Road Safety Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Absent
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1 (Chair)
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10 (Vice-Chair)
  • Robert Fluney, Citizen Member
  • Anne Marie Hayes, Citizen Member
  • David King, Citizen Member
  • Abdul Mannan Mohammed, Citizen Member
  • Michael Matic, Citizen Member
  • Ibrahim Naqi, Citizen Member
  • Jo Pierossi, Citizen Member
  • Brant Thompson, Citizen Member (ABSENT)
  • Louise Goegan, (MSTSAC Representative) (ABSENT)
  • Mark Currie, (MCAC Representative) (ABSENT)

Staff / Agency Representatives Present

Seema Ansari, Technical Analyst, Region of Peel

Melissa Brabant, Regional Marketing Planner, Ministry of Transportation

Cst. Claudia D’Amico, Road Watch Coordinator, Road Safety Services, Peel Regional Police 

Jennifer Andrade, Technical Analyst, Public Education and Outreach, Region of Peel

Max Gill, Supervisor, Road Safety

Colin Patterson, Manager, Traffic Services & Road Safety

Catherine Nguyen-Pham, Communications Advisor

Allyson D'Ovidio, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor S. Dasko, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:31 AM.

Councillor S. Dasko, Chair, recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Approved (Councillor J. Horneck)

Constable D’Amico spoke to the subject matter and responded to questions regarding reporting avenues for the public and fines. In response to Councillor J. Horneck and David King, Citizen Member, Constable D'Amico spoke to the Road Watch Reporting tool and noted the program is used for reporting other offences and is not exclusive to Road Watch. Further, Constable D'Amico provided clarity on the required information collected through the online portal and made suggestions for those who would like to report concerns. In response to Councillor Horneck, Constable D'Amico spoke to Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) and where cameras are permitted to be installed.

In response to Councillor J. Kovac, Colin Patterson, Manager, Traffic Services and Road Safety spoke to the requirements and legislation that permits ASE cameras in School Zones or designated Community Safety Zones. Further C. Patterson spoke to an upcoming report to the General Committee regarding the matter and noted that vandalism of the cameras is an ongoing issue. Councillor S. Dasko made suggestions to prevent vandalism. In response to Citizen Members Robert Fluney and Anne Marie Hayes, Constable D’Amico spoke to the increased enforcement related to the ongoing car-jacking issues and the increased focus on this type on offence. 

    Moved ByCouncillor M. Reid

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Constable Claudia D’Amico, Peel Regional Police regarding an update on the Eliminate Racing Activity on Streets Everywhere Program (E.R.A.S.E) and Project Noisemaker, be received.


M. Turco and M. Sweet presented on the subject matter and provided background information. In response to David King, Citizen Member and Councillor S. Dasko, M. Turco spoke to ownership; helmet use; regulations and education. In response to Robert Fluney, Citizen Member, M. Turco and M. Sweet spoke to the inability to enforce a helmet requirement through a by-law and noted education is critical. Further, M. Turco spoke to insurance requirements of the service providers in relation to liability for users. In response to Ibrahim Naqi, Citizen Member, M. Turco and M. Sweet spoke to maintenance requirements; battery storage; recharging procedures and standards. In response to Anne Marie Hayes, Citizen Member, M. Hayes spoke to tailoring the education to targeted groups once they have been identified through evaluation of the program.

    Moved ByD. King

    That the deputation and associated presentation by Mattea Turco, Transportation Planner, Active Transportation and Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation regarding the Shared Micro-mobility Program, be received.


Councillor S. Dasko recited the Public Question Period procedure guidelines pursuant to the Council Procedure By-Law 0044-2022.

Dan Anderson, Citizen Member enquired about the process for allowing questions to be asked at the Committee meeting. Councillor S. Dasko spoke to the procedure.

In relation to agenda item 11.1, being the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works entitled "2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 1, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7, Ward 8, Ward 10 and Ward 11)",  D. Anderson enquired about whether Council would remedy the lack of information and survey results provided for the post meeting agenda. 

In response to D. Anderson, Max Gill, Supervisor, Road Safety noted that the report was brought to the Road Safety Committee for information only and has been approved and adopted by Council. Further, M. Gill spoke to the surveys; the traffic calming policy; public input requirements and public meetings. M. Gill spoke to the online survey process and rationale and noted public engagements are based on recommendations from the Ward Councillors. 

D. Anderson enquired about a matter that was not included on the agenda and therefore the question was not answered. 

Councillor S. Dasko spoke to the engagement measures conducted by the Councillors of the impacted wards.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck

    That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:
    •    11.1 2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 1, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7, Ward 8, Ward 10 and Ward 11) 
    •    11.3 Road Watch Statistics


Councillor S. Dasko spoke to the subject matter and asked the Committee Members if anyone would be interested in attending the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference 2024. Anne Marie Hayes, Citizen Member spoke to previous conferences that she attended and expressed her desire to return for the 2024 CARSP Conference.

    Moved ByCouncillor M. Reid
    1. That one Citizen Member from the Road Safety Committee attend the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals Conference (CARSP) in Ottawa, Ontario taking place from June 16, 2024 to June 19, 2024 and that funds be allocated from the 2024 Committee budget for registration, transportation, accommodation and meal reimbursement costs up to the amount of $4000.00.
    2. That the Citizen Member who attends the conference provides a comprehensive written summary of the conference experience to the Road Safety Committee.



Councillor S. Dasko spoke to the resignation of Citizen Member Brant Thompson and thanked him for his time and contributions to the Road Safety Committee. 

    Moved ByD. King
    1. That due to the resignation of Brant Thompson, Citizen Member, a vacancy exists on the Road Safety Committee, and that the City Clerk be directed to fill the vacancy in accordance with the Corporate Policy #02-01-01 on Citizen Appointments to Committees, Boards and Authorities.
    2. That the resignation dated April 12, 2024 from Brant Thompson, Citizen Member be received.



Referred from General Committee on March 27, 2024 for information - GC-0149-2024.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck

    That the corporate report dated March 4, 2024 and titled “2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 1, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7, Ward 8, Ward 10, and Ward 11)” from the Commissioner, Transportation and Works, be received for information.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck

    That the January 2024 Road Watch Statistics dated April 23, 2024, be received. 


Tuesday, May 28, 2024 

10:38 AM (I. Naqi)