Accessibility Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Living Arts Centre - Mississauga Room, 2nd Floor
4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga, ON
  • Councillor Matt Mahoney , Ward 8
  • Carol-Ann Chafe, Citizen Member (Chair)
  • Asim Zaidi, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair)
  • Alessia Commisso, Citizen Member
  • Clement Lowe, Citizen Member
  • Mary Daniel, Citizen Member
  • Moneira Salic, Citizen Member
  • Naz Husain, Citizen Member
  • Paul Wilk, Citizen Member
  • Steven Viera, Citizen Member
Members Absent
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9
  • Amanda Ramkishun, Citizen Member

Carol-Ann Chafe, Chair called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM

Carol-Ann Chafe, Chair asked that members introduce themselves

Councillor Matt Mahoney read the Indigenous Land Statement.

Approved (P. Wilk)

Carol-Ann Chafe, Chair and Mary Daniel, Citizen Member declared a conflict with item 6.3.  - Share Micro-mobility Program Demonstrations verbal update.

Staff Sergeant Mike Lockington spoke to the Peel Regional Police Chief Resource Council and request for volunteers from the Committee to join and provide an accessibility lens and ongoing insight into services and programs and inform on matters in the community to make services better and accessible.

Committee members discussed the application process, meeting frequency and location.

    Moved ByS. Viera

    That the deputation by Staff Sergeant Mike Lockington of the Peel Regional Police to the Accessibility Advisory Committee on December 11, 2023, regarding the Peel Regional Police Chief Resource Council, be received for information.


Alice Ho, Manager, Service Delivery and Jacqueline Elias, Supervisor, Transit Infrastructure Planning, MiWay presented their deputation to the committee and discussed preferred locations for Tactile Walking Surface Indicators on platform edges, multi-use pads at bus stops and whether tactile plates are necessary for multi-use trails.  Ms. Ho described the difference between the tactile walking surface indicators (TWSIs) and tactile directional indicators (TDIs) and presented the members with several scenarios showing various locations to use TWSI's and asked members for their input. 

Members discussed their views and experience with tactile indicators, the need for colour contrast of the TDI indicator and what was determined in the Facility Accessibility Design Guidelines.

    Moved ByM. Daniel

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Alice Ho, Manager, Transit Operations Service Delivery and Jacqueline Elias, Supervisor, Transit Infrastructure Planning, MiWay to the Accessibility Advisory Committee on December 11, 2023 on MiWay Bus Stop Standards:  Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSIs), be received for information.


Mattea Turco, Transportation Planner and Matthew Sweet, Manager Active Transportation provided a verbal deputation to the Committee regarding the Micro-Mobility Share program demonstration and requested that two members participate so staff would receive input around requirements such as parking, the different types of micro-mobility vehicles, stations and mobile applications.

    Moved ByP. Wilk

    That the verbal update provided by Mattea Turco, Transportation Planner and Matthew Sweet, Manager Active Transportation to the Accessibility Advisory Committee on December 11, 2023 regarding the Share Micro-mobility Program be received and that Moneira Salic and Naz Husain, Citizen Members from the Accessibility Advisory Committee were nominated to participate in the demonstration.



Dan Sadler, Supervisor Accessibility provided his presentation to the Committee on the 2023 Accessibility Compliance Update and advised that the City was compliant in all categories except the website and content PDF documents and advised that a working group has been created to review and create accessible PDFs.  Mr. Sadler advised the Committee that the provincial inspection took place in October and the City files their compliance report every two years.

    Moved ByN. Husain

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Dan Sadler, Supervisor Accessibility to the Accessibility Advisory Committee on December 11, 2023 entitled 2023 Accessibility Compliance Update, be received for information.


There were no questions registered by the public.

There were no items on consent.

Accessibility Staff will provide a brief verbal update with respect to the Accessibility For Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

There no were updates at this time.

Councillor Mahoney, Carol-Ann Chafe, Vice-Chair and Mary Daniel, Citizen Member and Members of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee will provide a brief verbal update.

Mary Daniel, Citizen Member provided an update on the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee and advised that a report on Peel Housing Accessibility Design was provided November 2, 2023 and Councillor Mahoney responded to questions in regard to the transition board and services.

    Moved ByP. Wilk

    That the verbal update regarding the Region of Peel’s Accessibility Advisory Committee provided by Mary Daniel, Citizen Member and Councillor Matt Mahoney Member of the ROP AAC be received.


Staff provided an update on the workplan and addition of the 20 year anniversary planning process.

    Moved ByN. Husain

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Work Plan discussed at the meeting held December 11, 2023, be approved.

    Moved ByA. Zaidi

    That the memorandum from Martha Cameron, Legislative Coordinator entitled "2024 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Dates" dated October 16, 2023, be approved.

    Moved ByM. Daniel

    That the Recommendations FADS-0011-2023 and FADS-0012-2023 from the Facility Accessibility Design Subcommittee meeting held September 25, 2023, be approved.

    Moved ByP. Wilk

    That the Recommendations FADS-0013-2023 and FADS-0014-2023 from the Facility Accessibility Design Subcommittee held November 20, 2023, be approved.


Carol-Ann Chafe, Chair and Citizen Member provided an update to the Committee on the planning of the 20 year anniversary celebration.

    Moved ByM. Salic

    That the verbal update presented by Carol-Ann Chafe on December 11, 2023 regarding the planning of the 20 Year Anniversary celebration of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, be received for information.


Steven Viera, Citizen member provided members with an update on the Transit Advisory Committee meetings and highlights of each meeting.

    Moved ByP. Wilk

    That the verbal update provided by Steven Viera, Citizen Member to the Accessibility Advisory Committee on December 11, 2023 regarding the Transit Advisory Committee, be received for information.


Committee members acknowledged Carol-Ann Chafe, Chair for receipt of the David Onley Award for Leadership and Accessibility.

Monday, January 22, 2024 at 1:30 pm

Monday, February 4, 2024 at 2:00 pm

(S. Viera)