That the deputation and associated presentation by Laura Zeglen, Active Transportation Coordinator with respect to School Walking Routes program update and Safety Audit Walks be received.
That the Site Inspection report for the site inspection conducted on November 26, 2024 at the intersection of Lakeshore Road West and Silver Birch Trail for the students attending Green Glade Senior Public School, be received.
(MSTSAC-0002-2025) (Ward 2)
- That the warrants have not been met to extend the hours of the crossing guard at Truscott Drive and Lewisham Drive for the students of Horizon Jeunesse Elementary School.
- That Transportation and Works be requested to paint ladder markings on all four legs of the intersection of Truscott Drive and Lewisham Drive.
(MSTSAC-0003-2025) (Ward 2)
That Transportation and Works be requested to review the feasibility of installing a barrier on the north side of Ontario Street across the sidewalk at the railway tracks to prevent student access to the railway tracks when trains are approaching for the students attending Dolphin Senior Public School.
(MSTSAC-0004-2025) (Ward 11)
- That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard in front of St. Richard Catholic Elementary School at the intersection of Copenhagen Road and Joliette Crescent for the students attending St. Richard Catholic Elementary School.
- That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to inspect the west leg of Copenhagen Road and Joliette Crescent in the Spring of 2025.
(MSTSAC-0005-2025) (Ward 9)
- That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the pedestrian crossover (PXO) in front of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School.
- That Transportation & Works be requested to:
- Update the PXO pedestrian information sign at the pedestrian crossover in front of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School.
- Review the painted crosswalk ladder markings at the pedestrian crossover in front of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School to determine if they require re-painting.
- That the principal of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School be requested to share the PXO pedestrian information sign with students and parents in a school newsletter once installed, as a reminder to always push the pedestrian button and wait for vehicles to stop.
(MSTSAC-0006-2025) (Ward 9)
- That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Ceremonial Drive and Heritage Hills Boulevard for the students attending St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School.
- That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect the intersection of Ceremonial Drive and Heritage Hills Boulevard in the Spring of 2025.
(MSTSAC-0007-2025) (Ward 5)
- That Transportation and Works be requested to:
- paint ladder markings on all four legs of the intersection Burnhamthorpe Road West and Ridgeway Drive.
- review the "no stopping" prohibitions on the north side of Burnhamthorpe Road West.
- That Transportation and Works be requested to to review the feasibility of:
- extending the "no stopping" zone on Burnhamthorpe Road West at Ridgeway Drive and review the placement of the "no stopping" signs on the northeast side of Burnhamthorpe Road West and Ridgeway Drive.
- implementing an advanced walk phase.
- implementing school zone signage on Burnhamthorpe Road West.
- That the Principal of Loyola Catholic Secondary School be requested to:
- notify the parents and students attending Loyola Catholic Secondary School if recommendation 2.a is implemented.
- remind parents of students attending Loyola Catholic Secondary School to use the Kiss and Ride in front of the school on Sladeview Crescent to drop off students.
- That Parking Enforcement be requested to enforce the "no stopping" zones on Burnhamthorpe Road West between the hours of 7:55 - 8:15 am and 2:10 - 2:30 pm.
(MSTSAC-0008-2025) (Ward 8)
GC-0065 -2025
That the petition received by Council at its December 11, 2024 meeting, from Nishant Dasgupta, Resident regarding traffic calming measures on Cedarglen Gate between Dundas Street West and Parmeer Drive, be referred to Transportation and Works, Traffic Services and Road Safety staff.
(MSTSAC-0009 -2025) (Ward 7)
That the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Site Inspection Statistics Report – November 2024 be received.
That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for November and December 2024 be received.
That the Transportation and Works Action Items List for November 2024 be received.