2024 and entitled “2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 4)”, be received.


Vicki Tran, Citizen Member inquired about closing bike infrastructure on the Burnhamthorpe Multi-use path and the lack of clear communication and signs during construction.

Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services responded noting the challenge of coordinating with Regional Works, and the necessity of including an active transportation lens in construction management.

Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation spoke to the bridge on the Burnhamthorpe trail and the technical challenges in maintaining cyclist and pedestrian access during the trail rehabilitation.

Bill Johnston, Citizen Member inquired about cyclist safety reporting and accident prevention in relation to infrastructure.

Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services commented on the importance of educating the community and mentioned staff receive collision incident reports from the Regional Police and are currently analyzing the data for trends and correlations to focus on intervention and mitigation activities.

Councillor Tedjo, Chair noted the data break down would be helpful in discussions around building a safe infrastructure network.  Direction was given to Active Transportation staff to provide a report on the collision data break down at a future Mississauga Cycling Advisory meeting.

7:12 PM (M. Currie)

No Item Selected