Budget Committee

Meeting #:
9:30AM - 12:30PM
Online Video Conference
  • Mayor Bonnie Crombie, Chair
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Karen Ras, Ward 2
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor John Kovac , Ward 4
  • Councillor Carolyn Parrish, Ward 5
  • Councillor Ron Starr, Ward 6
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla , Ward 7
  • Councillor Matt Mahoney, Ward 8
  • Councillor Pat Saito, Ward 9
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor George Carlson, Ward 11

Staff Present 

Paul Mitcham, City Manager and CAO 

Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer

Jeff Jackson, Director of Finance and Treasurer

Geoff Wright, Commissioner of Transportation and Works

Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner of Planning and Building 

Shari Lichterman, Commissioner of Community Services

Diana Rusnov, Director of Legislative Services and City Clerk

Sacha Smith, Manager of Legislative Services and Deputy Clerk

Dayna Obaseki, Legislative Coordinator

Mayor Crombie, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:31AM.

Approved (Councillor Ras)

Considered on November 23:

Mr. Kent provided opening remarks regarding the City of Mississauga's 2021 Budget. He briefly noted the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the City’s financial economy and the financial forecast challenge.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden

    That the deputation by Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer providing opening remarks with respect to the 2021 Budget be received.


Mr. Grantham provided an overview on the Ontario and overall Canadian Economy, which included the following subject matters: COVID recovery, identifying that this is not a 'normal' recession, the affects of working from home, travel, and post vaccine economy impacts. 


Members of Committee spoke to the matter and raised the following questions and concerns:

  • CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) and household income;
  • Government debt load and GDP (Gross Domestic Product);
  • The impacts of working from home on transit and office space; and
  • Commercial Real Estate.

Mr. Grantham responded to questions from the Committee.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Andrew Grantham, Executive Director and Senior Economist, CIBC Capital Markets with respect the Economic Outlook be received.


Ms. Brown provided an update on Mississauga's economic development, COVID impacts and recovery paths.  She provided an overview on Mississauga prior to the pandemic, the impacts of COVID on business and growth sectors and the City's recovery plan.  She highlighted that the City possessed a strong economy before the pandemic and how the City plans to recover through building economic resilience, innovation investment and business attraction. 


Members of Committee spoke to the matter and raised the following questions and concerns:

  • Economic Development Office (EDO) uptake from the smaller businesses;
  • The challenges and economic crisis the small businesses are facing;
  • Lack of web presence and social media for small businesses;
  • Portable signs;
  • Communication strategy;
  • Comparison of COVID numbers between the lower-tier municipalities;
  • COVID fatigue;
  • Sick pay and leave;
  • Contact tracing; and
  • The impact on hospitals.

Ms. Brown and Paul Mitcham, City Manager and CAO responded to questions from the Committee.


Direction was given to staff to schedule a meeting with the Mayor’s Office, the Councillors and the Mississauga Business of Trade (MBOT) for consultation regarding small businesses advocacy.


Direction was given to staff to customize a targeted approach to present updated information based on the announcements from the Province of Ontario to the smaller businesses.


Direction was given to staff to schedule separate sessions with the Tourism Mississauga Board of Directors and the hospitality sector, the retail/restaurant sector and the other organizations sector.

    Moved ByCouncillor P. Saito

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Bonnie Brown, Director, Economic Development with respect to Mississauga's Economic Update be received.


(Item 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.7)

Mr. Jackson provided an overview of the 2021 Budget. He discussed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial forecast, the status of the City’s reserves, the budget engagement, new initiatives, the 2021-2023 Capital Plan, stormwater, LEAN and the overall 2021 Budget.


Members of the Committee spoke to the matter and raised the following questions and concerns:

  • COVID impacts;
  • Management of future year costs;
  • Suggested additional budget sessions in 2021;
  • Service level areas;
  • Business Education Tax;
  • Asset Management Plan; and
  • PILT.

Mr. Jackson and Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer responded to questions from the Committee.


Direction was given to staff to write a formal letter to the Premier of Ontario requesting to post pone the Municipal Asset Management Plan by a year.

    Moved ByCouncillor K. Ras

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Jeff Jackson, Director of Finance and Treasurer with respect to the 2021 Budget Overview be received. 


(Public Question Period will be considered at each Budget Committee Meeting Date)

Public Comments: Advance registration is required to participate and/or to make comments in the virtual public meeting. Any member of the public interested in speaking to an item listed on the agenda must register by calling 905-615-3200 ext. 5425 or at dayna.obaseki@mississauga.ca by Thursday, November 19, 2020 before 4:00PM.

Pursuant to Section 42 of the Council Procedure By-law 0139-2013, as amended:

Budget Committee may grant permission to a member of the public to ask a question of Budget Committee, with the following provisions:

  1. The question must pertain to a specific item on the current agenda and the speaker will state which item the question is related to.
  2. A person asking a question shall limit any background explanation to two (2) statements, followed by the question.
  3. The total speaking time shall be five (5) minutes maximum, per speaker.


Chris Mackie, Resident inquired about funding for pools versus the Port Credit Marina, the Public Safety Reserve Fund, the Operating Budget and the tax assessment growth.


Shari Lichterman responded by noting that the pool replacements are due to their end of life cycle and that the new pool can be utilized to generate efficiencies as well as meet the community demand for a therapy pool and program expansion.  The Port Credit Marina has a longer timeline in comparisons to the end of life cycle pool replacements and the City is seeking financial supports from other levels of government.   


Jeff Jackson responded by noting the Public Safety Reserve Fund includes the fire stations, staffing, equipment, the Fire Inspection Program. He further added that once the funding is no longer required the funding moves from the Capital budget to the Operating budget.


Mr. Jackson and Gary Kent responded by noting the factors causing the incremental increase are related to infrastructure levy, normal business procedures, new initiatives, the Public Safety Reserve Fund and the Emerald Ash Borer.


Bonnie Brown responded by noting that the increase to the tax assessment is based on new construction and/or business expansion.

Considered on November 24 

That the following matters be approved under the Consent Agenda, as listed on the November 24 and 30, 2020 Budget Committee agenda:  7.4, 7.5, 7.7 and 7.8.

Approved (Councillor Saito)

(On November 23, 2020 Budget Committee gave direction to staff on the service presentations that are required for the Budget Committee meetings on November 24 and 30, 2020)

To be considered on November 24 and/or November 30:

a) MiWay 
b) Roads 
c) Regulatory Services

d) Culture
e) Fire & Emergency Services
f) Mississauga Library
g) Recreation
h) Parks, Forestry & Environment

i) Facilities & Property Management
j) Information Technology
k) Legislative Services
l) Business Services

m) Land Development Services
n) City Manager’s Office
o) Financial Transactions
p) Mayor and Members of Council

q) Stormwater


Direction was given to staff to provide the following service area presentations at the November 24 and 30, 2020 Budget Committee meetings:

    1. MiWay 
    2. Roads 
    3. Culture
    4. Fire & Emergency Services
    5. Mississauga Library
    6. Recreation
    7. Parks, Forestry & Environment
    8. Information Technology
    9. Land Development Services



    That the following service area presentations presented to Budget Committee on November 24 & 30, 2020, be received:

    • MiWay
    • Roads
    • Culture
    • Fire & Emergency Services
    • Mississauga Library
    • Recreation
    • Parks, Forestry & Environment
    • Information Technology
    • Land Development Services

Considered on November 24, 2020

    Moved ByCouncillor K. Ras
    1. That the report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer dated November 4, 2020 and titled “2021 Advance Project Approval” be received for information.
    2. That staff proceed with tenders and proposals where required for the projects listed in appendix 1 in advance of 2021 budget approval, with the exception of the AM-Asset Management Program and the West Credit Site.
    3. That funding be approved in the amount of $ 18,070,100 regarding the projects listed in appendix 1, with the exception of the AM-Asset Management Program and the West Credit Sit, so that the projects may proceed in Q1 2021.
    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)

Considered on November 24, 2020

    Moved ByCouncillor K. Ras

    That the 2021 Budget Engagement Results report dated November 3, 2020 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer be received for information.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor P. Saito

    That the report dated November 4, 2020, entitled “2021 Budget Considerations” from the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer be received for information.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor P. Saito

    That the report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer dated November 10, 2020 entitled "Provincial Budget – Property Tax Impacts” be received for information.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)

Considered on November 24, 2020

    Moved ByCouncillor P. Saito

    That the report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer dated October 27, 2020 entitled “Low Income Seniors Tax Relief Threshold Levels” be received for information.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor P. Saito

    That the report titled “Continuous Improvement Update” dated November 3, 2020 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer be received for information.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor P. Saito

    That the report dated October 16, 2020, entitled “Municipal Act Reporting Requirements Under Ontario Regulation 284/09” from the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer be approved.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Councillor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)

Considered on November 30: 

(Pursuant to Subsection 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001)

Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations: 2021 Total Compensation

    Moved ByCounicllor S. McFadden

    That the closed session presentation with respect to the 2021 Total Compensation be received.

    YES (12)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor K. Ras, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor R. Starr, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor P. Saito, Counicllor S. McFadden, and Councillor G. Carlson
    Carried (12 to 0)


12:14PM (Councillor Ras)

No Item Selected