Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
  • Alvin Tedjo, Councillor
  • Dipika Damerla, Councillor
  • Martin Reid, Councillor
  • Abdul Qayyum Mufti, Citizen Member
  • Emi Roni, Citizen Member
  • Joann De Murrell, Citizen Member
  • Michelle Eze, Citizen Member
  • Nicole Rye, Citizen Member
  • Pamela Gunn, Citizen Member
  • Samuel Cooper, Citizen Member
  • Seshagiri Pingali, Citizen Member
  • Sonia Ojha, Citizen Member
  • Tony Oseivhi, Citizen Member

Michelle Sanstra, Legislative Coordinator called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM.

Members of the Committee and staff briefly introduced themselves.

Michelle Sanstra, Legislative Coordinator, called for nominations for appointment of the Chair for the Combating racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee.

Sonia Ojha, Citizen Member and Pamela Gunn, Citizen Member nominated themselves. Ms. Ojha and Ms. Gunn spoke briefly as to why they should be chair.

Pamela Gunn, Citizen Member accepted the nomination.


    That Pamela Gunn be appointed Co-Chair of the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee for the term ending November 14, 2026 or until a successor is appointed.

Diana Rusnov, Director, Legislative Services & City Clerk called for nominations for appointment of Co-Chair for the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee.

Councillor Reid nominated Councillor Damerla as Co-Chair, no other nominations were received.

Councillor Damerla accepted the nomination and took over as Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

    Moved ByMartin Reid

    That Councillor Dipika Damerla be appointed Co-chair of the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee for the term ending November 14, 2026 or until a successor is appointed.


Councillor Damerla, cited the Indigenous Land Statement.

That the September 23, 2023 Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee agenda be approved as presented.

Approved ( P. Gunn)

Uzma Shakir, Strategic Leader Diversity & Inclusion spoke to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 2022 (EDI) Progress Report.

Members of the Committee engaged in discussion and enquired about the following:

  • Prioritizing action items - processes and implementation
  • Respectful Workplace and Workplace Violence Policies Review - adding culture, language and dress for inclusivity
  • Days of Significance - recognizing other days of Significance
  • Significance of name change of the Committee - From Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee 

Ms. Shakir and Robert Trewartha, Director Strategic Communications & Initiatives responded to the enqiuries from the Committee.

Action Item: For staff to present on Days of Significance at a future meeting. 

    Moved ByPamela Gunn

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Uzma Shakir, Strategic Leader, Diversity & Inclusion regarding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 2022 Progress Report, be received.


Uzma Shakir, Strategic Leader Diversity & Inclusion spoke to the Canadian Legislative obligations regarding Racism, Diversity & Hatred.

Michelle Eze, Citizen Member enquired about Indigenous Relations. Ms. Shakir responded to the enquiry from Ms. Eze. 

Councillor Reid suggested that Committee members review the EDI  progress report from 2022.

Action Item: For John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations , Heritage and Museums to attend a future meeting to speak on Indigenous relations.

    Moved ByMartin Reid

    That the deputation and assoicated presentation from Uzma Shakir, Strategic Leader, Diversity & Inclusion regarding Canadian Legislative Obligations regarding Racism, Diversity & Hatred, be received.


No members of the public registered to speak.

    Moved ByMichelle Eze

    That the following item(s) were approved under consent agenda:

    • 9.1 - 2023 Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee Orientation

Uzma Shakir, Strategic Leader Diversity & Inclusion spoke to the facilitating a workshop to formulate a work plan.

Councillor Damerla suggested Committee members give their ideas as to what should be included on the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee (CRDHAC) Work Plan and suggested the workshop take place before the November meeting.

Members of the Committee engaged in discussion and spoke about:

Our EDI Narrative

  • Communicate our narrative to bring communities along
  • Inform community at large how focusing on one community empowers all – be inclusive/explain Days of Significance

 KPIs and Data

  • Use measurement to inform communities
  • Develop effective metrics to tell our story and be accountable
  • Establish a hotline to encourage reporting of racism/discrimination/hate
  • Monitor/track hate incidents
  • Collect data to understand what is the nature of community experience and how/who is being impacted

 Community Capacity Building

  • Publicize our EDI ‘improvement’ plan on racism/discrimination/hate to empower communities to fight for their own rights – build community capacity
  • Build community network against hate in the City – call it out!
  • Raise our voice whenever we see racism, discrimination and/or hate e.g. anti gay protests

Women’s Empowerment

  • Women’s health – e.g. access to menstrual products for marginalized women, Indigenous women
  • Programs to address discrimination against women

 Indigenous Relations

Build deep and authentic relations with Indigenous communities – be ‘woke’ to performative gestures!

Youth Issues 

  • Build programs to empower youth to fulfill their destiny
  • Address discrimination/marginality of immigrant/racialized youth in the school system

 Other key issues:

  • Develop key resources like Indigenous/Black/equity deserving group owned businesses registry to impact procurement decisions – social procurement
  • Review policies/procedure’s language to avoid binary constructions e.g. Code of Conduct
    Moved BySonia Ojha

    That the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and Work Plan Discussion, be received.


Members of the Committee engaged in discussion and support a committee meeting hybrid model.

    Moved BySonia Ojha

    That the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee meetings be provided in hybrid format.


Councillor Tedjo enquired about changing the meeting start time from 6:30 PM to 6 PM. Members of the Committee engaged in discussion and decided for the time being that the meeting time will stay at 6:30 PM for the November meeting and will discuss the matter in the New Year.

    Moved BySonia Ojha

    That the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee 2023 Meeting Date Memorandum, be received.


Samuel Cooper, Citizen Member requested a summary/biography of each Committee Member. Councillor Damerla, Chair responded to Mr. Cooper's request.  Michelle Sanstra, Legislative Coordinator will forward by email the summary/biography of the Committee Members once in receipt.

A.Q. Mufti enquired about the number of Committee members listed in the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee Terms of Reference compared to the number that were appointed. Councillor Damerla responded to Mr. Mufti's enquiry.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Council Chambers, Civic Centre

and Online Video Conference

7:43 PM (Councillor Reid)