David King and Robert Fluney, Citizen Members, spoke to concerns regarding the ongoing improper use of e-scooters by users. Mattea Turco, Transportation Planner, provided background information regarding the pilot program for e-scooters including enforcement, user requirements, technology, education and regular updates with the vendors. Further, M. Turco spoke to the efforts used to incentivise helmet use. In response to Councillor M. Reid, Matthew Sweet, Manager, Active Transportation, spoke to the existing contract with the vendor and noted it is a 3 year term with an option to extend for 2 years. Further, M. Sweet spoke to bringing an update to Council before the end of 2024, including statistics of injuries and collisions.
Councillor S. Dasko requested that the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee meet to discuss the development of a 2025 "Slow Down" lawn sign.
In response to Councillor S. Dasko, Catherine Nguyen-Pham spoke to investigating what other municipalities are doing to promote Road Safety and report back to the Committee. Further, Erica Warsh, Project Lead, Vision Zero, spoke to coming back to the Committee with an update on the feasibility of a Road Safety Committee Mascot.