Ashlee Rivett-Boyle, Manager, Development Central, provided an overview of the Official Plan and Rezoning Application,
Mike Skubic, Resident, expressed concerns, with respect to the building height, shadowing, density, increased crime and graffiti, the lack of space for children to play. Mr. Skubic enquired regarding applying the same zoning as existing buildings and raised issues to the Chechalk Trail.
Councillor Fonseca noted that the applicant has proposed new amenities and upgrades to the parks. Councillor Fonseca noted that she is available to meet with Mr. Skubic to discuss the trial issues he raised if he wished to do so.
Ashlee Rivett-Boyle, Manager, Development Central explained the parking rates with respect to the applicant's request to reduce them further; and explained the results of the shadow studies. Mr. Rivett-Boyle, noted that the applicant is providing dedicated pay area, open general spaces and a leash-free dog park, and further noted that the application underwent extensively review to support a rezoning recommendation and that should Mr. Skubic wish to seek additional zoning permissions for his property, he can do so by submitting the appropriate applications.