General Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Deputy Mayor and Chair Matt Mahoney, Ward 8
  • Councillor and Vice-Chair John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Mayor Carolyn Parrish, Mayor
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor Natalie Hart, Ward 5
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla , Ward 7
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11

Staff Present

Geoff Wright, City Manager and CAO

Raj Sheth, Commissioner of Corporate Services 

Sam Rogers, Acting Commissioner of Transportation and Works

Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner of Planning and Building

Jodi Robillos, Commissioner of Community Services

Graham Walsh, City Solicitor

Diana Rusnov, Director of Legislative Services and City Clerk

Sacha Smith, Manager, Secretariat and Access & Privacy and Deputy Clerk

Allyson D'Ovidio, Legislative Coordinator

Deputy Mayor and Councillor M. Mahoney, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:31 AM.

Deputy Mayor and Councillor M. Mahoney, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement. 

At the request of Mayor Parrish, the following item was deferred to the next General Committee meeting the November 6, 2024.

  • 16.1 A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization: Living Arts Centre Feasibility Study

Approved as amended (Councillor J. Horneck)

Future Innovators, First Place Award

P. Parekh introduced the students from Darcel Avenue Public School, the First Place Award recipients of the World Robotics Championship. Each of the winners spoke to their experience. Mayor Parrish spoke in support and announced that the their school would be given a key to the City in honour of their accomplishment. Councillor N. Hart spoke in support. 

    Moved ByCouncillor N. Hart

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Rubanya Anand, Chathak Kaur, Chitra Sekhri and Melanie Rose Ramcharran, Students from Darcel Avenue Senior Public School and their teacher/coach team Priya Parekh, Lidia Marcelli and Stephanie Stagg regarding their World Robotics Championship - Future Innovators, First Place Award, be received. 


The representatives from Music for Every Child spoke to their program, their success and expansion of support since their last update to Council in 2023. Mayor Parrish spoke to allocating funding in the amount of $5000.00 in 2025 Council Budget to Music for Every Child. Deputy Mayor and Councillor M. Mahoney spoke in support.

    Moved ByMayor Parrish

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Riddhima Naithani and Nivedya Sudhir, Sarah and Seana, Advocacy Representatives from Music for Every Child regarding an update on their progress, be received.


N. Rodrigues presented background information regarding Polio, spoke to World Polio day and requested support to continue to fight the disease. 

In support of the Rotary Club and in honour of World Polio Day, Councillor B. Butt requested that the Clock Tower be lit in blue and gold.

Councillor D. Damerla and Councillor S. Dasko spoke in support. Raj Sheth, Commissioner, Corporate Services spoke to coordinating the lighting of the clock tower.

    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Narciso Rodrigues, Treasurer, Rotary Club Mississauga – Meadowvale, regarding World Polio Day 2024, be received.


V. Verhey  spoke to the subject matter and identified the difficulties faced by those living in mobile homes and vehicle. In response to Councillor J. Horneck, Sam Rogers, Acting Commissioner, Transportation & Works spoke to a parking report coming forward that may contain considerations for the feasibility of parking considerations for mobile homes. S. Rogers noted he would connect with V. Verhey offline. 

Councillor D. Damerla suggested exploring the possibility of GO train station overnight parking. 
Councillor S. Dasko, spoke in support of staff looking for spaces that would facilitate supporting mobile living in Mississauga. Councillor C. Fonseca spoke to considering transit stations for overnight parking. 

In response to Mayor Parrish, Raj Sheth, Commissioner, Corporate Services and Graham Walsh, City Solicitor spoke to the complexities of the evolving situation and noted they would come back with the details in the report. 

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Valerie Verhey, Resident regarding “Van Life and RV Parking Proposal”, be received.


J. Kozij spoke to the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 9, 2024 and entitled “School Zone Speed Limits on Local Roadways and provided suggestions that include, time of day enforcement for school zone speed limits of 30 km/hr. 

Councillor J. Kovac spoke in support of the deputation. Councillor J. Horneck spoke to the costs associated with changing signage to accommodate their request. J. Kozij suggested implementing a pilot project in their area to test time of day enforcement.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Jim Kozij, Resident regarding the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 9, 2024 and entitled “School Zone Speed Limits on Local Roadways, be received. 


A. Wood spoke to the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 9, 2024 and entitled “School Zone Speed Limits on Local Roadways”. A. Wood spoke in support of time of day enforcement during school hours only.

In response to A. Wood and Councillor J. Horneck, Colin Patterson, Acting Director, Traffic Management and Municipal Parking spoke to the criteria for the use of flashing lights and Automated Speed Enforcement.

    Moved ByCouncillor D. Damerla

    That the deputation by Adrian Wood, Resident regarding the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 9, 2024 and entitled “School Zone Speed Limits on Local Roadways, be received.


Robert Dorosch, Resident requested clarification regarding the costs associated with changing the street signage; hiring of additional staff and increased flashing lights.

In response to R. Dorosch, Colin Patterson, Acting Director, Traffic Management and Municipal Parking noted the costs outlined in the report is a total value that includes the cost of labour and the fabrication of the sign itself. Further, C. Patterson spoke to the need to install increased flashing lights and noted the cost is an average cost and includes labour. 

    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden

    That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    • 10.4 Single Source Approval for Public Computing Hardware for the Mississauga Library with Stay Connected Technologies Inc.
    • 11.1 Environmental Action Committee Report 6 - 2024 - dated October 1, 2024

    • 11.2 Heritage Advisory Committee Report 9 - 2024 - dated October 8, 2024


Councillor S. Dasko spoke in support of amending the recommendation to time of day enforcement of the speed limit from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 7 days a week.

Councillor J. Horneck spoke in support of existing recommendation of 30 km/hr all day, everyday.

Councillor J. Kovac spoke to time of day enforcement and effective traffic calming measures and noted the concern with 30km/hr 365 days/year. 

    Moved ByCouncillor S. Dasko

    That the current speed limit designation of 30 km/h in school zones on local roadways as outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 9, 2024 and entitled “School Zone Speed Limits on Local Roadways” be amended to reflect time of day enforcement, between the hours of 6:00 AM until 6:00 PM, 7 days/ week, including holidays.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    NO (1)Councillor J. Horneck
    Carried (11 to 1)

In response to Councillor D. Damerla and Councillor J. Kovac, Colin Patterson, Acting Director, Traffic Management and Municipal Parking spoke to the recommendations in the existing report.

Councillor C. Fonseca spoke to flashing light criteria. In response to Councillor C. Fonseca, C. Patterson spoke to the report recommendations, the approach to eligibility, removing flashing lights, time of day consistency. Further C. Patterson noted the Intent is to make all school zones eligible for Automated Speed Enforcement.

As a result of the discussion, this report was deferred to Council October 30.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 9, 2024, and entitled “School Zone Speed Limits on Major Roadways” be deferred to Council on October 30, 2024.

    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    NO (2)Councillor D. Damerla, and Councillor J. Horneck
    Carried (10 to 2)

Councillor B. Butt spoke to concerns of a municipal contribution and to deferring the report. Mayor Parrish spoke to size of the contribution, tax implications, other needs of the City and support consideration for option D. Deputy Mayor and Councillor M. Mahoney spoke to deferring the report and noted support for the development of the hospital. 

As a result of discussions, this report was deferred to Council, October 30.

    Moved ByMayor Parrish

    That the report entitled “Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital Municipal Contribution” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, dated October 9, 2024 be deferred to Council on October 30, 2024.

    YES (12)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (12 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden
    1. That the Single Source procurement for public computing hardware and associated licensing, maintenance and support from Stay Connected Technologies Inc. be approved for a period of ten (10) years, as detailed in the corporate report entitled “Single Source Approval for Public Computing Hardware for the Mississauga Library with Stay Connected Technologies Inc.”, from the Commissioner of Community Services dated October 10, 2024; and
    2. That the Chief Procurement Officer or designate be authorized to execute all contracts and related ancillary documents with respect to the purchase between the City and Stay Connected Technologies Inc. for an estimated amount of $3,400,000.00 exclusive of taxes, in accordance with the City’s Procurement Bylaw 0013-2022, as amended, and in a form satisfactory to Legal Services.
    YES (12)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (12 to 0)

soccer, field hockey, football, rugby and lacrosse on school board lands at 1030 McBride Ave (Ward 6)

Councillor J. Horneck spoke in support of the work done by staff and the overall success of the project.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck
    1. That the Commissioner of Community Services and the City Clerk on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Mississauga (The City) be authorized to enter into and execute a Joint Use and Funding agreement with the Peel District School Board (PDSB) for upgrades to existing track and field facility, including creating a new lighted multi-purpose artificial turf facility for soccer, field hockey, football, rugby and lacrosse on school board lands on school board lands, including all documents ancillary thereto and subsequent amending agreements, all in form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor as outlined in the report dated October 16, 2024
    2. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.


    YES (12)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden


    That the deputation and associated presentation from Vasya Jeyakanthan, Coordinator, Environmental Initiatives and Scott Morrison, General Manager, Muuse Canada regarding Waste Free Movie Nights, be received.



    That the deputation and associated presentation from Leya Barry, Climate Change Supervisor regarding the Climate Change Action Plan, be received.



    That the following item(s) were approved on the consent agenda:

    • 10.1 Environmental Action Committee Work Plan dated September 2024



    That the Environmental Action Committee Work Plan dated September 2024, be approved.


    YES (12)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden


    That the deputation and presentation by David Ecclestone, Architect, +GF Architects and Chief Deryn Rizzi, Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services regarding Lakeview Golf Course Land Parcel Severance and Heritage Impact Assessment, be received for information.



    That the verbal deputation by Noah Gordon, Associate, Miller Thomson regarding item 9.4 - Objection to Heritage Designation 3625 Cawthra Road (Ward 3), be received.



    That the following items were approved on consent:

    • Item 9.3 - Request to Demolish a Heritage Listed property at 1390 Conliffe Court (Ward 6)
    • Item 9.4 - Objection to Heritage Designation, 3625 Cawthra Road (Ward 3)



    That the property at 1400 Dixie Road (Ward 1) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated September 10, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


    (Ward 1)



    That the property at 3236 Mississauga Road (Ward 8) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated September 6, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


    (Ward 8)


    That the request to demolish the heritage listed property at 1390 Conliffe Court (Ward 6), as outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated August 30, 2024, be approved.


    (Ward 6)


    That the property at 3625 Cawthra Road (Ward 3) be designated for its design, historical and associative and contextual value and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto as outlined in the Corporate Report dated September 24, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services.


    (Ward 3)


    That funds in the amount of up to $350 be allocated from the Council Committees Budget for the costs associated with the Heritage Advisory Committee Member Appreciation Breakfast.


    YES (12)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (12 to 0)

the Expression of Interest application for the Baseline Funding stream of the Canada Public Transit Fund 

Mayor Parrish spoke in support of the Expression of Interest application acknowledgement for the Baseline Funding stream of the Canada Public Transit Fund. Geoff Wright, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer spoke to the status of the funding request and a to a a previous report to Council regarding the next steps.

    Moved ByMayor Parrish

    That the letter dated October 18, 2024 from the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities regarding the Expression of Interest application for the Baseline Funding stream of the Canada Public Transit Fund, be received.


Mayor Parrish spoke to a report coming forward at the Region of Peel Council regarding funding support for dental programs for seniors and requested support from Members of Council.

In response to Councillor J. Horneck, Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services spoke to food tourism in Mississauga and working with Councillor J. Horneck offline.

In response to Councillor D. Damerla, Raj Sheth, Commissioner, Corporate Services spoke to the measures being taken to increase enforcement and communications to increase strategy to educate the public regarding Dawali. J. Robillos clarified that mobile signs were installed in previous years regarding fireworks rather than individual park signs and further that it could be done again this year. 

Members of the General Committee spoke to events and celebrations taking place in Mississauga.

Mayor Parrish spoke to a recent site visit where the Avro Aero model is being fabricated and provided background information on the project.

(Pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001)

  • Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, requires Council to pass a motion prior to closing part of a meeting to the public;

    And whereas the Act requires that the motion states the act of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting;

    Now therefore be it resolved that a portion of the General Committee meeting to be held on October 23, 2024 shall be closed to the public to deal with the following matter:

    1. Pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001
      1. Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose: New proposed bike lane legislation (verbal update)



    The Committee went into Closed Session at 11:47 AM and returned at 12:35 PM. The following matter was voted on in Open Session.

*This item was removed at the approval of the agenda and deferred to General Committee on November 6, 2024


A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization: Living Arts Centre Feasibility Study

Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose:


New proposed bike lane legislation (verbal update)

Graham Walsh, City Solicitor and Sam Rogers, Acting Commissioner, Transportation and Works spoke to the subject matter and responded to questions raised by Members of the General Committee. 

    Moved ByCouncillor D. Damerla

    That the verbal update in closed session regarding “New proposed bike lane legislation”, be received.

    YES (8)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (8 to 0)

12:37 PM (Councillor J Kovac)