
Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
  • MAYOR (Vacant)
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • WARD 5 (Vacant), Ward 5
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla, Ward 7
  • Councillor Matt Mahoney, Ward 8
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11

Shari Lichterman, City Manager and CAO 
Andra Maxwell, City Solicitor 
Raj Sheth, Commissioner of Corporate Services 
Geoff Wright, Commissioner of Transportation and Works 
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner of Planning and Building 
Jodi Robillos, Commissioner of Community Services 
Diana Rusnov, Director, Legislative Services and Clerk 
Sacha Smith, Manager/Deputy Clerk, Secretariat and Access & Privacy 
Stephanie Smith, Supervisor, Legislative Services

Acting Mayor Councillor Reid recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Councillor Reid made note that Item 7.2 is referring to item 15.2 and not item 5.2 

Verbal Motion

Moved by: Councillor Fonseca

That the agenda of the June 12, 2024 Council meeting be approved as amended.

Verbal Motion

Moved by: Councillor Mahoney

That the minutes of the May 29, 2024 Council meeting be approved, as presented.

Councillor Horneck spoke about the students from Fallingbrook Middle School regarding the Stampsations Robotics Team. Members of the Stampsations Robotics team spoke to their team and the European Open Championship in Norway.

P. Sheth spoke in support of the Notice of Motion regarding Provincial funding for social services in the Region of Peel. 

Members of Council spoke to the Metamorphosis pledge and to advocacy opportunities for Metamorphosis to attend upcoming summer events. P. Sheth responded.   

  • RESOLUTION0105-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney

    The following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    - 11.1 Planning and Development Committee Report 6 - 2024, dated June 3, 2024

    - 11.2 General Committee Report 12 - 2024 - dated June 5, 2024

    - 16.3 A motion to amend GC-0277-2024 related to Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of lands and premises for a Community Park (Ward 1) (Housekeeping)

    - 17.1 - 17.4 and 17.6- 17.9 By-laws

    - 21.2 Authority to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the acquisition of a property for Park and Road Purposes (Ward 7)

    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0106-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney

    That Recommendations PDC-0019-2024 - PDC-0021-2024 as contained in the Planning and Development Committee Report 6 - 2024 dated June 3, 2024, be approved.


    1.That the applications under Files OZ/OPA 24-2 W11 and T-M24001 W11, 2799580 Ontario Limited (Ballymore Homes), 376, 390 Derry Road West and 0 Oaktree Circle, to amend Mississauga Official Plan to Residential Medium Density and Business Employment and add a Special Site policy; to change the zoning to H-R7-Exception (Detached Dwellings - Shallow Lots), H-RM2-Exception (Semi-Detached), H-RM6-Exception (Townhouses on a CEC - Road), H-RM11-Exception (Back To Back Townhouses On A CEC - Road) and H-C2 (Neighbourhood Commercial) to permit 120 townhouses and back to back townhouses on a CEC Road, two semi-detached dwellings, two detached dwellings and a commercial building be approved.

    2.That Council acknowledges that the Commissioner of Planning and Building, in accordance with the Commissioner’s delegated authority, is contemplating issuing the draft conditions of approval outlined in Appendix 2 attached to the staff report dated May 15, 2024 from the Commissioner of Planning and Building for the draft plan of subdivision under File T-M24001 W11.

    3.That the applicant agrees to satisfy all the requirements of the City and any other external agency concerned with the development.

    4.That the decision of Council for approval of the rezoning application be considered null and void, and a new development application be required unless a zoning by-law is passed within 36 months of the Council decision.

    5.That the "H" holding provision is to be removed from the R7-Exception (Detached Dwellings - Shallow Lots), RM2-Exception (Semi-Detached), RM6-Exception (Townhouses on a CEC - Road), RM11-Exception (Back To Back Townhouses On A CEC - Road) and C2 (Neighbourhood Commercial) zoning applicable to the subject lands, by further amendment upon confirmation from applicable agencies and City Departments that matters as outlined in the report dated May 15, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building have been satisfactorily addressed.


    1.That development applications deemed complete and/or appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal on or before April 10, 2024 for lands within Protected Major Transit Station Areas, identified in the report titled “Current Development Applications in Major Transit Station Areas” dated May 15, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building, continue to be processed as a permitted request for amendment(s).

    2.That staff are authorized to prepare amendments to the Protected Major Transit Station Area policies to implement Ontario Land Tribunal decisions that approve, or have approved, development applications for lands within a Protected Major Transit Station Areas, identified in the report titled “Current Development Applications in Major Transit Station Areas” dated May 15, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building.


    That the Increasing the Missing Middle Pre-Approved Garden Suite Design Plans as presented

    by Rick Conard, Director, Building & Chief Building Official, be received for information.

    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0107-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney

    That Recommendations GC-0279-2024 – GC-0309-2024 as contained in the General Committee Report 12 - 2024 - dated June 5, 2024, be approved.


    That the deputation by Antonio Gallo, Owner, Gallo Ice Cream regarding the Park Vendor Lottery - Ice Cream Truck and Cycle Vending Process, be received.


    That the deputation by AJ Nassri, Director of Operations, Snow Wrangler regarding the corporate report titled “Formal Bid Dispute by Ibrahim Nassri Trading Inc. O/A Snow Wrangler RE: PRC004192 – Landscape Maintenance and Services for the Mississauga Transitway”, dated May 14, 2024 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services, be received.


    That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    • 10.3 Housekeeping Matters Related to Roads – Wards 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9
    • 10.4 2024 Corporate Asset Management Plan
    • 11.1 Combating Racism Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee Report 2 - 2024 dated May 15, 2024
    • 11.2 Road Safety Committee Report 4 - 2024 - dated May 28, 2024
    • 11.3 Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Report 4 -2024 dated May 29, 2024
    • 16.2 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the acquisition of a property for park purposes (Ward 7)
    • 16.4 Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board: Instructions on a proposed settlement regarding the expropriation of an easement affecting a portion of Matheson Boulevard by Metrolinx (Ward 5)


    That procurement no. PRC004192 proceed with award to the lowest, compliant bidder, as outlined in the report dated May 14, 2024, from the Commissioner of Corporate Services titled “Formal Bid Dispute by Ibrahim Nassri Trading Inc. O/A Snow Wrangler RE: PRC004192 – Landscape Maintenance and Services for the Mississauga Transitway”.


    That the following Corporate Policies and Procedures attached to the Corporate report dated May 1, 2024, from the Commissioner of Corporate Services, entitled “2024 Obsolete Corporate Policies and Procedures”, be declared obsolete and rescinded:

    1. 01-07-16 - Employee and Volunteer COVID-19 Vaccination, attached as Appendix 1;
    2. 09-07-01 - Spill Response in the City, attached as Appendix 2, and
    3. 10-06-09 - Driveway Ramps and Wedges, attached as Appendix 3.



    1. That all necessary by-laws be enacted authorizing the establishment of public highways on those lands described in Appendix 1 attached to the report titled “Housekeeping Matters Related to Roads – Wards 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9”, dated May 6, 2024, from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, and that City staff be authorized to register the by-laws on title against the subject lands in the appropriate Land Registry Office.
    2. That the Corporate Report titled “Housekeeping Matters Related to Roads – Wards 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9”, dated May 6, 2024, from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works be received.


    That the 2024 Corporate Asset Management Plan attached as Appendix 1 to the report dated May 28, 2024, entitled “2024 Corporate Asset Management Plan” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer be approved, posted on the City’s website to comply with O. Reg. 588/17 and submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI).


    That the deputation from Christopher Krause, Acting Inspector, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - CSWB, Peel Regional Police regarding the 2023 Hate Crime Statistics, be received.



    That the deputation from Uzma Shakir, Strategic Leader of Diversity & Inclusion regarding the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee Work Plan, be received.



    That the following items were approved on consent:

    • 11.1 - Corporate Report dated March 21, 2024 entitled “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Progress Report 2023” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer
    • 11.2 - Report dated April 1, 2024 entitled "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - 2023 Annual Hate-Motivated Crime Report" from Mark Dapat, Deputy Chief, Community Safety & Well - Being Command, Peel Regional Police



    That the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee endorse the

    recommended work plan items in the Corporate Report titled, “Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee Work Plan (2023-2026)” dated April 5, 2024, from Rob Trewartha, Director, Strategic Communications and Initiatives.



    That the Corporate Report dated March 21, 2024 entitled “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Progress Report 2023” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received.



    That the report dated April 1, 2024 entitled "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - 2023 Annual Hate-Motivated Crime Report" from Mark Dapat, Deputy Chief, Community Safety & Well-Being Command, Peel Regional Police, be received.



    That the Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee meeting start times change from 6:30PM to 6:45PM, be approved.



    That the deputation and associated presentation from Michael Stewart, Government Relations Specialist, CAA regarding their recent “Slow Down Move Over” survey results be received.



    1. That Erica Warsh, Project Leader, Vision Zero work with Communications staff and the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee to prepare and produce social media messaging regarding but not limited to the end of the school year and summer road safety.
    2. That approval be obtained via email correspondence between staff and the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee as needed.



    That the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated April 17, 2024, titled “2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 4)” and referred from the General Committee to the Road Safety Committee for information, be received.



    That the deputation from Athina Tagidou, Resident, with respect to sites inspections conducted at St. Thomas More Catholic Elementary School, Dixie Public School and Tomken Road Middle School, the Parking Enforcement in School Zone for April 2024, and the Transportation and Works Action Items List for April 2024, be received for information.



    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at Tomken Road and Flagship Drive for the students attending St. Thomas More Catholic Elementary School.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to install "No Stopping" corner prohibitions on the east leg of Tomken Road on Flagship Drive and the west side of Tomken Road.



    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard for the students attending Dixie Public School at the intersection Tomken Road and Flagship Drive.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the signage on Flagship Drive.
    3. That Transportation and Works be requested to install "no stopping" corner prohibitions on the east leg of Tomken Road on Flagship Drive and the west side of Tomken Road.
    4. That once the signage is in place, the principal of Tomken Road Middle School be requested to advise the parents and students of the new "No Stopping" corner restriction on Flagship Drive east and west of Tomken Road.



    That the 2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 4) adopted by Council on May 8, 2024 and referred to the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action for information only, be received.



    1. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
      1. Install additional "no stopping" prohibitions on Fairwind Drive at Fairwind Senior Public School entrance and exit driveways.
      2. Install "no stopping" corner prohibitions on Fairwind Senior Public School.
      3. Install additional "No U-Turn" signs in the school area at Fairwind Senior Public School.
      4. Relocate the 30km/hr school zone sign to the post with the WC1 school zone sign.
      5. Review the feasibility of implementing a crossover at the south intersection of Fairwind Drive and Wendron Crescent for the students of Fairwind Senior Public School.
    2. That Peel Regional Police be requested to attend Fairwind Senior Public School to enforce the "No U-Turns" once Transportation and Works has completed recommendation 1c) above, between the hours of 8:05 - 8:25 AM and 2:10 - 2:35 PM.



    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Barrisdale Drive and Montevideo Road for the students attending St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the signage on Montevideo Road in front of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School and near Barrisdale Drive.
    3. That the principal of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School be requested to:
      1. Advise the parents to use the kiss and ride to drop off students.
      2. Remind students and parents to cross Montevideo Road at the crossover in front of the school or with the crossing guard at Montevideo Road and Aquitaine Avenue instead of midblock at Barrisdale Drive.



    That the Site Inspection Statistics Report for May 2024 be received for information.



    That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for April 2024 be received for information.



    That the Transportation and Works Action Items List for April 2024 be received for information.



    That the Commissioner of Community Services be authorized to negotiate and enter into amendments, as may be required, to the Licence and Operation Agreement with Pegasus Waterfront Corporation for the Harding Waterfront Estate, including all necessary documents ancillary thereto, in a form satisfactory to Legal Services, as outlined in the Corporate Report entitled “Amendments to the Pegasus Licence and Operation Agreement – Harding Waterfront Estate Utility Charges” dated May 14, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services.


    1. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including all ancillary documents and any subsequent amending or extension agreements, with respect to The Corporation of the City of Mississauga’s (the “City”), purchase of the property legally described as Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3 Plan C 14 Toronto; as in RO447899, in the City of Mississauga, being all of PIN 13157-0070 containing an area of approximately 0.382 acres (0.155 Hectares) on the terms detailed in this report and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or her designate.
    2. That a new capital project PN 24411 Land Acquisition – Parkland (P-646) be created with a gross and net budget of $4,954,000 plus all applicable closings costs, land transfer tax and harmonized sales tax and that funding be allocated from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #A32121, as outlined in the Corporate Report dated May 15, 2024 and entitled “Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the acquisition of a property for park purposes (Ward 7)”.
    3. That funds be transferred from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #A32121 to capital project PN 24411.
    4. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.



    That the Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to approve and execute a Licence of Land Renewal Agreement between His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario as represented by The Minister of Infrastructure (“Infrastructure Ontario”) as Licensor, and The Corporation of the City of Mississauga (the “City”) as Licensee, for the City to continue to license a portion of the Licensor’s lands legally described as Part of Lot 6, 7 and 8, Concession 2, North of Dundas Street (Formerly Township of Toronto) in the City of Mississauga, Regional Municipality of Peel and more particularly described as Parts 27 to 30, 32, 44 to 46, 55 to 57, 59, 61 to 68 and 111 to 116 on Reference Plan 43R-33867, comprising an area of approximately 0.898 hectares (2.219 acres) (the “Subject Lands”), for the purpose of parking road-worthy vehicles, in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor as outlined in the Corporate Report dated May 16, 2024 and entitled “Authorization to Approve and Execute a License Renewal Agreement with His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Infrastructure for Parking for the Mississauga Transitway at Dixie Station (Ward 3)”.


    1.That Council consent to the proposed settlement of Ontario Land Tribunal arbitration proceeding OLT-23-000466 regarding the expropriation of City-owned lands by Metrolinx, consistent with the terms outlined in Appendix 1 to the report titled: “Instructions on a proposed settlement regarding the expropriation of an easement affecting a portion of Matheson Boulevard by Metrolinx (Ward 5)”; and

    2.That the City Solicitor, or her designate, be authorized to execute a Full and Final Release and to take and approve of such additional steps as may be required to complete and implement the proposed settlement.


    That the City Solicitor continue the appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner regarding Peel FOI 24-061 extension of time claim.

    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)

A Request for Municipal Significance Designation for the purpose of obtaining a Special Occasion Permit - Jackalope 2024 from July 12,13,14, 2024 on Celebration Square (Ward 4)

Councillor Butt and Andra Maxwell, City Solicitor spoke to an amendment to the exemption to the Animal Care and Control By-law 98-04 for a property located at 962 Silverthorn Mill Avenue.

  • RESOLUTION0110-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt
    Seconded ByCouncillor S. McFadden

    WHEREAS the City’s two-year Urban Hen Pilot Program concluded on May 5, 2023 with a continued ban on keeping urban hens in the City of Mississauga;

    AND WHEREAS Ward 11 was not included in the pilot, and a residence in Ward 11 came to the attention of Animal Services by complaint for the keeping of a prohibited species;

    AND WHEREAS Mr. Anwar Knight, a resident of Ward 11 and the property owner of 962 Silverthorn Mill Avenue, has been keeping urban hens on his property, as family pets, since 2021;

    AND WHEREAS the immediate neighbours have been aware of the pet urban hens without objection, currently providing letters of support indicating that they are not disturbed by the presence of the pet urban hens on the property;

    AND WHEREAS the Urban Hen Pilot participants are permitted to keep their current hens in the locations approved by the City in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Pilot Program, until the end of their natural lifespan;

    AND WHEREAS the only way to allow the owner to continue keeping the pet urban hens at his property would be for Council to pass a unique exemption crafted to ensure it applies to this one property and owner only;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mr. Anwar Knight be granted a unique exemption from Animal Care and Control By-law 98-04, as amended prohibiting the keeping of pet urban hens on his current property, located at 962 Silverthorn Mill Avenue, in accordance with the following:

    a) The exemption only allows the keeping of Mr Anwar Knight’s three (3) current pet urban hens, or fewer at 962 Silverthorn Mill Avenue, until the end of their natural lifespan;
    b) The exemption does not allow the keeping of male chickens/roosters;
    c) Mr. Anwar Knight shall keep the pet urban hens in an outdoor enclosure that meets all the applicable requirements set out in section 22 and section 23 of the Animal Care and Control By-law 98-04, as amended; and
    d) Mr. Anwar Knight remains subject to all other requirements of the Animal Care and Control By-law 98-04, as amended.


    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)

Members of Council spoke in support of the Notice of Motion regarding Provincial funding for social services in the Region of Peel. 

  • RESOLUTION0111-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt
    Seconded ByCouncillor S. Dasko

    WHEREAS Mississauga is a thriving, growing, and diverse world-class city that is an economic engine for Ontario and Canada, Canada’s seventh largest city, and home to the province’s second largest economy;

    AND WHEREAS the residents of Mississauga, like people in every community, need to be able to access and rely upon appropriate social services and supports, such as childcare, seniors care, mental health care, etc. at various times in their lives, to thrive and succeed;

    AND WHEREAS a recent report by the Metamorphosis Network found that residents of Peel receive less provincial funding for municipal and social services than the average resident of Ontario municipalities, receiving an average of $578 less, annually, per person, than the average resident of Ontario municipalities receives;

    AND WHEREAS that cumulative gap in funding amounts to over $868 million in underfunding across Peel, on average each year, and almost half a billion dollars for Mississauga alone;

    AND WHEREAS these funding shortfalls mean longer wait times and less equitable access to municipal and social services for Mississauga residents and communities;

    AND WHEREAS efforts to meet the needs of Mississauga residents have meant increasing municipal contributions to municipal and social services from local revenue sources, such as property taxes and user fees, to cover provincial funding shortfalls;

    AND WHEREAS Mississauga deserves a fair, new deal from the provincial government that provides sufficient and sustainable funding to ensure residents have fair and equitable access to municipal and social services that they rely upon;


    1. The Council of the City of Mississauga call upon the Government of Ontario, the Premier, the relevant ministers and local MPPs to make an immediate commitment to providing a fair, new deal for Mississauga to ensure that municipal and social services in Mississauga receive an equitable share of provincial investment;
    2. The Council of the City of Mississauga call upon the Government of Ontario, the Premier, the relevant ministers and local MPPs to meet with local representatives, including municipal elected officials, City Staff, and non-profit organizations to work together on a plan to address provincial underfunding of municipal and social services in Mississauga; and
    3. The acting Mayor, on behalf of City Council, advocate to the Government of Ontario, the Premier, the relevant ministers and local MPPs to convey the aforementioned requests.


    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)



Acting Mayor Councillor Reid expressed sincere condolences to the family of Catherine (Caye) Killaby.

  • RESOLUTION0112-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney

    WHEREAS the Mayor, Members of Council and staff at the City of Mississauga are saddened to learn of the passing of Catherine (Caye) Killaby who passed away on May 16, 2024;

    AND WHEREAS Caye was a Town of Mississauga Councillor from 1968-1970, and City of Mississauga Councillor from 1974-1976, she was initially the only woman elected to Council;

    AND WHEREAS Caye served on the Town of Mississauga Recreation Commission, Town Library Board, and the Credit Valley Hospital Board;

    AND WHEREAS Caye was extremely involved in her community, she also organized and directed programs at Sheridan College to familiarize residents with the workings of government;

     AND WHEREAS Caye was predeceased by her beloved husband Peter Killaby, she will be missed by her two sons Guy and Douglas and her five grandchildren;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that sincere condolences be extended on behalf of the Mayor, Members of Council and staff of the City of Mississauga to the Killaby family.

    Carried (10 to 0)

Acting Mayor Councillor Reid expressed sincere condolences to the family of Grace Farquharson. 

  • RESOLUTION0113-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck
    Seconded ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    WHEREAS the Mayor, Members of Council and staff at the City of Mississauga are saddened to learn of the passing of Grace Farquharson, Retired Library Assistant, on May 26, 2024;

    AND WHEREAS Grace joined Mississauga Library on August 14, 1996 and retired on February 1, 2017;

    AND WHEREAS Grace worked for the Mississauga Library for over 21 years, 17 of which was spent at Woodlands Library;

    AND WHEREAS Grace loved storytelling and shared her passion for the written word with co-workers and library patrons, she liked finding solutions to complex problems and was the creative mind when it came to programming decorations; 

    AND WHEREAS she enjoyed reading to children of all ages and would never shy away from dressing up in silly outfits and hats to make programs fun;

    AND WHEREAS Grace’s sense of humour was outstanding, she also had a kind and gentle spirit and will be dearly missed by all those who knew and loved her including daughters Amanda and Brenna and grandchildren Molly, James, Olive, and Iris;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that sincere condolences be extended on behalf of the Mayor, Members of Council and staff of the City of Mississauga to the Farquharson family.

    Carried (10 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0108-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney

    WHEREAS Recommendation GC-0277-2024 in General Committee Report 11 – 2024 – dated May 22, 2024 was approved by Council on May 29, 2024 by Resolution 0102-2024;

    AND WHEREAS Recommendation GC-0277-2024 inadvertently omitted the inclusion of part five of the recommendation;



    That Recommendation GC-0277-2024 be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:


    1. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including all ancillary documents and any subsequent amending or extension agreements, with respect to The Corporation of the City of Mississauga’s (the “City”) purchase of the property legally described as Part Lot 3 Con 1 SDS Toronto as in RO1162001, Except Parts 4 & 5, 43R-3006; Subject to easement RO422622 in the City of Mississauga, Regional Municipality of Peel, being all of PIN 13336-0194 (the “Subject Property”) containing an area of  approximately 2.99  acres (1.21 hectares) on the terms detailed in this Closed Session Corporate Report dated May 10, 2024 entitled “Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of lands and premises for a Community Park (Ward 1)” and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or her designate.
    2. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute a License Agreement and any subsequent amending agreements with respect to the City’s license back to the vendors of a storage building located on the Subject Property, comprising an area of approximately 1,205.3 square metres, for the purposes of temporary storage and removing the vendors’ personal property, for a term ending on September 30, 2026 and on the further terms detailed in this report and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or her designate.  
    3. That a new capital project PN 24412 Land Acquisition – Parkland (F-376) be created with a gross and net budget of $8,950,000 and that funding be allocated from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #A32121 CIL Parkland as outlined in this Closed Session Corporate Report dated May 10, 2024 and entitled “Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of lands and premises for a Community Park (Ward 1)”.
    4. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
    5. That funds be transferred from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #A32121 to capital project PN 24412.
    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0114-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Horneck
    Seconded ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended (the "Act"), requires Council to pass a resolution prior to closing part of a meeting to the public;

    AND WHEREAS the Act requires that the resolution states the act of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting;

    NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that a portion of the Council meeting held on June 12, 2024 shall be closed to the public to deal with the following matters:

    (Pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001)

    21.1    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: Authorization to Approve and Execute a binding Term Sheet with “Enwave” and a corresponding Commercial Lease Agreement for District Energy Sustainability Centre and Education Space at Lakeview Village (Ward 1)

    21.2    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: Authority to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the acquisition of a property for Park and Road Purposes (Ward 7)

    21.3    Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board: Delegation of Authority during Summer Recess with respect to Settlements of Ontario Land Tribunal Appeals (Various Wards)

    21.4    Labour relations or employee negotiations: Ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement reached between the City of Mississauga and the Canadian Union of Public Employes (CUPE) Local 66 Works Operations & Maintenance (WOM)

    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)

HAC-0032-2024/April 9, 2024 and 0074-2024/April 17, 2024

Councillor Tedjo spoke to the designation of the property and enquired if the property owner was notified. Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services spoke to the process of notifying residents when a matter goes before the Heritage Advisory Committee. 


Councillor Butt enquired about the by-election that took place on June 10, 2024. Diana Rusnov, Director, Legislative Services spoke to the success of the by-election. Councillor Damerla spoke to the markings on the voting ballots. D. Rusnov responded.

Councillor Horneck enquired about the requirement for multiple tree replacements when a resident cuts down one tree on their property and spoke to damages to a property from a tree. Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services responded and spoke to the Private Tree Protection By-law and noted that staff would follow-up with the Councillor. 

Members of Council congratulated the Mayor-elect and Councillor-elect and announced various recognition days, Ward and City wide events.

Council went into Closed Session at 10:43AM and returned at 11:15AM.  (See Item 16.1 Motions - to close to the public a portion of the Council meeting to be held on June 12, 2024 to deal with various matters) Councillor Damerla left the meeting at 10:43AM. 

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board:


Authorization to Approve and Execute a binding Term Sheet with “Enwave” and a corresponding Commercial Lease Agreement for District Energy Sustainability Centre and Education Space at Lakeview Village (Ward 1)

Jodi Robillios, Commissioner, Community Services and Councillor Dasko spoke to the subject matter. 

The following resolution was voted on and passed during public session.

  • RESOLUTION0115-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor S. Dasko
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney
    1. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a binding Term Sheet between the Corporation of the City of Mississauga and Enwave Lakeview (“Enwave”), including such ancillary and/or future amending agreements as may be required, for the purpose of describing the basic terms and conditions to be included in a long term lease agreement with Enwave, in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and
    2. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a long term commercial lease agreement (the “Commercial Lease”) between the Corporation of the City of Mississauga and Enwave Lakeview, including such ancillary and/or future amending agreements as may be required, in order to allow Enwave Lakeview to occupy a District Energy building and operate its equipment for the purposes of serving the energy needs of the residential units to be built within the Lakeview Village subdivision, in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
    3. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor D. Damerla
    Carried (9 to 0)

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: 


Authority to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the acquisition of a property for Park and Road Purposes (Ward 7) (CONSENT)

This item was approved on the consent agenda and the following resolution was voted on and passed during public session.

  • RESOLUTION0109-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    Seconded ByCouncillor M. Mahoney
    1. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale (the “Agreement”), including all ancillary documents and subsequent amending or extension agreements, between the Corporation of the City of Mississauga (the “City”), as Purchaser and 2729740 Ontario Inc. (“Camrost-Felcorp”), as Vendor, for the purchase of lands located at 3672 Kariya Drive and 152 Burnhamthorpe Road West, containing an area of approximately 5,886 square meters (1.45 acres) being a part of PIN 13144-0470 (LT), together with land containing an area of approximately 1,507 square meters (0.37 acres) being part of PIN 13144-0476 (LT), identified on Appendix 2 as parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, City of Mississauga, Regional Municipality of Peel, at fair market value, on the terms detailed herein and in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
    2. That a new capital project PN24413 Land Acquisition-Parkland (F-625) be created with a gross and net budget of $31,216,515 and that funding be allocated from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #32121.
    3. That funding of $31,216,515 be transferred from the Cash in Lieu Parkland Reserve Fund Account #32121 to PN24413.
    4. That a new capital project PN24117 Property Acquisition be created with a gross and net budget of $38,421,842 and that funding be allocated from the DCA Roads and Related Infrastructure Reserve Fund Account #31335.
    5. That funding of $38,421,842 be transferred from the DCA Roads and Related Infrastructure Reserve Fund Account #31335 to PN24117.
    6. That all necessary By-Laws be enacted.
    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    Carried (10 to 0)

Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board:


Delegation of Authority during Summer Recess with respect to Settlements of Ontario Land Tribunal Appeals (Various Wards)

Andra Maxwell, City Solicitor spoke to the subject matter. 

The following resolution was voted on and passed during public session.

  • RESOLUTION0116-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden
    Seconded ByCouncillor B. Butt
    1. That, in order to address the 2024 Summer Recess, Council delegates to the Commissioner or their designate as identified in Appendix 2 attached to the report from the City Solicitor, entitled Delegation of Authority during Summer Recess with respect to Settlements of Ontario Land Tribunal Appeals (Various Wards), the authority to instruct the City Solicitor to consent to the proposed settlements of certain Ontario Land Tribunal appeals identified in Appendix 1, in the report from the City Solicitor entitled Delegation of Authority during Summer Recess with respect to Settlements of Ontario Land Tribunal Appeals (Various Wards); in consultation with the applicable Ward Councillor, or in the event that Ward seat is vacant, then in consultation with the Mayor;
    2. That the City Solicitor, or her designate, be authorized to execute Minutes of Settlement and take such additional steps as may be required to complete and implement the proposed settlements with the assistance of such City staff or consultants as may be appropriate; and
    3. That the Commissioner identified in Appendix 2, attached to the report from the City Solicitor entitled Delegation of Authority during Summer Recess with respect to Settlements of Ontario Land Tribunal Appeals (Various Wards), and the City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents which may be required to complete and implement the settlements, other than Minutes of Settlement.
    YES (10)Mayor Crombie, Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor D. Damerla
    Carried (10 to 0)

Labour relations or employee negotiations:


Ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement reached between the City of Mississauga and the Canadian Union of Public Employes (CUPE) Local 66 Works Operations & Maintenance (WOM)

Shari Lichterman, City Manager and CAO and Geoff Wright, Commissioner of Transportation and Works spoke to the subject matter and answered questions from Members of Council. 

The following resolution was voted on and passed during public session.

  • RESOLUTION0117-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor M. Mahoney
    Seconded ByCouncillor J. Kovac
    1. That the Memorandum of Settlement reached between the City of Mississauga and CUPE Local 66 (WOM), as outlined in the Corporate Report entitled “Ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement reached between the City of Mississauga and the Canadian Union of Public Employes (CUPE) Local 66 Works Operations & Maintenance (WOM)” dated May 3, 2024 from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer as attached as Appendix 1 be approved.
    2. That the by-law to authorize the execution of a Collective Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Mississauga and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 66 – Works Operation & Maintenance Unit as attached as Appendix 2 be enacted.
    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor D. Damerla
    Carried (9 to 0)

Labour relations or employee negotiations: Update on various labour negotiations (Verbal)


Shari Lichterman, City Manager and CAO spoke to the subject matter and answers questions from Members of Council.

The following resolution was voted on and passed during public session.

  • RESOLUTION0118-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor A. Tedjo
    Seconded ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the closed session verbal update on various labour negotiations be received. 

    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, Councillor M. Reid, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor D. Damerla
    Carried (9 to 0)

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Mississauga at its meeting held on June 12, 2024 which includes: recommendations, any reports of committees and of local boards, each motion and resolution passed and other actions taken by the Council. 
