Heritage Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11 (Chair)
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla, Ward 7
  • David Cook, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair)
  • Alexander Hardy, Citizen Member
  • James Holmes, Citizen Member
  • Antoine Musiol, Citizen Member
  • Terry Ward, Citizen Member
  • Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member
  • Lucy Zita, Citizen Member

Councillor Brad Butt, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and read the Public Meeting Statement.

Councillor Brad Butt, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

(T. Ward)

Vanessa Hicks, Heritage Planner, MHBC Planning Ltd., spoke to the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan and provided an overview outlining the following items:

  • purpose of a heritage conservation district
  • identification of a heritage district;
  • character areas and boundaries
  • legislation
  • contributing and non-contributing property criteria
  • heritage permits; and
  • highlights of key policies and guidelines of the Plan. 
    Moved ByJ. Holmes

    That the deputation and presentation by Vanessa Hicks, Heritage Planner, MHBC Planning Ltd., regarding Streetsville Heritage Conservation District, be received.


This item followed 6.3

Rahul Metha, Resident, Founder, Sustainable Mississauga spoke in opposition to the proposed Streetsville Heritage Conservation District and noted concerns with the restrictions and impact on housing. 

In response, Councillor Butt spoke to development applications in the area.

    Moved ByL. Zita

    That the verbal deputation by Rahul Mehta regarding item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received


Josh Reid, Resident spoke in opposition to the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan designating the whole area as opposed to designating individual properties and provided an interactive presentation outlining contributing and non-contributing properties.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the deputation and presentation by Josh Reid, Resident regarding item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.


This item followed item 6.2

Mark Dunham, Resident spoke to the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan and preservation of individual designated heritage properties, planning restrictions and the impact on development.

    Moved ByJ. Holmes

    That the verbal deputation by Mark Dunham regarding item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.


This item was moved up to follow 6.1

Kelly Singh, Executive Director, More Homes Mississauga spoke to the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan and noted the following:

  • support of protecting heritage sites but spoke of concerns with respect to the scope of the Plan 
  • limitations on housing
  • timing of the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan
  • impact on businesses and residences 
  • changes required in the Plan to provide certainty and clarity in how rules would be applied.
  • adjust Plan to address only heritage designated homes.

In response, Committee Members spoke to the timing of the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan being brought forward.

    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the verbal deputation by Kelly Singh, Executive Director, More Homes Mississauga regarding item 10.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.


Lucas Da Costa, Resident spoke to the effect on future housing developments, businesses and noted various concerns with the Plan.

In response, Jim Holmes, Citizen Member provided an overview of the designation of Meadowvale Village Conservation District.

In response, Dave Cook, Vice Chair, Citizen Member spoke to the percentage of respondents in support of the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the verbal deputation by Lucas DaCosta, Resident regarding item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.


Item 9.1 - Kelly Singh, Executive Director, More Homes Mississauga inquired as follows: The last time a Heritage Conservation District was applied was 20 years ago, so why is this Heritage Conservation District being implemented now? Our organization would like a clear answer on exactly what prompted it at this particular time.  In response, John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums spoke to the history and process of creating the Streetsville Heritage Conversation District.

Item 9.1 - Anthony Hodgson (sp) Resident inquired about what takes precedence, fourplexes and backyard suites or heritage restrictions, and is there a concern that this designation would discourage this kind of development?  In response, J. Dunlop spoke to the Heritage Conservation District working in concert with the Fourplex By-law and garden suites.  

Item 9.1 - Raj Gill (sp) Resident inquired about the process to demolish a property within the Heritage Conservation District. In response, J. Dunlop spoke to the process of demolishing properties within the Heritage Conservation District.  

Item 9.1 - Frank Pape (sp) Resident inquired about changes to heritage listed homes. In response, J. Dunlop noted the process of un-listing homes that fall outside of the boundaries of the heritage conservation district and relisting of properties with applicable heritage provisions.

Item 9.1 - Karen McIlakos (sp)., Representative of owners of commercial properties inquired about the exclusion of buildings from the heritage conservation district and cost of upgrades to properties.  In response, J. Dunlop spoke to the boundary of the Heritage Conservation District which was indicated during Phase I and reviewed at a public meeting and noted the process to file an objection through the Ontario Land Tribunal.  Councillor B. Butt spoke to the permit process.

Item 9.1 - Zhiaqiang Cao (sp), Resident, inquired about unlisted properties now within the heritage conservation boundary and demolition process. In response, J. Dunlop spoke to the listing of properties along Queen Street on the heritage register and the permit application process.

Item 9.1 - Josh Reid, Resident inquired about the resident participation in the survey. In response, J. Dunlop noted over 300 survey respondents.

    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the following items were approved on consent:

    • Item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11)
    • Item 11.1 - Email dated November 14, 2024 from Ash Kamath, Resident regarding Item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11)
    • Item 11.2 - Correspondence dated November 27, 2024 from Roger Wainwright and Linda Lee, Residents regarding Item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11)
    • Item 11.3 - Email dated November 14, 2024 from Zhiqiang Cao, Resident regarding Item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11)
    • Item 11.4 - Correspondence dated November 22, 2024 from Kim Mullin, Wood Bull LLP regarding item 9.1 Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11)
    Moved ByD. Cook
    1. That the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated November 7, 2024, entitled “Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11)”, be approved.
    2. That Council designate the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District, shown on page 2 of the attached Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan, under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
    3. That Council adopt the attached Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan; and
    4. That the proposed Official Plan amendments noted on pages 102 and 103 of the attached Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Plan be considered and included where feasible for Mississauga Official Plan 2051.
    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the email dated November 14, 2024 from Ash Kamath, Resident regarding Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.

    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the email dated November 17, 2024 from Roger Wainwright and Linda Lee, Residents regarding Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.

    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the email dated November 14, 2024 from Zhiqiang Cao, Resident regarding Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.

    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the correspondence dated November 20, 2024 from Kim Mullin, Wood Bull LLP regarding the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District (Ward 11), be received.


December 3, 2024 at 9:30 AM