Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee

Meeting #:
Online Video Conference
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla, Ward 7
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11
  • Trustee Jill Promoli, Peel District School Board
  • Trustee Brea Corbet, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
  • Aamira Alvi, Citizen Member
  • Faiz Ahmed, Citizen Member
  • Irene Chu, Citizen Member
  • Junaid Shah, Citizen Member
  • Kathy Leff, Citizen Member
  • Louise Goegan, Citizen Member
  • Miles Roque, Citizen Member (Chair)
  • Peter Westbrook, Citizen Member
  • Sandra Thomson, Citizen Member
  • Tammy Coulson, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair)
  • TJ Cieciura, Citizen Member
  • Vibha Sequeira, Citizen Member

Tammy Coulson, Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM.

“We acknowledge the lands which constitute the present-day City of Mississauga as being part of the Treaty and Traditional Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, The Haudenosaunee Confederacy the Huron-Wendat and Wyandotte Nations. We recognize these peoples and their ancestors as peoples who inhabited these lands since time immemorial. The City of Mississauga is home to many global Indigenous Peoples.

As a municipality, the City of Mississauga is actively working towards reconciliation by confronting our past and our present, providing space for Indigenous peoples within their territory, to recognize and uphold their Treaty Rights and to support Indigenous Peoples. We formally recognize the Anishinaabe origins of our name and continue to make Mississauga a safe space for all Indigenous peoples.”

Megan Piercey, Legislative Coordinator recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Approved (L. Goegan)

Any member of the public interested in making a deputation to an item listed on the agenda must register by calling 905-615-3200 ext. 4915 or by emailing [email protected] by Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 12:00 PM.

Each Deputation to Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee is limited to speaking not more than 10 minutes.
Pursuant to Section 57.1 of the Council Procedure By-law 0044-2022, as amended:
Deputations shall be received and the matter shall be referred to staff for a report, unless there is a resolution or recommendation passed to “receive” the Deputation. After a Deputation is completed, Members shall each have one opportunity to make a preamble statement and ask questions to the Deputant(s) or staff for clarification purposes only, and without debate.

J. Hunter presented the 2024 Cycling Events and Outreach.

    Moved ByI. Chu

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Jacqueline Hunter, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator regarding Cycling Events & Outreach 2024 be received for information.


This item was discussed after Item 9.2.

L. Zeglen provided an update on the School Walking Routes Program and spoke regarding students at current program schools, students at all program schools, and all Mississauga students. Rebecca Rozario, Transportation Safety Officer – STOPR enquired about how high needs schools are determined. L. Zeglen responded to questions.

Tammy Coulson, Vice-Chair reminded committee members to attend the minimum of two site inspections a month.

    Moved ByJ. Shah

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Laura Zeglen, Active Transportation Coordinator regarding School Walking Routes Program: Updates from Active Transportation be received for information.


Public Comments: Members of the Public that have a question about an item listed on the agenda may pre-register by contacting the Legislative Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Following the registered speakers, if time permits, the Chair will acknowledge members of the public who wish to ask a question about an item listed on the agenda. Virtual participants must pre-register. 

Pursuant to Section 58 of the Council Procedure By-law 0044-2022, as amended:

Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee may grant permission to a member of the public to ask a question of Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee, with the following provisions:

  1. Questions may be submitted to the Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the meeting;
  2. A person is limited to two (2) questions and must pertain specific item on the current agenda and the speaker will state which item the question is related to;
  3. The total public question period time is 15 minutes maximum and shall not be extended by the Chair; and
  4. Any response not provided at the meeting will be provided in the format of a written response.


Site inspection report for the site inspection conducted on February 22, 2024 and March 5, 2024 at the intersection of Runningbrook Drive and Tomken Road for the students attending Silverthorn Public School.


  1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Runningbrook Drive and Tomken Road for the students attending Silverthorn Public School and St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School.
  2. That Transportation and Works be requested to extend the walk phase of the traffic control signal east/west across Tomken Road to accommodate the slower walking speed of students.


This item took place before item 6.2.

No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden
    1. That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Runningbrook Drive and Tomken Road for the students attending Silverthorn Public School and St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to extend the walk phase of the traffic control signal east/west across Tomken Road to accommodate the slower walking speed of students. 

Site inspection report for the site inspection conducted on April 16, 2024 at the intersection of Webb Drive and Quartz Road for the students attending St. Giovanni Scalabrini Catholic Elementary School and Chris Hadfield Public School.


  1. That the warrants have not been bet for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Webb Drive and Quartz Road for the students attending St. Giovanni Scalabrini Catholic Elementary School and Chris Hadfield Public School.
  2. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the signage on Webb Drive, east and west of Quartz Road.
  3. That Transportation and Works be requested to install "No Stopping" corner prohibitions on the northeast side of Webb Drive at Quartz Road.
  4. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
    1. Paint ladder markings on Quartz Road and Webb Drive.
    2. Provide a physical barrier at the northeast corner of Webb Drive and Quartz Road to prevent vehicles from driving up on the sidewalk.
  5. That Parking Enforcement be requested to enforce the "No Stopping"/"No Parking" zones once recommendation numbers 2) and 3) have been completed between the times of 8:15 - 9:00 am and 3:15 - 3:50 pm.
  6. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect once recommendation numbers 2), 3), 4) and 5) have been completed.


This item took place before item 6.2.

No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByL. Goegan
    1. That the warrants have not been bet for the placement of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Webb Drive and Quartz Road for the students attending St. Giovanni Scalabrini Catholic Elementary School and Chris Hadfield Public School.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to review the signage on Webb Drive, east and west of Quartz Road.
    3. That Transportation and Works be requested to install "No Stopping" corner prohibitions on the northeast side of Webb Drive at Quartz Road.
    4. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
      1. Paint ladder markings on Quartz Road and Webb Drive.
      2. Provide a physical barrier at the northeast corner of Webb Drive and Quartz Road to prevent vehicles from driving up on the sidewalk.
    5. That Parking Enforcement be requested to enforce the "No Stopping"/"No Parking" zones once recommendation numbers 2) and 3) have been completed between the times of 8:15 - 9:00 am and 3:15 - 3:50 pm.
    6. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect once recommendation numbers 2), 3), 4) and 5) have been completed.

This matter was considered and adopted by Council on April 3, 2024 and was referred to Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee for information only.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt

    That the report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, dated March 4, 2024 entitled “2024 Traffic Calming Program (Ward 1, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7, Ward 8, Ward 10 and Ward 11)” be received for information.



Megan Piercey, Legislative Coordinator spoke to the two vacancies on the committee and requested direction from the committee. Councillor B. Butt requested that the committee review its membership in the fall of 2024 to determine if vacancies on the Committee need to be filled. 

    Moved ByCouncillor B. Butt

    That the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee (MSTSAC) review its membership in the fall of 2024 to determine if vacancies on the Committee need to be filled, notwithstanding the current Terms of Reference, due to the email dated March 25, 2024, from Seshagiri Pingali, Citizen Member regarding his resignation from MSTSAC.


Site inspection reports for the site inspections conducted on January 25, 2024, February 8, 2024, and April 9, 2024 at the intersection of Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard for the students attending Sherwood Mills Public School.


  1. That the warrants have not been met for the retention of the school crossing guard at Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard for the students attending Sherwood Mills Public School.
  2. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
    1. Review the signage on Dream Crest Road in front of Rick Hansen Secondary School
    2. Replace "No Parking" corner prohibition on Lismic Boulevard at Dream Crest Road with "No Stopping" east side.
    3. Re-install "No stopping" corner prohibition west side of Lismic Boulevard that is lying on the ground.
    4. Review the feasibility of installing stop signs on Dream Crest Road at Lismic Boulevard to make it a three-way intersection all way stop and/or;
    5. Review the feasibility of installing a crossover on Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard in front of Rick Hansen Secondary School
    6. Review the feasibility of painting a center line on Dream Crest Road.
  3. That once recommendation 2) has taken place that Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee remove the school crossing guard at Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByS. Thomson
    1. That the warrants have not been met for the retention of the school crossing guard at Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard for the students attending Sherwood Mills Public School.
    2. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
      1. Review the signage on Dream Crest Road in front of Rick Hansen Secondary School
      2. Replace "No Parking" corner prohibition on Lismic Boulevard at Dream Crest Road with "No Stopping" east side.
      3. Re-install "No stopping" corner prohibition west side of Lismic Boulevard that is lying on the ground.
      4. Review the feasibility of installing stop signs on Dream Crest Road at Lismic Boulevard to make it a three-way intersection all way stop and/or;
      5. Review the feasibility of installing a crossover on Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard in front of Rick Hansen Secondary School
      6. Review the feasibility of painting a center line on Dream Crest Road.
    3. That once recommendation 2) has taken place that Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee remove the school crossing guard at Dream Crest Road and Lismic Boulevard.

Site inspection report for the site inspection conducted on April 18, 2024 at the intersection of Colonial Drive and The Collegeway for the students attending Garthwood Park Public School and Christ the King Catholic Elementary School.


  1. That the warrants have been met for the placement of a second school crossing guard at the northwest corner of the Collegeway and Colonial Drive for the students attending Garthwood Park Public School and Christ the King Catholic Elementary School when school starts in September 2024 as long as the sidewalk is open on the west side of Colonial Drive north of The Collegeway.
  2. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect at the end of October 2024 to determine if the warrants continue to be met for the retention of the second school crossing guard.
  3. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
    1. Paint ladder markings on all four legs of the intersection of Colonial Drive and The Collegeway.
    2. Review the feasibility of implementing a traffic control signal.
    3. Review the signage on The Collegeway and Colonial Drive.


Councillor B. Butt spoke to the recommendation of a crossing guard. Sheelagh Duffin, Supervisor, Crossing Guards spoke to addition of the new townhouse development in the area impacting the traffic in the area.

    Moved ByL. Goegan
    1. That the warrants have been met for the placement of a second school crossing guard at the northwest corner of the Collegeway and Colonial Drive for the students attending Garthwood Park Public School and Christ the King Catholic Elementary School when school starts in September 2024 as long as the sidewalk is open on the west side of Colonial Drive north of The Collegeway.
    2. That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect at the end of October 2024 to determine if the warrants continue to be met for the retention of the second school crossing guard.
    3. That Transportation and Works be requested to:
      1. Paint ladder markings on all four legs of the intersection of Colonial Drive and The Collegeway.
      2. Review the feasibility of implementing a traffic control signal.
      3. Review the signage on The Collegeway and Colonial Drive.


No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. McFadden

    That the Site Inspection Statistics Report for April 2024 be received for information.



No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByI. Chu

    That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for February 2024 be received for information. 



No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByJ. Shah

    That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for March 2024 be received for information. 



No discussion took place regarding this item.

    Moved ByK. Leff

    That the Transportation and Works Action Items List for March 2024 be received for information. 


Tammy Coulson, Vice Chair enquired about the potential removal of crossing guards in the fall, and enquired about the timing of the fill up the bus program. Sheelagh Duffin, Supervisor Crossing Guards and Rebecca Rozario, Transportation Safety Officer – STOPR responded to questions.

May 29, 2024

5:44 PM (J. Shah)