That Councillor Stephen Dasko (Ward 1) be appointed Chair of the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee for the term ending November 14, 2023 or until a successor is appointed.
(RSC-0026-2023) (RSPS-0001-2023)
That Councillor Sue McFadden (Ward 10) be appointed Chair of the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee for the term ending November 14, 2023 or until a successor is appointed.
(RSC-0027-2023) (RSPS-0002-2023)
That the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee Terms of Reference be approved as amended.
(RSC-0028-2023) (RSPS-0003-2023)
That Catherine Nguyen-Pham, Communications Advisor be directed to work with Creative staff to prepare mock designs of a new “Slow Down” lawn sign and return to the Road Safety Promotional Subcommittee for approval and next steps.
(RSC-0029-2023) (RSPS-0004-2023)