Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee

Meeting #:
Online Video Conference
Members Absent
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla, Ward 7
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11
  • Trustee Jill Promoli, Peel District School Board
  • Trustee Brea Corbet, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
  • Aamira Alvi, Citizen Member
  • Faiz Ahmed, Citizen Member
  • Irene Chu, Citizen Member
  • Junaid Shah, Citizen Member
  • Kathy Leff, Citizen Member
  • Louise Goegan, Citizen Member
  • Miles Roque, Citizen Member (Chair)
  • Peter Westbrook, Citizen Member
  • Sandra Thomson, Citizen Member
  • Seshagiri Pingali, Citizen Member
  • Tammy Coulson, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair)
  • TJ Cieciura, Citizen Member
  • Vibha Sequeira, Citizen Member

Miles Roque, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Miles Roque, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Approved (P. Westbrook)

Site inspection report for the site inspection conducted on January 18 & 29, 2024 at the intersection of Mississauga Road and Lakeshore Road West for the students attending Riverside Public School.


  1. That the warrants are currently not met for the placement of a school crossing guard at Lakeshore Road West and Mississauga Road for the students of Riverside Public School.
  2. That the Principal of Riverside Public School be requested to remind students crossing the north leg of Mississauga Road and Lakeshore Road West to cross with the crossing guard at Mississauga Road and High Street.
  3. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect in the Fall of 2024 when more buildings are occupied on the southwest side of Mississauga Road and Lakeshore Road West unless all students are bussed.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByJ. Shah
    1. That the warrants are currently not met for the placement of a school crossing guard at Lakeshore Road West and Mississauga Road for the students of Riverside Public School.
    2. That the Principal of Riverside Public School be requested to remind students crossing the north leg of Mississauga Road and Lakeshore Road West to cross with the crossing guard at Mississauga Road and High Street.
    3. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect in the Fall of 2024 when more buildings are occupied on the southwest side of Mississauga Road and Lakeshore Road West unless all students are bussed.

Site inspection report for the site inspection conducted on February 13, 2024 at the intersection of Ceremonial Drive and Lafayette Drive for the students attending Champlain Trail  Public School.


  1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Ceremonial Drive and Lafayette Drive for the students attending Champlain Trail  Public School.
  2. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
    1. Review the signage on Ceremonial Drive  in front of Champlain Trail Public School
    2. Replace the faded "No Stopping" signage on Lafayette Drive.
    3. Add a sign to the hydro pole on the north side of Lafayette Drive at Ceremonial Drive - "Please Use Marked Crosswalk".
  3. That the Principal of Champlain Trail Public School be requested to remind students and parents to use the marked crosswalk on the west and south legs of the intersection to cross Lafayette Drive and Ceremonial Drive to access the school.


Sheelagh Duffin, Supervisor, Crossing Guards noted that students where not utilizing the cross walk recently installed but rather crossing mid block. S. Duffin suggested the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee conduct a site inspection in front of Champlain Trail Public School in April 2024.

    Moved ByT. Cieciura
    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Ceremonial Drive and Lafayette Drive for the students attending Champlain Trail  Public School.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
      1. Review the signage on Ceremonial Drive  in front of Champlain Trail Public School
      2. Replace the faded "No Stopping" signage on Lafayette Drive.
      3. Add a sign to the hydro pole on the north side of Lafayette Drive at Ceremonial Drive - "Please Use Marked Crosswalk".
    3. That the Principal of Champlain Trail Public School be requested to remind students and parents to use the marked crosswalk on the west and south legs of the intersection to cross Lafayette Drive and Ceremonial Drive to access the school.
    4. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to conduct a site inspection in front of Champlain Trail Public School in April 2024.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByK. Leff

    That the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee's 2024 Work Plan be approved, as presented


Committee Members to discuss whether the March Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee will be held in a virtual or hybrid model.


Committee members engaged in discussion and spoke to the coordination of hybrid meetings, and the seating limitations of meetings held in the Council Chamber. Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator responded to questions and advised that staff will report back on the status of the committee rooms.

    Moved ByL. Goegan

    That the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee on March 27, 2024 be held virtually.


Site inspection report for the site inspection conducted on January 30, 2024 at the intersection of Confederation Parkway and Fairview Road West for the students attending Chris Hadfield Public School.

That the warrants have not been met for the extension of the hours of the school crossing guard at Fairview Road West and Confederation Parkway for the students attending Chris Hadfield Public School.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByI. Chu

    That the warrants have not been met for the extension of the hours of the school crossing guard at Fairview Road West and Confederation Parkway for the students attending Chris Hadfield Public School.



No discussion took place regarding this item

    Moved ByK. Leff

    That the Site Inspection Statistics Report for February 2024 be received for information.



Peter Westbrook, Citizen Member spoke to the handout created by the Task Force Subcommittee and requested that the handout be re-circulated and if the handout could be included into new student information packages.

Trustee J. Promoli advised that she would provide the contact information for the appropriate staff from the Peel District School Board to look into this request. Alex Beard, Active Transportation Coordinator advised that the Region of Peel will include the handout in one of their Peel Public Heath newsletters and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) are going to share the handout with their EcoSchools board representatives. Laura Zeglen, Active Transportation Coordinator advised that the handout would also be shared with the school walking routes program schools.

    Moved ByJ. Shah

    That the update on "Let’s make our school zones safer for students" handout provided by Peter Westbrook, Citizen Member, be received for information.



Peter Westbrook, Citizen Member spoke regarding creating a Handout regarding Safe Walking to School Tips for students. Alex Beard, Active Transportation Coordinator and Catherine Nguyen-Pham, Communications Advisor advised that they would provide support in creating the handout. Committee Members engaged in discussion and requested that a working group be created for this initiative and that the Legislative Coordinator reach out to the committee to confirm the members who are interested in collaborating on this initiative.

    Moved ByTrustee J. Promoli
    1. That Clerks office be requested to canvas Citizen Members who are interested in participating in a working group to create a Handout regarding Safe Walking to School Tips for Students.
    2. That a meeting with the working group to create a Handout regarding Safe Walking to School Tips for Students be scheduled for the end of March 2024.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByI. Chu

    That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for January 2024 be received for information.



No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByP. Westbrook

    That the Transportation and Works Action Items List for January 2024 be received for information.


Sheelagh Duffin, Supervisor, Crossing Guards spoke to the lack of site inspections being conducted in March, resulting in a lack of agenda items for the March committee meeting. Miles Roque, Chair advised that he would discuss with the Legislative Coordinator to determine if the March meeting should be cancelled due to a lack of agenda items.

Committee Members engaged in discussion regarding the members present and members absent noted on the minutes. Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator responded to questions.

March 27, 2024

5:46 PM (P. Westbrook)