Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Online Video Conference
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3 (Vice-chair)
  • Ryan Donik, Citizen Member
  • Bill Johnston, Citizen Member
  • Barbara Leskovec, Citizen Member
  • Adrianne Szabo, Citizen Member
  • Vicki Tran, Citizen Member
  • Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member
  • Mark Currie, Citizen Member
  • Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2 (Chair)

City Staff/Agency Representatives

Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services 
Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation 
Raymond Lau, Project Manager, Engineering, Park Development 
Catherine Nguyen-Pham, Communications Advisor 
Eglantina Bacaj-Gondia, Legislative Coordinator
Megan Piercey, Legislative Coordinator
Stephanie Smith, Supervisor, Legislative Services
Paulina Mikicich, Manager, Planning Innovation 
Catherine Parsons, Planner, Planning Innovation

Councillor Tedjo, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.

Councillor Tedjo, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

That the February 13, 2024 Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee Agenda be approved as presented.

Approved (A. Szabo)

That the January 9, 2024 Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee minutes be approved.

Approved (R. Donik)

Catherine Parsons, Planner, Planning Innovation spoke to the Housing Accelerator Fund and its relationship to cycling infrastructure, further outlining the City's action items focused on building cycling infrastructure to support new housing units, as identified in the Cycling Master Plan.

Discussion with Committee members emerged, including topics related to residence bicycle parking infrastructures, building additional cycling lanes, cycling amenities, and accelerating the Cycling Master Plan.

Councillor Tedjo, Chair noted that previous direction was given to staff by the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee and Council to develop the overall City Strategic Plan and accelerate the Cycling Master Plan.

Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services noted that accelerating the Cycling Master Plan will require an update to the technical plan followed by Council approval.  

    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Catherine Parsons, Planner, Planning Innovation regarding the Housing Accelerator Fund, be received.


Rahul Mehta, resident, asked the first question related to agenda item 6.1. 

Mr. Mehta inquired as the Cycling Master Plan is being updated, are the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee and Chairs aware of funding trends that are conditional to timelines and outcomes, such as funds related to kilometres built. 

Sam Rogers, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services responded that there is an awareness and that the initial Housing Accelerator Fund application was based on existing projects that were previously planned. Further, Mr. Rogers noted that staff are considering a range of funding sources to accelerate the Cycling Master Plan.  

Mr. Mehta, asked the second question related to agenda item 9.1.  

Mr. Mehta inquired if the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee is aware of opportunities to communicate and promote cycling in the winter time.

Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation responded that there has been limited communication around Winter Bike to Work Day and currently, there is no comprehensive communications plan related to winter cycling.  

Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member noted the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee has considered devising a communication plan for winter cycling in the future.  

No items were approved under Consent Agenda. 

This agenda item was discussed alongside item 9.4.

Vicki Tran, Citizen Member, informed the Committee she can no longer attend the 2024 Winter Cycling Congress and therefore cannot provide updates as indicated in the 2024 Action List.

    Moved ByBarbara Leskovec

    That the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee 2024 Action Item List, be approved.

  • Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee DRAFT Minutes - January 18, 2024
  • Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee Report 1 - January 18, 2024
  • Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee DRAFT Minutes - January 29, 2024
  • Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee Report 2 - January 29, 2024

Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member informed Committee members the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee is changing its structure to a working group and requested that Barbara Leskovec, Citizen Member be added as a member to the working group.

    Moved ByJuelene Stennett

    That the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee Update from Juelene Stennett, Citizen Member, on February 13, 2024, be received for information.

    Moved ByJuelene Stennett

    That Barbara Leskovec, Citizen Member be added as a member of the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee for the term ending November 2026.


    That the 2023 Phil Green Award nominee as of January 18, 2024, be approved unless additional nominees are received by January 19, 2024.
    (MCAC-0015-2024) (MCCPS 0001-2024) 


    That the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee change structure of the subcommittee towards a working group model for future meetings. 
    (MCAC-0016-2024) (MCCPS 0002-2024)


    That a portion of the Mississauga Cycling Communications and Promotions Subcommittee meeting held on January 29, 2024 shall be closed to the public to deal with the following matters:

    Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees: 2023 Phil Green Award

    (MCAC-0017-2024) (MCCPS 0003-2024) 


    That the verbal discussion in closed session regarding the 2023 Phil Green Award, be received.
    (MCAC-0018-2024) (MCCPS 0004-2024)

This agenda item was discussed prior to item 9.1.

Mark Currie, Citizen Member noted that the Mississauga Cycling Network and Technical Subcommittee met with the consultants from WSP and will be providing feedback on priorities moving forward and looking back on prior years to assess gaps and recommend improvements.

    Moved ByMark Currie

    That the Mississauga Cycling Network and Technical Subcommittee Verbal Update from Mark Currie, Citizen Member, on February 13, 2024, be received for information



Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee members expressed interest in attending the 2024 Toronto Bicycle Show and E-Bike Expo. Pending Council approval of the requested funds, Active Transportation staff will coordinate the provision of promotional materials and devise a schedule for Committee members to staff the booth.

    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca

    That up to $1,550.00 plus HST from the 2024 Council and Committees Support Budget be spent towards the exhibitor space costs for the 2024 Toronto Bicycle Show and E-Bike Expo held March 8 – 10, 2024.


Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member and Councillor Tedjo spoke to the LRT bike lanes between the QEW and Highway 407, and direction was given to Active Transportation staff to bring an update to a future Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee meeting. 

    Moved ByRyan Donik

    WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended (the "Act"), requires Council to pass a resolution prior to closing part of a meeting to the public;
    AND WHEREAS the Act requires that the resolution states the act of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting;
    NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that a portion of the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee meeting held on February 13, 2024 shall be closed to the public to deal with the following matters:

    9.1 Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees: 2023 Phil Green Award 


    The Committee went into Closed Session at 6:57 PM and returned to Open Session at 7:04 PM.

    Members of the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee engaged in discussion regarding the 2023 Phil Green Award. The following recommendations were voted on and passed during public session:

    Moved ByJuelene Stennett
    1. That Kevin Saldanha, Resident be the 2023 recipient of the Phil Green Award.
    2. That up to $300.00 from the 2024 Council and Committees Support Budget be spent towards a gift and plaque for the 2023 Phil Green Award recipient, to be presented at the next appropriate Council meeting.

7:06 PM (V. Tran)