Planning and Development Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
  • Mayor Carolyn Parrish
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Councillor Natalie Hart, Ward 5
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla, Ward 7
  • Councillor Matt Mahoney, Ward 8
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9, Chair
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11

Staff Present
Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation & Works
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning & Building
Lia Magi, Legal Counsel, Interim Manager, Planning and Development Law
Chris Rouse, Director, Development & Design
Jason Bevan, Director, City Planning Strategies
Luisa Galli, Manager, Planning – Programs
Ryan Au, Manager, Traffic Planning
Emma Calvert, Manager, Development Engineering and Construction
Sharon Chapman, Manager, Parks and Culture Planning
Hugh Lynch, Manager, Development South
Karin Phuong Lead Planner
Lucas Petricca, Planner
Eleni Mermigas, Development Planner 
Sacha Smith, Manager Secretariat and Access & Privacy,
Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor M. Reid called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM

Councillor M. Reid cited the Indigenous Land Statement

That the agenda of the June 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM ,Planning and Development Committee meeting be approved as presented.

Approved (Councillor M. Mahoney) 

Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit 180, three storey, back to back townhouses in 12 development blocks
2620 Chalkwell Close, east side of Winston Churchill Boulevard, north of Truscott Drive and south of Sandgate Park
Owner: 1672735 Ontario Inc.
File: OZ/OPA 24-3 W2 
Bill 109

Michael Nemanic, Legal Counsel & Development Management and Amira Babeiti, Development Coordinator, Dunpar Development Inc. provided an overview of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications.

Eleni Mermigas, Development Planner provided an overview of the application background, proposed concept plan, Official Plan and Zoning amendments and a proposed alternate zoning amendment.

Michael Nemanic, Legal Counsel & Development Management, Dunpar Development Inc, responded to Councillor Damerla and Councillor Dasko’s enquiry regarding purchase price per unit and whether there is an existing development compatible to the proposed development.

Mayor Parrish spoke regarding the housing crisis and explained the implications of a refusal of the application which could trigger an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

In response to Councillor Butt’s enquiry, Hugh Lynch, Manager, Development South explained the rationale for staff’s hybrid zoning recommendation.

In response to Councillor Tedjo’s enquiry, Hugh Lynch, Manager, Development South confirmed that if the applicant’s zoning application is refused, the applicant could proceed to appeal at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

The following persons spoke:

  1. Marina LeBrun and Craig Thompson, Residents spoke in opposition of the proposed development and highlighted concerns with respect to non-conforming changes to the Mississauga Official Plan, and Zoning By-Law; the strain on services and community infrastructure; need for additional road access; reduced green spaces; lack of privacy with the increased height and addition of rooftop deck; community benefit charges ought to be applied based on the height and number of units; and, that the design does not preserve the current neighbourhood character.

      Hugh Lynch responded to the concern raised by Marina LeBrun and Craig Thompson,            regarding secondary road access, whether community benefit charges ought to be          applied, and whether a landowner is allowed to make changes to the Mississauga         Official Plan.

  1. Heather and Ann from Park Royal Community Association (PRCA) provided background of PRCA and an overview of the diverse housing in the community and raised concerns with respect to rezoning site; character of existing community; setbacks, and ingress and egress; and, made suggestions in respect of these concerns.
  2. Ronald Amoytte, Resident raised concerns regarding the proposed rezoning and noted that the subject lands is a vital part for the community’s movement of play, walking, cycling and urged Council’s leadership to encourage movement especially for the children.
  3. Beth Fricke, Resident expressed concerns with the proposed development’s size; scale; density; land use compatibility; traffic impacts; and the installation of auto lifts to allow vehicles to be stacked. Fricke noted that the development does not further the goals of improving housing affordability nor will it increase housing options for the missing middle.
  4. Dorothy Syer, Resident, acknowledged the attendance of approximately 28 residents of the Park Royal community which is a measure of the concern the entire community has with the proposed development.
  5. John Jameson, Resident, expressed concern with the number of storey’s and height being proposed that will impact on the privacy of existing homes; traffic congestion; and decreasing green space.
  6. Betty May Evans, Resident, expressed concern regarding traffic congestion; inadequate transit service; lack of affordability and emphasized the need build more affordable homes where multi-generational families can reside, and to be more creative on the types of homes to build that are affordable.
  7. Jeanne Diaz, Resident, expressed concern regarding fire safety with only one point of entry for emergency services to access; Dunpar’s lack of response to address the concerns expressed by the residents with respect to traffic studies, fire safety and waste management.
  8. Doug Wheeler, Resident expressed concern with the proposed heights as this would create a vantage point of a brick wall with no sunlight and the lack of infrastructure and services to support more density.
  9. Cameron Blair, Resident, expressed concern that the subject land is being identified as under-utilized land and emphasized that the land is parkland enjoyed by resident and where kids played soccer and baseball.

Councillor Tedjo acknowledged the community’s care for the community and their feedback on the proposed development. Councillor Tedjo spoke to the housing crisis and the need to build complete communities within rules and processes in place and understanding the process that must be followed with respect to the provinces housing directive.  Councillor Tedjo proposed that the Mississauga Official Plan be approved and that the Zoning proposals be deferred to allow staff and the developer to address concerns raised by residents with respect to emergency service access, easements, setbacks, complete communities, and mix of units and come back with a more favourable proposal in the fall.

Chris Rouse, Director, Development and Design acknowledged staff’s commitment to continue working with the applicant to address compatibility, transitional and technical issues and explained the challenges under Bill 109 and the rationale for the hybrid recommendation.

    Moved ByCouncillor A. Tedjo
    1. That the application under File OZ/OPA 24-3 W2, 1672735 Ontario Inc., 2620 Chalkwell Close to amend Mississauga Official Plan to Residential Medium Density, be approved in accordance with the provisions outlined in the staff report dated June 5, 2024 from the Commissioner of Planning and Building.
    2. That ten oral submissions be received.
    YES (11)Mayor Parrish, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor N. Hart, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor S. McFadden
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor A. Tedjo

    That the application under File OZ/OPA 24-3 W2, 1672735 Ontario Inc., 2620 Chalkwell Close to amend Mississauga Zoning By-law 0225-2007 to RM11-Exception (Back to Back Townhouses on a CEC Road) zone to change the zoning to permit 180, three storey, back to back townhouses be referred back to staff for further review .

    YES (11)Mayor Parrish, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor N. Hart, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor S. McFadden
    Carried (11 to 0)

Dixie Outlet Mall Policy Review – Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Dixie Outlet Mall Policy Review – Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Karin Phuong, Lead Planner, provided an overview of the Dixie Mall draft policies review and proposed Official Plan Amendments.

The following persons spoke:

  1. Kimberlee Hutchinson, Resident, expressed concerns regarding refined development concept master plans not being provided by the landowner to understand the intended purpose for the proposed new road; traffic safety concerns for neighbouring streets without sidewalks with the closure of Haig Boulevard; no traffic lights being proposed for the site could potentially create an impasse of traffic on neighbouring roads; a reduction of retail space being proposed and urges Council to collaborate with the developer to create more retail space; reduce parkland and location of the parkland adjacent to two main roads.

In response to Mayor Parrish’s enquiry regarding estimated costs of heavy pipes to get appropriate water and wastewater, Luisa Galli, Manager, Planning – Programs, advised that they did not obtain an estimate from the Region but were advised of what existing services could support the development.

  1. Jonathan Giggs, Resident enquired regarding the number of non-residential usage being proposed, the ratio to replace retail space as cited in the Official Plan, constraints to sewer and water infrastructure.

Luisa Galli, Manager, Planning – Programs and Karin Phuong, Lead Planner, responded to Mr. Gigg’s enquiries.

Glen Broll, Partner, Glen Schnarr and Associates, spoke on behalf of Slate Asset Management and identified the issues raised and advised that it is the desire of the developer to continue collaboration with city staff on issues raised.

Councillor Dasko spoke to the application and noted that there are outstanding issues that need to be worked out with the developer and proposed an amendment to the staff’s recommendation with respect to the road connection onto Haig Boulevard.

Jason Bevan responded to Mayor Parrish’s enquiry regarding whether Councillor Dasko’s proposed recommendations to make specific site amendments is premature.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. Dasko
    1. That the report dated June 5, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building, titled Dixie Outlet Mall Policy Review – Proposed Official Plan Amendment, be received for information.
    2. That the opening of the connection from the site at 1250 South Service Road onto Haig Boulevard shall not be opened as a public thoroughfare for vehicular traffic, unless it is deemed to be absolutely necessary, pending the outcome of a future transportation analysis that evaluates if and when the connection is required to the satisfaction of the Transportation and Works Department, in consultation with the local Ward Councillor.
    3. That the Commissioner, Transportation and Works, will consult with the existing local community and residents who may be affected, and with residents of the new development prior to implementing any recommendations arising from the transportation analysis.
    4. That two oral submissions be received.
    YES (9)Mayor Parrish, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor N. Hart, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor M. Reid
    ABSENT (3)Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (9 to 0)

Rezoning applications to permit five detached dwellings on a common element condominium (CEC) road and the extension of Sunningdale Bend
1667 Sunningdale Bend, east side of Sunningdale Bend and west of Meadow Wood Road
Owner: 2272061 Ontario Ltd.
File: OZ 21-19 W2
Pre-Bill 109

Lucas Petricca, Planner provided an overview of the Rezoning applications to permit five detached dwellings on a common element condominium (CEC) road and the extension of Sunningdale Bend.

The following persons spoke:

  1. Sue Shanly, President, Meadow Wood Rattray Residents' Association expressed concerns on behalf of the residents with respect to the number of proposed units, noting that residents would prefer four homes rather than the five being proposed; and the height of the homes being higher than abutting homes.
  2. David Porter, Resident, spoke in support of responsible development that is respective of existing community character, and adherence to guidelines. Porter outlined concerns not only affecting his property, but others in the community, who have expressed concerns with mistrust and misrepresentation of the issues raised specifically with the proposed heights.  Porter provided an overview of the proposed heights in comparison to his dwelling and explained proposed amendments of zoning regulations with respect to heights and fence exemptions for Council’s consideration.

Councillor Tedjo asked for clarity on height variances and fencing language would allow property owners abutting the development.

Hugh Lynch, Manager, Development South, responded to Councillor Tedjo’s enquiry regarding resident’s concerns regarding height variations.

Chris Rouse, Director, Development and Design noted that a fence exemption is part of the application; however, staff would look into the Fence By-law with respect to exemptions.

Councillor Tedjo acknowledged the concerns from the residents and recognized that the developer significantly reduced heights and density than originally proposed.

    Moved ByCouncillor A. Tedjo
    1. That City Council amend Zoning By-law 0225-2007 to H-R16-14 (Detached Dwellings on a CEC-Road – Exception) and G2 (Greenlands – Natural Features) for 1667 Sunningdale Bend, in accordance with the provisions contained in the staff report dated June 5, 2024 from the Commissioner of Planning and Building.
    2. That City Council direct the applicant to satisfy all requirements of the City and any other external agencies concerned with the development.
    3. That City Council’s approval of the rezoning application be considered null and void, and a new development application be required unless a zoning by-law is passed within 18 months of the Council decision.
    4. That the "H" holding provision is to be removed from the H-R16-14 (Detached Dwellings on a CEC-Road – Exception) zoning applicable to the subject lands, by further amendment upon confirmation from applicable agencies and City Departments that matters as outlined
      in the report dated June 5, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building have been satisfactorily addressed.
    5. That two oral submissions be received.
    YES (11)Mayor Parrish, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor N. Hart, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor S. McFadden
    Carried (11 to 0)

8:55 pm (Councillor A. Tedjo)