Transit Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6, Chair
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member
  • Shauna Brail, Citizen Member
  • Doris Cooper, Citizen Member
  • David Fisher, Citizen Member
  • Jonathan Giggs, Citizen Member
  • Abbas Khambati, Citizen Member
  • Julia Le, Citizen Member
  • Paul Meo, Citizen Member
  • Louroz Mercader, Citizen Member
  • Mark Song, Citizen Member
  • Steven Viera, Citizen Member
Staff Present
  • Angie Melo

Staff Present

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Worka
Mary-Lou Johnston, Manager, Business Development, MiWay
Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor Horneck, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM

Councillor Horneck, Chair cited the Indigenous Land Statement.

That the March 5, 2024 Transit Advisory Committee agenda be approved as presented.

Approved (D. Fisher) 

That the November 7, 20232 Transit Advisory Committee Minutes be approved.

Approved (Councillor J. Kovac)

Any member of the public interested in making a deputation to an item listed on the agenda must register by calling 905-615-3200 ext. 5423 or by emailing by Monday, March 4, 2024 before 4:00 PM

Each Deputation to Committee is limited to speaking not more that 10 minutes.

Pursuant to Section 57.1 of the Council Procedure By-law 0044-2022, as amended:

Deputations shall be received and the matter shall be referred to staff for a report, unless there is a resolution or recommendation passed to “receive” the Deputation. After a Deputation is completed, Members shall each have one opportunity to make a preamble statement and ask questions to the Deputant(s) or staff for clarification purposes only, and without debate.

Jan Durkiewicz and Ethan Lam, on behalf of University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM), Urbanism Club spoke to the challenges students face when using the digital UPass system and how the Ontario One Fare Program interacts with the digital format.  Mr. Durkiewicz noted that feedback from the survey done in collaboration with Miway, indicates the major complaint is the scanners.  Mr. Durkiewicz noted that the Ontario One Fare Program only applies to Presto cards, students who are transferring from a Miway bus to another transit system will have to pay an additional fare.

Ethan Lam suggested that the UPass move from digital format to a linked presto card format which would not only eliminate the extra fare but would also resolve the issues relating to the scanning of the UPass.

Mary-Lou Johnston, Senior Manager, Business Development, advised that Operators have been informed of onboarding procedures when scanners are not functioning properly, and further noted that Miway have begun discussions with Metrolinx regarding the Presto and UPass program and that there could potentially be a launch of the program in the fall of 2025.

In response to Councillor Damerla's enquiry with respect to the timelines for the launch of the linked UPass program, Geoff Wright, Commissioner, advised that staff will continue discussions with Metrolinx and look for opportunities to fast track the timelines.

In response to Councillor Damerla's enquiry with respect to the differences between the UPass and Presto program and what other universities have the UPass program, Mary-Lou Johnston, Senior Manager, Business Development, explained the functional differences and the security features of both fare programs.  Ms. Johnston noted that in the GTAA, only the McMaster University’s UPass is linked with Presto, while UTM and Durham University UPasses are not.

Mary-Lou Johnston, Senior Manager, Business Development responded to Committee Member's enquiries regarding having representatives of Metrolinx responsible for the Presto program invited to the next Transit Advisory Committee meeting; whether staff are collaborating with representatives of Durham in discussions with Metrolinx, and whether there are interim solutions available.

    Moved ByS. Viera

    That the deputation from Jan Durkiewicz and Ethan Lam, on behalf of University of Toronto Mississauga, Urbanism Club  with respect to the new Ontario One Fare Program impacts to student negotiations to renew the U-Pass with MiWay be received for information.


Ethan Lam provided a summary of the survey results that was conducted in the fall of 2023 that identified challenges on various bus routes and the impacts of the challenges which resulted in students being late in attending academic responsibilities. 

Jan Durkiewicz, spoke to the statistics provided by Christian Parise, Resident, with respect to transit service to the UTM campus, and noted that many students identified that the main routes that service the UTM campus are less frequent than they were pre-pandemic.  Mr. Durkiewicz suggested that express weekend service be added during exam sessions, and to meet with MiWay staff to go over the survey results and trip statistics.

Committee Members engaged in discussion and enquired about UTM site parking fees, incentives for students to use transit; what measures does UTM administration have in place that deals with attending late for exams; does UTM administration address transit issues with MiWay staff on behalf of student; what are the capacity constraints for buses entering UTM campus; and servicing Route 110 with articulated buses only.

    Moved ByM. Ahmad

    That the deputation from Jan Durkiewicz and Ethan Lam, on behalf of University of Toronto Mississauga, Urbanism Club  with respect to transit commuter issues facing the student body, including issues with the U-Pass and bus frequency be received for information.


student feedback on transit in the city and how their experiences have changed since the Fall semester

Ethan Lam provided an overview of the winter survey results and highlighted the differences between the winter and fall survey.

Jan Durkiewicz concluded that despite transit related issues, there is still a positive opinion among students to take transit; however urgent action is needed to deal with current transit issues to increase service as the UTM population grows, and solutions to the UPass, to retain and grow ridership.

Committee Members engaged in discussion and enquired about the percentage of participation in the survey; does the student survey results align with survey results that Miway has conducted; what are MiWay's plan to address concerns raised; what is the model split ratio.

    Moved ByJ. Le

    That the deputation from Jan Durkiewicz and Ethan Lam, on behalf of University of Toronto Mississauga, Urbanism Club with respect to statistics from Winter survey in collaboration with MiWay regarding student feedback on transit in the city and how their experiences have changed since the Fall semester be received for information.


Suzanne Holder, Customer Service and Innovation, provide a summary of MiWay’s customer service and experience and the next steps.

Committee Members engaged in discussion and enquired about operating hours for the customer service call centre and how after hours issues are dealt with; improvements to the quality of service provided; communication plan for rolling out updated Charter; reporting action plan on responding to Charter commitments and success strategy; what methods were leveraged to address/prioritize the recommendations;  how do we ensure these matrix align with other municipalities; what service areas should MiWay be recognized for, to celebrate and share with other transit agencies; coordinating transit services and assessment of the impact relating to construction issues and traffic management around the LRT with Metrolinx and Mobilink; more focus on customer service for persons with disability; what is the process for enquiries related to transit services; and what safety measures are in place for persons using walkers, wheelchairs and other assistance devices to safely secure them on the bus.

    Moved ByD. Cooper

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Suzanne Holder, Manager, Customer Success and Innovation with respect to Customer Success Program be received for information.


Naz, resident enquired about the changes to bus route 9 and 20 and enquired why both services could not be combined.  Mary-Lou Johnston, Senior Manager, Business advised that she does not have the specific reasons; however, routes changes are normally based on ridership and efficiencies, and that she would reach out to the resident to provide more details on the route he enquired on.

Councillor J. Horneck, Chair, provided an overview purpose of the Committee's Work Plan and the development of the Work Plan through sessions facilitated by staff moderators.

    Moved ByS. Viera

    That the 2024 Transit Advisory Committee Work Plan be approved as presented.


Louroz Mercado spoke to the provincial announcement regarding the City of Mississauga getting a bigger downtown loop with the LRT and would suggest Metrolinx be invited to a Transit Advisory Committee meeting to provide more details, and the announcement of all day - 2 Way service on the Milton GO line.

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works responded to Jonathan Gigg's enquiry regarding whether an analysis report would be presented to the Transit Advisory Committee for feedback on the reduced children's and Senior's fare pilot project.

8:08 PM (M. Ahmed)