David Ferro, Planner provided an overview of the Payment-in-lieu-of-Parking (PIL) application request and highlighting the site location, justification and analysis for the PIL request.
In response to Councillor Butt's request for clarification on the applicants request for parking reduction that was made to the Committee of Adjustment and why this matter is now being presented to the Planning and Development Committee, David Ferro, Planner explained the details of the Applicant's minor variance applications, the Committee of Adjustments decision, the Applicants subsequent application to the City's Payment-in-Lieu of off-street parking program, and that this matter is before the Planning and Development Committee is to consider the parking provisions.
The following persons spoke:
- Sylvia Harris, Development Manager, Flourish, provided background of Indwell Community Homes, the funding through Rapid Housing initiative and the Region of Peel to provide affordable units, the building concept, design, amenities, and the number and type of units and retail/commercial space. Harris provided an overview of the application for payment in lieu of parking and provided residential, visitor and commercial parking data of other Indwell Community Homes sites in the province.
- Karen Allin, Resident, expressed concern that Indwell has not planned for sufficient parking for their own needs and noted that the parking data of other Indwell sites in Hamilton does not take into consideration the different type of transit and proximity to grocery stores. Allin spoke to the parking ratio data, parking justification submitted to the Committee of Adjustment, and the feedback from tenants of the Lakeshore Lofts that visitors and retail customers often park in neighbouring lots or on street due to the insufficient parking.
- Sue Shanly, President, Meadow Wood Rattray Residents' Association spoke in support of Indwell Community Homes support housing and expressed concerns that the request to reduce parking spaces will have a great impact on the Clarkson Community who already face parking issues with neighouring retail and sports played in nearby park.
- Ted Cowdrey, Owner, Peel Montessori School, expressed concern that approving reduced parking will set a precedent for future developments and does not support the Payment-in-Lieu-of-Parking request.
- Jason DaCosta, Resident, spoke in support of approving the reduced parking request noting that tenants are of limited income and would not have the means to afford a vehicle.
- Kelly Singh, Executive Director, More Homes Mississauga, requested Council to exempt Indwell Community Homes from paying fees for reduced parking as most residents would not have vehicles and not require parking and spoke to the importance of prioritizing and incentivizing more affordable housing.
Brenda Tomini, Resident spoke opposing the proposal to reduce parking and expressed safety concerns for, children attending the park and ice cream shop next to the development; adding more constraints and sightline safety issues with additional on-street parking and noted that the suggestion of overflow parking for tenants and retail patrons be made available at a nearby church is not feasible due to the distance from the development. Ms. Tomini enquired why the applicant did not revise their parking plan as was recommended at the Committee of Adjustment meeting.
Cyril Tahtadjian, Resident spoke in opposition to approve reduced parking for this development. Mr. Tahtadjian noted that tenants of the development have been identified as persons who would not have vehicle ownership; however, they may have family and friends visit who own a vehicle, as well as considering the distance of grocery stores and other retailers they may need to access. Tahtadjian further noted that PIL ought to be reserved for slight deficiencies; PIL payment funded by the taxpayers is not appropriate, and requested the matter be postponed for further dialogue to reduce the number of units to accommodate the city’s urban planning by-laws.
- Tijana Roussety, Resident, expressed concern with the PIL fee imposed to Indwell Community Homes and requests Council consider reducing the fee to zero. Roussety spoke to the importance of supportive housing and noted that the focus ought to be on expanding transit in this location rather than expanding parking spaces.
- Anne Marie Viggiani, Resident expressed concern that the number of parking spaces being proposed is not adequate especially in the winter months if snow is not removed from the site but rather accumulated into the parking spaces, thus reducing the available parking spaces. Viggiani enquired regarding Indwell's plan to provide parking spaces to all the residents who require parking, should they exceed parking space availability. Ms. Viggani noted that the City ought to ensure that the developer is providing sufficient parking for tenants, staff, visitors and retailers and that the overflow does not infringe on parking spaces meant for customers of Clarkson businesses, and further noted that the building size is too big for the footprint of the property.
- Rod McDougall spoke opposing the proposed parking reduction as the number of parking spaces is not adequate for the number of residential units and that overflow of parking would spill over to the street and private lots which will impact customers and residents of Clarkson.
In response to Councillor Kovac's enquiry regarding Transportation and Works (T&W) staff's comments and what type of retail is being designated, Chris Rouse, Director, Development and Desgn, advised that the application was forwarded to T&W staff for comments.
Sylvia Harris, Development Manager, Flourish, explained the retail square footage, and the potential retailer would be a market based establishment.
Councillor Tedjo proposed alternate wording to staff's recommendation and spoke to the the community’s engagement, the reduced parking spaces at other Indwell Community Homes sites, and the importance of prioritizing people to provide more affordable housing’, the support of all levels of government and the Clarkson business community, the PIL fee adjustment that ensures that the city is doing what it can to develop and not burdening indwell with excessive fees.
In response to Councillor Butt’s enquiry for clarification on the alternate wording recommendation, Baiqing Luo, Legal Counsel, advised that it delegates the authority to the Commissioner to negotiate the terms of the PIL agreement in consultation with the Ward Councillor.
Councillor Butt and Councillor Horneck suggested the the PIL fee be reduced to zero. Chris Rouse, Manager, Development and Design, explained the provisions of the Planning Act that does not permit a zero amount, and that Council would have vote on the amending recommendation.
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Development advised that staff will look into the fee that is required under the legislation and would bring present that information at the Council meeting on October 9, 2024.