General Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Matt Mahoney, Ward 8
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Mayor Carolyn Parrish, Mayor (left at 1:26 PM)
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2 (left at 1:26 PM)
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor Natalie Hart, Ward 5
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla , Ward 7 (left at 1:26 PM)
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11

Staff Present

Geoff Wright, City Manager and CAO

Raj Sheth, Commissioner of Corporate Services 

Sam Rogers, Commissioner of Transportation and Works

Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner of Planning and Building

Jodi Robillos, Commissioner of Community Services

Graham Walsh, City Solicitor

Diana Rusnov, Director of Legislative Services and City Clerk

Sacha Smith, Manager of Legislative Services and Deputy Clerk

Allyson D'Ovidio, Legislative Coordinator

Deputy Mayor and Councillor M. Mahoney, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM

Mayor Parrish and Geoff Wright, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer welcomed students to the Chambers and spoke to the Take Your Kid to Work Day events.

Deputy Mayor and Councillor M. Mahoney, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Approved (Councillor M. Reid)

Nicholas Hawrylyshyn, Resident spoke to his concerns regarding a neighbouring hedge height and enforcement of the Fence By-law. In response, Georgios Fthenos, Director, Enforcement spoke to the complexities and review of the By-law and invited N. Hawrylyshyn to meet with him offline to address his concerns.

    Moved ByCouncillor D. Damerla

    That the deputation by Nicholas Hawrylyshyn, Resident regarding by-law enforcement of neighbouring fence height, be received.


Emily Mangan, Community Development Coordinator and Andrine Johnson, CEO, Embrave Agency to End Violence spoke to the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Gender-Based Violence.  E. Mangan noted two initiatives with the Wrapped in Courage campaign in November marking Women Abuse Prevention Month in Ontario and the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence commencing November 25th on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Further, E. Mangan and A. Johnson spoke to statistics, shelter availability, outreach services and continued support, types of abuse and education, and increasing awareness through campaigns and events.

In response to Mayor C. Parrish, A. Johnson noted concerns with the north shelter and displacement of families.

Members of General Committee spoke in support of the initiatives and the need to raise awareness through campaigns, events and social media.

    Moved ByMayor Parrish

    That the deputation by Andrine Johnson, CEO, Embrave Agency to End Violence and Emily Mangan, Community Development Coordinator, Armagh regarding the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Gender-Based Violence, be received.


Georgios Fthenos, Director, Enforcement spoke to the recommendation for removal of s.38(2) of the Traffic By-law to deregulate the playing sports on City streets, staff analysis, jurisdictional scan and community engagement.  

Members of General Committee spoke to the following:

  • history of the By-law and deregulation of playing sports on City streets
  • enforcement measures for equipment left on roadways and prohibition from playing sports on major roadways
  • analysis of other municipalities and regulations
  • liability and survey results

In response to General Committee Members, G. Fthenos spoke to the following:

  • regulations of the By-law
  • enforcement of the provisions of the Traffic By-law, Noise By-law and Highway Obstruction By-law
  • education of the By-law

In response to Councillor A. Tedjo, G. Fthenos spoke to the direction for staff to bring a report on the survey results to General Committee.

    Moved ByCouncillor A.Tedjo

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Georgios Fthenos, Director, Enforcement regarding the corporate report from the Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated October 22, 2024, and titled “Playing Sports on City Streets”, be received.


Joe Perrotta, Director, Rapid Transit and Lin Rogers, Manager, Rapid Transit presented the "2024 Rapid Transit Program Update" and provided an overview and status update of the Hazel McCallion Line and other rapid transit projects across the City.  

Members of General Committee commented/inquired about the following items:

  • project completion timelines
  • utility free zones
  • lane reductions and location of bike lanes and increased visibility of signage for transit stops during construction
  • connection with other municipalities 
  • delivery of a Dundas West BRT and potential link to the University of Toronto Mississauga campus
  • delays in the Goreway bridge construction
  • impact of lane reduction on snow removal
  • to bring a Motion to request payment for the two first years of operation of the HURLT by the Province

In response to Members of General Committee, J. Perrotta and L. Rogers spoke to the following:

  • work delays and continuous dialogue with Metrolinx for project updates 
  • permitting aspects
  • repair of track deficiencies 
  • lane reductions and bike lane locations
  • review and monitoring of work zones and preparation for winter
  • cost and consideration of utility free zones
  • prioritization and connections with other municipalities
  • design considerations for a potential link to the University of Toronto Mississauga campus 
  • Rathburn corridor active work zones and impact on travel and residents
  • the complexities of the Goreway bridge development 

Direction was given to staff to ask Metrolinx to present a deputation to General Committee addressing concerns and providing project updates.

In response to Mayor C. Parrish, Geoff Wright, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer spoke to the approximate operation cost per year to operate the HURLT and that details would be provided to Council once an agreement is entered into with Metrolinx with respect to the operations. 

In response to Councillor D. Damerla, Geoff Wright, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer spoke to past discussions regarding future proofing costs associated with the Dundas BRT project and noted that staff would bring a report back to General Committee outlining recommendations on the next rapid transit corridor.

    Moved ByCouncillor D. Damerla

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Joe Perrotta, Director, Rapid Transit Program Office and Lin Rogers, Manager, Rapid Transit regarding the report titled “2024 Rapid Transit Program Update” dated September 19, 2024, from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, be received.


This deputation was heard after Item 7.1

Jackson Tedjo, Resident spoke in support of Item 10.1 - Playing Sports on City Streets (All Wards).

    Moved ByCouncillor A.Tedjo

    That the deputation by Jackson Tedjo, Resident regarding the corporate report from the Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated October 22, 2024, and titled “Playing Sports on City Streets”, be received.


There were no questions registered by the public.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    • Item 10.2 - 2024 Rapid Transit Program Update
    • Item 10.3 - Establishing Public Highway - Vicksburgh Drive and Hurontario Street (1ft reserve)
    • Item 10.4 - Crediting of Pre-Application Meeting Fees against Development Application Fees - 2025 Planning Act Processing Fees and Charges
    • Item 10.5 - Vendor of Record Designation for the Supply and Delivery of Replacement Parts and Repair Services for Fleet Services
    • Item 10.6 - 2025 Interim Property Tax Levy (All Wards)
    • Item 10.7 - Repeal and Replacement of Heritage Designation By-law for 1160 Clarkson Road North due to Administrative Error (Ward 2)
    • 11.1 - Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Report 7 - 2024 - dated October 30, 2024
    • 11.2 - Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Report 6 - 2024 - Part 2 dated September 25, 2024
    • 12.1 - A letter from Mayor Carolyn Parrish to the Premier of Ontario regarding "Local Share Requirement for the Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital", dated October 30, 2024
    • 12.2 - A letter from Mayor Carolyn Parrish to the Minister of Finance regarding "GTAA PILT Cap Reinstatement", dated October 30, 2024
    • 12.3 - A letter from Mayor Carolyn Parrish to the Premier of Ontario regarding "Declaring Christian Heritage Month in the Province of Ontario", dated November 4, 2024
    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)

This item was moved up to follow 7.3.

Members of Committee spoke to the deregulation of the by-law, liability and regulations, approach to enforcement, and survey results. In response to Members of the Committee, G. Fthenos spoke to the survey results, complaints and recommendations.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden
    1. That Traffic By-law 0555-2000 be amended to deregulate the playing of any game or sport upon a roadway, as outlined in the corporate report from Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated October 22, 2024, and entitled “Playing Sports on City Streets”.
    2. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
    YES (5)Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    NO (7)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, and Councillor N. Hart
    Defeated (5 to 7)

This item was moved up with Item 7.4.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    1. That the report titled “2024 Rapid Transit Program Update” dated September 19, 2024, from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works be received.
    2. That Council request the Premier of Ontario to provide funding for the operation of the HURLT for a minimum of the first two years of operations, in the same way the Province is covering the operating costs for transit projects in Toronto and Ottawa.
    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That a by-law(s) be enacted authorizing the establishment of public highways on those lands described in Appendix 1 attached to the report entitled “Establishing Lands as Public Highway – Vicksburgh Drive (Ward 5) and Hurontario Street (1ft reserve) (Ward 4)”, dated October 16, 2024, from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, and that City staff be authorized to register the by-law(s) on title against the subject lands at Peel Land Registry Office.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That in addition to the 2025 Planning Act Processing Fees and Charges adopted by Council Resolution 0207-2024 on October 9, 2024, that Schedule C1 – titled 2025 Planning Processing Fees and Charges be amended to include a provision to permit the crediting of pre-application meeting fees towards the applicable development application fee at the time of submission.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    1. That the Suppliers included in the attached Appendix 1 be designated as Vendors of Record for the supply and delivery of replacement parts and manufacturer approved repair services for corporate fleet vehicles and equipment managed by Fleet Services, as outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated October 10, 2024 and entitled “Vendor of Record Designation for the Supply and Delivery of Replacement Parts and Repair Services for Fleet Services”.
    2. That the Chief Procurement Officer, or designate, be authorized to execute annual contracts with each of the designated Vendors of Record, in the estimated amounts shown in Appendix 1, for the supply and delivery of replacement parts and repair services; and
    3. That the Vendor of Record designation for those Suppliers listed in Appendix 1 remain valid until such time that:
      1. the parts/services that they provide are no longer required;
      2. a particular Supplier fails to perform or ceases to provide the parts or services required;
      3. or an update to the Vendor of Record designation is necessary.
    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    1. That a by-law be enacted to provide for a 2025 interim property tax levy based on 50 percent of the previous year’s taxes.
    2. That the 2025 residential interim property tax due dates be set for March 6, April 3 and May 1, 2025.
    3. That the 2025 non-residential interim property tax due date be set for March 6, 2025.
    4. That the 2025 interim due dates for properties enrolled in the City’s pre-authorized tax payment plan, in a due date plan, be payable in three instalments for residential properties on March 6, April 3 and May 1, 2025, and in one instalment for non-residential properties on March 6, 2025.
    5. That the 2025 interim due dates for properties enrolled in the City’s pre-authorized tax payment plan, in a monthly plan, be payable in six instalments based on the taxpayer’s selected withdrawal day of either 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd of the months of January, February, March, April, May and June 2025.
    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the heritage designation by-law for 1160 Clarkson Road North (Ward 2) be repealed and replaced as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated September 19, 2024.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac



    That the amount of up to $1200 from the 2024 Council Committees budget be approved for the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Members annual appreciation dinner.



    That the Site Inspection report for the site inspection conducted on October 15, 2024 at Mavis Road and Sombrero Way for the students attending St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School and Mississauga Secondary School be received for information. 



    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the signage on Queenston Drive in front of the school and replace any faded signage.
    3. That the Peel District School Board be requested to repaint the arrows on the Kiss & Ride exit lanes.




    That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect the intersection of Mississauga Road and Lakeshore Road West for the students attending Riverside Public School, in the Spring of 2025 after more students have moved into the Brightwater Community unless transportation for students during construction is provided.



    That the Site Inspection Statistics Report – September and October 2024be received.




    That the Site Inspection report for the site inspection conducted on October 18, 2024 at Silver Creek Boulevard and Gwendale Crescent for the students attending Silver Creek Public School be received for information.




    1. That the warrants are no longer met for the retention of the school crossing guard at Silver Creek Boulevard and Gwendale Crescent and that the school crossing be removed at the Christmas Break 2024.
    2. That the principal of Silver Creek Public School be requested to advise parents and students that the school crossing at Silver Creek Boulevard and Gwendale Crescent will be removed at the Christmas Break 2024.
    3. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
    4. Remove the school crossing signs and lines on Silver Creek Boulevard and remove only the school crossing sign on Gwendale Crescent at the Christmas Break 2024
    5. Conduct a count in order to determine if the warrants are met for the implementation of an all way stop at the intersection of Silver Creek Boulevard and Gwendale Crescent.




    1. That the principal of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School be requested to remind parents and students:
    2. No “u-turn" signage in place in front of the school.
    3. Anyone under the age of 18 riding a scooter must wear a helmet.
    4. Encourage students to walk to school whenever possible.




    1. That the warrants are no longer met for the retention of the school crossing guard at Dundas Street West and The Credit Woodlands and that the school crossing be removed at the Christmas Break 2024.
    2. That the principal of Springfield Public School be requested to advise parents and students that the school crossing at Dundas Street West and The Credit Woodlands will be removed at the Christmas Break 2024.
    3. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the timing of the signal on the east and west legs of the intersection to ensure that it is set at slow walking speed.




    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the feasibility of adjusting the signals at Tomken Road and Runningbrook Drive to accommodate "ped recall" between 8:00 - 9:15 am and 3:00 - 4:00 pm.
    3. That the principals of St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School and Silverthorn Public School be requested to remind parents and students to press the pedestrian button to call up the walk signal to cross Tomken Road and add the attached infographic to the next school newsletter.




    That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for September 2024 be received.



    That the Transportation and Works Action Items List - September 2024 be received.



    That the memorandum from Heleana Tsabros, Legislative Coordinator dated October 30, 2024 entitled “2025 Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Meeting Dates” be received for information.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the Transportation and Works Action Items List - June 2024 be received.


    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the letter from Mayor Carolyn Parrish to the Premier of Ontario regarding "Local Share Requirement for the Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital", dated October 30, 2024, be approved. 

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the letter from Mayor Carolyn Parrish to the Minister of Finance regarding "GTAA PILT Cap Reinstatement", dated October 30, 2024, be received.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the letter from Mayor Carolyn Parrish to the Premier of Ontario regarding "Declaring Christian Heritage Month in the Province of Ontario", dated November 4, 2024, be received.

    YES (11)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A.Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    Carried (11 to 0)

Mayor C. Parrish spoke to the two matters on the Region of Peel agenda.  In response to Mayor C. Parrish, Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building provided clarification of the scenarios and noted the Region's request to Regional Council to endorse moving forward on a Memorandum of Understanding with local municipalities to set development application review time periods.  

Councillor M. Reid spoke to the long-term funding proposal by the Metamorphosis Group to Regional Council and noted a motion would be brought forward to recommend two years of funding which would decrease every year.

In response to Councillor D. Damerla, A. Whittemore spoke to the clarification of the scenarios and timeline for a report.

Members of the General Committee spoke to the Diwali fireworks and noted:

  • concerns with adhering to the By-law
  • cost of enforcement for the Peel Regional Police and City 
  • potential to hold fireworks at a central location for the whole community
  • education, regulation and appropriate use of fireworks

In response to General Committee Members, G. Fthenos spoke to

  • pro-active enforcement measures
  • statistics and investigation of complaints 
  • collaboration with Peel Police and by-law enforcement officers

Members of the General Committee spoke to various events and ceremonies throughout the City.

Councillor D. Damerla spoke in opposition of recent protests and noted she would bring a motion for all places of worship to find balance between freedom of religion and freedom to protest. 

(Pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001)

  • Moved ByMayor Parrish

    Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, requires Council to pass a motion prior to closing part of a meeting to the public;

    And whereas the Act requires that the motion states the act of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting;

    Now therefore be it resolved that a portion of the General Committee meeting to be held on November 6, 2024 shall be closed to the public to deal with the following matter:

    1. Pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001
      1. 16.1 A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization:  Living Arts Centre Feasibility Study (Ward 4)
      2. 16.2 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board:  Execution and Issuance of Approval to Expropriate Land from Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 755 located at 7360 Zinnia Place (Ward 11)
      3. A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board:  Lakeview (Verbal Update)



    The Committee went into Closed Session at 12:00 PM and returned to Open Session to vote on the following matters at 1:26 PM 

A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information,


supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization: Living Arts Centre Feasibility Study (Ward 4) (CONSENT)

Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services provided background information and spoke to the subject matter. Members of the General Committee engaged in a discussion with respect to the information provided. J. Robillos and Geoff Wright, City Manager and Chief Administrative Office responded to questions and spoke to the next steps.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    1. That the “Living Arts Centre Feasibility Study” report and consultant study (Appendix 1), dated October 15, 2024 be received for information.
    2. That the Commissioner of Community Services be authorized to execute a Memorandum of Agreement (‘MOA’) with Metalworks as a primary tenant, as outlined in the Corporate Report dated October 15, 2024, from the Commissioner of Community Services in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
    3. That the Commissioner of Community Services be authorized to (a) negotiate and execute a commercial lease agreement, including any ancillary documents and/or future amending agreements, with Metalworks as a primary tenant based on the terms of the MOA, and in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and (b) to notify those impacted by the changes based on the revised space design and plan for a procurement of the interior renovation of the Living Arts Centre in accordance with the Feasibility Study.
    4. That Council approve staff to undertake a detailed assessment to determine how to maximize seating in the main auditorium with the least amount of impact to existing tenants and events.
    5. That Council direct the City Manager to develop a Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) for proposals to maximize the Living Arts Centre site and ancillary locations such as the City owned lands on the Sheridan Block to include elements such as a hotel, convention centre and housing and report back to Council prior to issuing the RFEOI.
    6. That staff report back to Council on Budget for Proposed renovation and results of the RFEOI.
    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    ABSENT (3)Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, and Councillor A.Tedjo
    Carried (9 to 0)

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board:


Execution and Issuance of a Certificate of Approval to Expropriate Land from Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 755 located at 7360 Zinnia Place (Ward 11) (CONSENT)

No discussion took place. The recommendation was approved in open session.

    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt
    1. That City Council, sitting as the Approval Authority pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, hereby approves the expropriation of the property interests legally described as part of the Common Elements, Peel Standard Condominium Plan No. 755, in the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peel, being Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Reference Plan 43R-41667, subject to registered easement PR741622, PR806589, LT1883863 and LT2137444, required for the purposes of facilitating the Mavis Road widening project.
    2. That the City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign, issue and register on title the Certificate of Approval on behalf of the Approving Authority, in the prescribed form.
    3. That the City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the Certificate of Registration on the expropriation plan and proceed to register the said plan on title.
    4. That all necessary By-laws be enacted.
    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    ABSENT (3)Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, and Councillor A.Tedjo
    Carried (9 to 0)

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board:


Lakeview (Verbal Update) (CONSENT)

Geoff Wright, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer provided background information and gave an update regarding the subject matter. Members of the General Committee spoke in support. 

    Moved ByCouncillor S. Dasko

    That the verbal update in closed session regarding “Lakeview”, be received.

    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, Councillor B. Butt, and Councillor N. Hart
    ABSENT (3)Mayor Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, and Councillor A.Tedjo
    Carried (9 to 0)

(Councillor N. Hart)