Transit Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Absent
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6, Chair
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Councillor Natalie Hart, Ward 5
  • Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member
  • Shauna Brail, Citizen Member
  • Doris Cooper, Citizen Member
  • David Fisher, Citizen Member
  • Jonathan Giggs, Citizen Member
  • Abbas Khambati, Citizen Member
  • Julia Le, Citizen Member
  • Paul Meo, Citizen Member
  • Louroz Mercader, Citizen Member
  • Mark Song, Citizen Member
  • Steven Viera, Citizen Member

Staff Present

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Worka
Mary-Lou Johnston, Manager, Business Development, MiWay
Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor Horneck, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM

Councillor Horneck, Chair cited the Indigenous Land Statement

That the September 17, 2024 Transit Advisory Committee Agenda be approved, as

Approved (D. Cooper)

That the June 4, 2024 Transit Advisory Committee Minutes be approved.

Approved (D. Fisher)

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit provided an overview of the 2023 MiWay Report to the Community highlighting the reasons for developing the report which focuses on challenges and progress that has been made; addressing increased services demands; understanding MiWay customers; results of the 2023 Customer Satisfaction Survey; community engagement; improvements made; employee focus; supporting equity diversity and inclusion, climate change action plan; next steps for 2024 and beyond and provided an update on Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

Committee Members engaged in discussion and commented/enquired as follows:

  • communications modes to inform riders of delays, bus route changes and temporary relocation of bus stops
  • what increase or decrease in ridership has there been inception of the "One Fare" that is directly linked to the program;
  • fare and service integration between MiWay and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC);
  • expressed thanks for the hard work staff put into developing the Report; and make copies available to the Members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee;
  • look into a Transit App for real time communications;
  • how will the 2023 MiWay Report to the Community be made available to the public;
  • feedback from the MiWay Customer Appreciate Day event;
  • customer responses reflected on the safety
  • performance of the Transitway;
  • what were the top complaints and the purpose for their trips, and requested a breakdown of complaints be reflected in future reports;
  • survey results to indicate previous year comparisons;
  • enhance communication to riders of bus delays in real time;
  • Report sharing on social media or other types of campaigns
  • in addition to the breakdown of complaints, add a list of areas that received positive feedback;
  • has ridership increased on Route 61 that services Sheridan College in Brampton
  • is there a plan to work on clearing points of congestion, building queuing jump lanes, and improving issues on heavily used routes.
  • concerns that change to the bus schedules have a great impact to employee work schedule, specifically in the employment/industrial lands area.

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit responded as follows:

  • MiWay is currently developing a technology plan to upgrade systems to inform riders of delays and route changes in real time; improve infrastructure management during construction when stops have been relocated to the wrong location.
  • there has been an increase in ridership since the inception of the "One Fare" program.
  • the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has expressed interest in moving the program forward and are working on their internal process.

Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development, Transit responded as follows:

  • confirmed that there are ongoing talks with TTC and an update would be provided at the next Transit Advisory Committee meeting.
  • advised that she would provide Councillor Kovac the number of transit ridership along the transitway with a breakdown for each route that services the transitway stations.
  • ridership on Route 61 has increased not only with Sheridan College students but also Brampton residents and employees connecting to the employment industrial area along Route 61.
  • staff continue to work at ways to introduce transit priorities; will look at these issues in all coordinators, in the upcoming infrastructure growth plan.
  • will provide analysis as it relates to areas with que jump lanes to show the travel time savings.
  • staff have been communicating with employers to get an understanding of employee shift times and travel starting point to adjust trip times were possible, and to make those connections possible.

Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay Customer Experience, responded as follows:

  • advised that the report will be posted on the MiWay site.
  • advised that the survey feedback was positive; many customers thanked MiWay staff for the event that acknowledges and appreciates the customer; while others provided feedback for staff to take back for consideration.
  • identified the top three matters customers identified in the survey as driver behaviour, operator driving habits and schedule adherence.
    Moved ByS. Viera

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit, with respect to the 2023 MiWay Report to the Community, be received.


Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience provided an overview of the results of the Spring 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey highlighting the methodology undertaken and explained the data for under each category of  key rider characteristics; customer's overall satisfaction, including safety; reliability; on time; excellent customer service, keeping riders informed, crowding, fares insights and improvements.

Committee Members engaged in discussion and enquired and commented as follows:

  • whether the data reflects on time reliability and next stop sound notification;
  • whether announcement of next stop is automatically turned on, does driver have ability to turn on or off; and reporting of malfunction if announcements are not on;
  • concerns that the survey did not identify any issues for persons with disability;
  • was the survey made available in other languages, and if not, consider for future surveys

Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development responded to enquires as follows:

  • the reliability data reflects entire transit network not just specific routes;

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit responded to enquires as follows:

  • next stop announcements are turned on and if they are not functioning, the driver would report the malfunction

Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience responded to enquires as follows:

  • the survey was not available in other languages, and that staff would look into further
    Moved ByD. Cooper

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience with respect to Results of Spring 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey, be received.


Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development, provided an overview of the September and October frequency improvement, cancellation, and realiability improvement Service Changes.

Committee Members engaged in discussion and enquired and commented as follows:

  • services changes are long overdue;
  • the impact to area residents to access Erin Mills Town Centre with the cancellation of Route 34; suggested other routes pick up passengers along the cancelled route;
  • any consideration to providing service to the employment area on Advance Boulevard and improved service on Derry Road
  • increased ridership along Burnthamthorpe primarily in the city centre
  • reasons MiWay Transit does not have passenger drop off at the Bramalea Terminal
  • bike (including e-bikes) storage on route 51 extension;
  • how many proposed bus stops along route 51 extension; will it be express
  • will Route 5 be extended to Bramalea Terminal
  • concerns expressed that bikes and e-bikes are taking up spots intended for persons with accessibility devices

Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development responded to enquiries as follows:

  • staff will look into service routes in the Erin Mills Town Centre for next year’s Plan;
  • staff will look into service on Advance Boulevard; and continue discussions for improving infrastructure and efficiencies along the Derry Road corridor;
  • explained the growth in ridership along Burnhamthorpe and expanded service from the city centre to Mississauga Road connection to UTM;
  • advised that staff are working with Metrolinx to allow MiWay Transit to enter Bramalea GO Terminal and service a platform within the GO Terminal
  • will speak to stakeholders regarding bike storage on route 51 extension
  • route 51 extension will not be express; it will service all stops to facilitate connections for passengers;
  • staff will be reviewing extending route 5 to Bramalea Terminal
    Moved ByCouncillor N. Hart

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development, with respect to September and October Service Changes be received.


Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit provided an update on Fares and Fare Strategy/Education and noted that MiWay Fare Strategy for 2025 will be presented to the Budget and Committee on October 2, 2024 and that it does not propose a fare increase as a result of increased revenue due to increased ridership; and that it provides two options for Council to consider with respect to senior fares.

Committee Members engaged in discussion and enquired and commented as follows:

  • rationale for not increasing fares when some services issues appear to be as a result of underfunding and a fare increase could provide much needed improvements;
  • consider decreasing the fare for the Region of Peel's affordable transit pass program for persons of low income; other means of operating the affordable transit program other than from the Region of Peel
  • considered sponsorship of infrastructure to generate non-fare revenue
  • support for no fare for seniors

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit responded as follows:

  • an increase in funding for the increase of services is being presented to the Budget Committee on September 18, 2024 and staff are also looking at opportunities to increase non-fare revenues to off-set costs.

Councillor Horneck explained the challenges the GTA is faced with respect to the lack of funding from the federal and provincial governments to provide funding for operations.

    Moved ByCouncillor N. Hart

    That the verbal update from Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit with respect to Fares (Fare Strategy/Education) be received.


Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience, provided an overview of the launch of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program scheduled for September 23, 2024.  Ms. Holder noted that Mississauga Transit is the first Canadian municipal transit provider to participate in this initiative and highlighted the Global partnerships, digital communications and press release to raise awareness of the program, the benefits to riders, and advised that lanyards would be available at the transit terminal for riders with hidden disabilities who wish to participate in the program, and sunflower decals will be installed in accessible seating areas.

  • concern expressed for potential abuse of the program with persons misrepresenting disabilities
  • consider a photo opportunity to promote the program at the site of the one million sunflower space in Lakeview Village in Ward 1.

Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience responded as follows:

  • will educate participants on the purpose of the program and how it works
    Moved ByS. Viera

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience with respect to the Sunflower Program Launch, be received.


Hassan Karkour, Resident enquired regarding communication to passengers without disabilities to not utilize the accessible seating area.

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit, advised that there are a number of initiatives that can be utilized to educate riders including high school students through the MiWay Student Ambassador Program, automated announcements, enhanced signage and campaigns, and utilize transit enforcement on routes known to have issues.

Councillor Horneck expressed thanks for Shauna Brail's contribution to the Committee.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the resignation from Shauna Brail, Citizen Member - University of Toronto Mississauga Representative, be received.


Councillor Horneck expressed thanks for Paul Meo's contribution to the Committee.

    Moved ByD. Cooper

    That the resignation from Paul Meo, Citizen Member, be received.


Jonathan Giggs, Citizen Member suggested bi-monthly meetings be scheduled for 2025.

Direction was given to staff to report back on the feasibility of conducting bi-monthly meetings.

    Moved ByJ. Giggs

    That the 2025 Transit Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule be received.


In response to Doris Cooper's, Citizen Member, enquiry regarding whether MiWay will be in compliance with the AODA requirements scheduled for January 1, 2025, Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit advised that MiWay's infrastructure and customer service are fully in compliance; however, there are some pdf documents and downloads that are not compliant and are being updated to meet the requirements.

A moment of silence was observed for David Zhu, MiWay Mechanic, who passed away on September 17, 2022.

8:19 PM (L. Mercarder)