1.That the report “MiWay Transit Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Bus Project Update – September 2024” dated August 12, 2024 from the Commissioner of Transportation & Works be approved.
2.That Council approve the single-source procurement for the supply and delivery of ten (10) forty-foot Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Buses (FCEBs).
3.That a new capital project PN # 24213, Transit Bus Acquisitions – Hydrogen be created with a gross budget of $20,000,000 with a recovery of up to $10,000,000 from the Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) and net budget of $10,000,000 be allocated from Provincial Gas Tax Reserve Fund, Account # 35181.
4.That a new capital project PN # 24214, Malton & Central Pkwy Facility Upgrades for FCEBs be created with a gross and net budget of $500,000 and be allocated from Canada Community Building Reserve Funds – Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO), Account # 35182.
5.That the Chief Procurement Officer or designate be authorized to award and execute, on behalf of the City, all contracts and related ancillary documents, all in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, with respect to the purchase between the City and New Flyer Industries for the supply and delivery of ten (10) forty-foot Hydrogen FCEBs for an estimated amount of $20,000,000.00 exclusive of taxes, in accordance with the City’s Procurement Bylaw 0013-2022, as amended; and
6.That all necessary by-laws be enacted.