Arlene Foster, Senior Internal Auditor provided a presentation regarding the Insurance Claims Audit. A. Foster advised that this audit resulted in a total of nine (9) recommendations. Management has agreed and committed to completing seven (7) recommendations by December 2024, another one in February 2025, and the remaining one by August 2026. Councillor J. Horneck enquired about duplication of work, reconciliation, and user access reviews. Andra Maxwell, City Solicitor, Amy Truong, Director, Internal Audit, and Shari Lichterman, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) responded to questions.
Samer El Barakeh, Senior Internal Auditor provided a presentation regarding the Third-Party Contract Administration Audit. S. El Barakeh advised that this audit resulted in a a total of 11 recommendations. Management has agreed and committed to completing three (3) recommendations by the end of this year, two (2) recommendations by March of 2025, and six (6) by June of 2026. Councillor J. Horneck enquired about inspection records, higher order reviews, contract management, and audit scope. S. El Barakeh, Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works and A. Truong responded to questions.