(Public Question Period was considered at each Budget Committee Meeting Date) Considered on November 27, 2023
Chris Mackie, Resident enquired about the allocation of tax dollars and the impact on residential property taxes, the difference between "Maintain Current Service Levels” and “Normal Operations”, the economic adjustment for non-unionized staff salaries, and 2024 capital budget funding. Marisa Chiu, Director, Finance and Treasurer responded to questions and spoke to the City of Mississauga's portion of the tax allocation, the education allocation, and the impact on property taxes. M. Chiu further advised that "Normal Operations" was a net number, the 2% economic adjustment for non-unionized staff salaries, and spoke to the funding split for the 2024 capital budget.
(Public Question Period was considered at each Budget Committee Meeting Date) Considered on November 28, 2023
Chris Mackie, Resident enquired about Station 125 regarding, it's opening, the budget allocation for the station, the amount of fire trucks it could hold, the need for a division chief. C. Mackie additionally enquired about the fire inspections program. Shari Lichterman, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions and spoke to the summer 2024 opening, the full annual budget for the additional firefighters, the station beginning as a one-truck station. S. Lichterman further spoke to the public safety levy, the tax impact, and noted the division chief would be for the dispatch centre. S. Lichterman additionally spoke to the fire inspections program, and the public education program. S. Lichterman advised that Chief Deryn Rizzi would follow-up with C. Mackie directly to answer any remaining questions.
Jonathan Giggs, Resident enquired about transit service hours in 2024 compared to 2019, and closed-door boarding. Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works responded to questions and spoke to the gap between services from 2019 to 2024. G. Wright spoke to closed-door boarding, the impact on customers, and the key pressures affecting service levels.