
Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
  • Mayor (Vacant)
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2
  • Councillor Chris Fonseca, Ward 3
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Councillor Carolyn Parrish, Ward 5
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6
  • Councillor Dipika Damerla, Ward 7
  • Councillor Matt Mahoney, Ward 8 (Acting Mayor)
  • Councillor Martin Reid, Ward 9
  • Councillor Sue McFadden, Ward 10
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11

Shari Lichterman, City Manager and CAO 
Andra Maxwell, City Solicitor 
Raj Sheth, Commissioner of Corporate Services 
Geoff Wright, Commissioner of Transportation and Works 
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner of Planning and Building 
Jodi Robillos, Commissioner of Community Services 
Diana Rusnov, Director, Legislative Services and Clerk 
Sacha Smith, Manager/Deputy Clerk, Secretariat and Access & Privacy 
Stephanie Smith, Supervisor, Legislative Services

Acting Mayor Councillor Mahoney recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Verbal Motion

Moved by: Councillor Horneck

That the agenda of the May 29, 2024 Council meeting be approved.

Verbal Motion

Moved by: Councillor McFadden

That the minutes of the May 15, 2024 Council meeting be approved, as presented.

Mr. Jauhal spoke to recommendation HAC-0042-2024 and requested a referral back to the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) for 60 days. Councillor Butt spoke in support of the referral back to the September HAC meeting. 

  • RESOLUTION0099-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca
    Seconded ByCouncillor B. Butt

    The following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    - 11.1 Audit Committee Report 2 - 2024 - dated May 13, 2024
    - 11.2 Planning and Development Committee Report 5 - 2024 dated May 21, 2024 
    - 11.3 General Committee Report 11 - 2024 - dated May 22, 2024

    - 16.2 A motion to amend GC-0220-2024 related to the 2024 Tax Ratios, Tax Rates and Due Dates Corporate Report (Housekeeping)

    - By-laws 17.1 - 17.9 


    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor M. Reid
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0100-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca
    Seconded ByCouncillor B. Butt

    That Recommendations AC-0005-2024 - AC-0011-2024 as contained in the Aduit Committee Report 2 - 2024 dated May 13, 2024, be approved.


    That the deputation and associated presentation from Wesley Anderson, Manager, Business Planning and Financial Services regarding the report dated April 15, 2024 entitled “2023 Audited Financial Statements” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received.


    That the deputation from Maria Khoushnood, Partner, KPMG LLP and Wesley Anderson, Manager, Business Planning and Financial Services regarding the report dated April 19, 2024 entitled “2023 External Audit Findings Report” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received


    That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    • 9.1 2023 Audited Financial Statements
    • 9.2 2023 External Audit Findings Report
    • 9.4 Status of Outstanding Audit Recommendations as of March 31, 2024



    That the corporate report dated April 15, 2024 entitled “2023 Audited Financial Statements” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer be received for information.


    That the corporate report dated April 19, 2024 entitled “2023 External Audit Findings Report”,

    from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received for information.


    That the report dated April 25, 2024 from the Director, Internal Audit with respect to final audit


    1. City Manager’s Department, Legal Services Division, Risk Management Section –Insurance Claims Audit; and,
    2. Transportation & Works Department, Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Services Division, Capital Works Delivery Section – Third-Party Contract Administration Audit

    be received for information.


    That the Corporate Report dated April 18, 2024 entitled, “Status of Outstanding Audit

    Recommendations as of March 31, 2024,” from the City Manager & Chief Administrative Officer

    be received for information.

    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor M. Reid
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0101-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca
    Seconded ByCouncillor B. Butt

    That Recommendations PDC-0016-2024 - PDC-0018-2024 as contained in the Planning and Development Committee Report 5 - 2024 dated May 21, 2024, be approved.


    1. That the report dated May 1, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building regarding an Affordable Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan be received for information.
    2. That following the public meeting, staff bring forward the final Affordable Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan for approval as expeditiously as possible.
    3. That one oral submission be received.


    That the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 0225-2007, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report dated May 1, 2024, from the Commissioner of Planning and Building, be approved in accordance with the following:

    1. Notwithstanding Appendix 1, that the seasonal and permanent outdoor patio uses shall not be permitted on the lands identified on the enclosed Schedule.     
    2. An implementing Zoning By-law to be enacted at a future City Council meeting.
    3. Notwithstanding planning protocol, that this report regarding the proposed amendments to Zoning By law 0225-2007, be considered both the public meeting and a combined information and recommendation report.


    That the proposed amendments to Mississauga Official Plan and Zoning By-law 0225-2007, as amended, to permit a public trail as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report dated May 1, 2024 from the Commissioner of Planning and Building, be approved in accordance with the following:

    1. That implementing Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments be enacted at a future City Council meeting.
    2. That notwithstanding planning protocol, that this report regarding the proposed amendments to Mississauga Official Plan and Zoning By-law 0225-2007, as amended, be considered both the public meeting and a combined information and recommendation report.
    YES (10)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor C. Parrish, Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor M. Reid
    Carried (10 to 0)

The amendment to recommendation HAC-0042-2024 was discussed under item 7.1.

  • RESOLUTION0102-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca
    Seconded ByCouncillor B. Butt

    That Recommendations GC-0253-2024 – GC-0278-2024 as contained in the General Committee Report 11 - 2024 - dated May 22, 2024, be approved with the exception of Recommendation HAC-0042-2024 which is referred back to the Heritage Advisory Committee in September 2024. 


    That the deputation and associated presentation by Lesley Swan, Senior Marketing Consultant and Mary-Lou Johnston, Senior Manager Business Development, Transit regarding the MiWay Student Ambassador Program, be received.


    That the deputation and associated presentation by Leya Barry, Climate Change Supervisor regarding the Corporate Report entitled “2023 Progress Update on Mississauga’s Climate Change Action Plan and Next Steps,” dated April 2, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services be received.


    That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:

    • 10.1 2023 Progress Update on Mississauga's Climate Change Action Plan and Next Steps
    • 10.2 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan – 2023 Accessibility Annual Status Update
    • 10.3 Single Source Contract Award to Unique Management Services Inc., for Library Materials Recovery Services
    • 10.4 Authorization to Execute an Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Parsons Inc. for the DriveOn Program
    • 11.1 Environmental Action Committee Report 2 - 2024 dated May 7, 2024
    • 11.2 Heritage Advisory Committee Report 5 - 2024 - dated May 14, 2024
    • 16.1 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of lands and premises for a Community Park (Ward 1)
    • 16.2 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of Surplus lands from the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (Ward 2)



    That the Corporate Report entitled “2023 Progress Update on Mississauga’s Climate Change

    Action Plan and Next Steps,” dated April 2, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community

    Services be received for information.


    That the “Multi-Year Accessibility Plan – 2023 Accessibility Annual Status Update” report dated

    April 29, 2023, from the Commissioner of Corporate Services, be received for information.


    1. That Council approve the Single Source procurement for the recovery of library

      materials and collections from Unique Management Services Inc. for a period of two (2) years (July 1, 2024 to October 10, 2026), with the option to extend the term for an additional five (5) years, as detailed in the corporate report entitled “Single Source Contract Award to Unique Management Services Inc., for Library Materials Recovery Services”, dated April 30, 2024, from the Commissioner of Community Services.

    2. That the Chief Procurement Officer or designate be authorized to execute all contracts and related ancillary documents with respect to the purchase between the City and Unique Management Services Inc. for an estimated amount of $538,000 exclusive of taxes, in accordance with the City’s Procurement Bylaw 0013-2022, as amended.



    1. That Council approve a Special Relationship with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and Parsons Inc. for the DriveOn Digital Safety Inspections program for a period of approximately four (4) years, expiring May 26, 2028, with the option to extend the term

      in accordance with any renewals exercised by the MTO, as detailed in the corporate report entitled "Authorization to Execute an Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Parsons Inc. for the DriveOn Program", dated May 1st 2024, from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works; and

    2. That the Chief Procurement Officer or designate be authorized to execute all contracts and related ancillary documents with respect to the purchase between the City and Parsons Inc. and the MTO for an estimated amount of $27,235.00 exclusive of taxes, in accordance with Section 23 of the the City’s Procurement By-law 0013-2022, as amended.



    That the Corporate Report entitled “Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference 2024”, dated May 8, 2024, from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received for information.


    That the deputation and associated presentation from Deven Sikand, Youth Program Lead, Ecosource and Allison Covert, Youth Environmental Education Coordinator, Ecosource regarding the Cultivating Green Champions - Youth Leadership in Building Resilient Communities, be received.



    That the deputation and associated presentation from Leya Barry, Climate Change Supervisor regarding the Climate Change Action Plan - Update Kickoff, be received.



    That the deputation and associated presentation from Vasya Jeyakanthan, Waste Management Assistant and Merley Wheaton, Malton Library Manager regarding the City of Mississauga Circular Economy Initiatives 2023-2024, be received.



    That Tea Falzata be appointed as the University of Toronto Mississauga student representative to the Environmental Action Committee for a one (1) year term ending May 6, 2025, or until a successor is appointed.



    That the Environmental Action Committee Work Plan dated April 2024, be approved.



    That the following items were approved on consent:

    • Item 9.1 - Proposed Heritage Designation of 1 Godfrey's Lane (Ward 1)
    • Item 9.3 - Proposed Heritage Designation of 24 Stavebank Road (Ward 1)
    • Item 9.4 - Proposed Heritage Designation of 1764 Lakeshore Road West (Ward 2)
    • Item 9.5 - Request to Alter the Heritage Designated Property at 1550 The Collegeway (Ward 8)



    That the property at 1 Godfrey’s Lane (Ward 1) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


    (Ward 1)


    That the property at 924 Clarkson Road South (Ward 2) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated April 11, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


    (Ward 2)


    That the property at 24 Stavebank Road (Ward 1) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated April 5, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


    (Ward 1)

    GC-0270-2024 (HAC-0042-2024 has been amended to be referred back to the Heritage Advisory Committee in September 2024. 

    That the property at 1764 Lakeshore Road West (Ward 2) as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated April 1, 2024, be referred back to the Heritage Advisory Committee in September 2024. 


    (Ward 2)


    That the request to alter the heritage designated property at 1550 The Collegeway (Ward 2), as outlined in the Corporate Report dated April 11, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services, be approved.


    (Ward 2)


    That the request to alter the heritage designated property at 1507 Cawthra Road (Ward 1), as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated April 10, 2024 be approved.


    (Ward 1)


    That the request to alter the heritage designated property at 60 Cumberland Drive (Ward 1), as per the report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated April 24, 2024, be deferred.


    (Ward 1)


    That the request to name a City Asset, the Streetsville Square Stage, after Gary Clipperton, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated April 24, 2024, be approved.



    1. That the resignation email from Chirine Constantini, Citizen Member dated February 27, 2024 was approved on March 5, 2024.
    2. That due to the resignation of Chirine Constantini, Citizen Member, a vacancy exists on the Heritage Advisory Committee, and that the City Clerk be directed to fill the vacancy in accordance with the Corporate Policy #02-01-01 on Citizen Appointments to Committees, Boards and Authorities.



    That the memorandum from Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services dated April 10, 2024 entitled "Heritage Listed Property at 1646 Dundas Street West (Ward 7), be received.


    (Ward 7)


    1. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including all ancillary documents and any subsequent amending or extension agreements, with respect to The Corporation of the City of Mississauga’s (the “City”) purchase of the property legally described as Part Lot 3 Con 1 SDS Toronto as in RO1162001, Except Parts 4 & 5, 43R-3006; Subject to easement RO422622 in the City of Mississauga, Regional Municipality of Peel, being all of PIN 13336-0194 (the “Subject Property”) containing an area of approximately 2.99 acres ( 1.21 hectares) on the terms detailed in this Closed Session Corporate Report dated May 10, 2024 entitled “Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of lands and premises for a Community Park (Ward 1)” and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or her designate.
    2. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute a License Agreement and any subsequent amending agreements with respect to the City’s license back to the vendors of a storage building located on the Subject Property, comprising an area of approximately 1,205.3 square metres, for the purposes of temporary storage and removing the vendors’ personal property, for a term ending on September 30, 2026 and on the futher terms detailed in this report and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor or her designate.
    3. That a new capital project PN 24412 Land Acquisition – Parkland (F-376) be created with a gross and net budget of $8,950,000 and that funding be allocated from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #A32121 CIL Parkland as outlined in this Closed Session Corporate Report dated May 10, 2024 and entitled “Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of lands and premises for a Community Park (Ward 1)”.
    4. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.



    1. That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including all ancillary documents and any subsequent amending or extension agreements, between the Corporation of the City of Mississauga (the “City”), as Purchaser and the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (the “DPCDSB”), as Vendor, for the purchase of the property legally described under the Land Titles Act as Block A, Registered Plan M264, Part of Lot 22, Concession 2 being Parts 1-4 on Reference Plan 43R-10503, being all of PIN 13448-0201 and PIN 13448-0202 (collectively, the “Subject Property”) having a total area of 5.49 acres (2.22 hectares) on the terms detailed herein and in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
    2. That a new capital project PN 24409 Land Acquisition – Parkland (F-645) be created

      with a gross and net budget of $15,500,000 and that funding be allocated from the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Account #A32121 CIL Parkland as outlined in the Corporate Report dated April 23, 2024 and titled “Authorization to Approve and Execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of Surplus lands from the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (Ward 2)” from the Commissioner of Corporate Services.

    3. That existing funding of $10,000,000 within PN #22268 – New Fire Station Land Acquisition be used for the acquisition and all closing costs to complete this transaction.
    4. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.


    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor M. Reid
    Carried (9 to 0)



Acting Mayor Councillor Mahoney expressed condolences to the family of Karen Morden.

  • RESOLUTION0104-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca
    Seconded ByCouncillor J. Horneck

    WHEREAS the Mayor, Members of Council and staff at the City of Mississauga are saddened to learn of the passing of Karen Morden, Legislative Coordinator who passed away on Friday, May 3, 2024 after a long illness;   

    AND Whereas Karen joined the Clerk’s Office in 2012 after working in the Recreation Division for over 10 years where she was committed to supporting children and youth in our community;

    AND Whereas she began her career as a Child & Youth Worker, followed by Manager of Youth Service, where she oversaw day camp programming;


    AND Whereas Karen was the Legislative Coordinator for Council, Museums of Mississauga Advisory Committee, Accessibility Advisory Committee, Environmental Action Committee and the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee;

    AND WHEREAS Karen was a devoted mother to her son Jesse and loving daughter;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that sincere condolences be extended on behalf of the Mayor, Members of Council and staff of the City of Mississauga to the Morden family.

    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor M. Reid
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • RESOLUTION0103-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor C. Fonseca
    Seconded ByCouncillor B. Butt

    WHEREAS Recommendation GC-0220-2024 in General Committee Report 10 – 2024 – dated May 8, 2024 was approved by Council on May 15, 2024 by Resolution 0095-2024;

    AND WHEREAS Recommendation GC-0220-2024 inadvertently omitted the inclusion of part two of the recommendation;


    That Recommendation GC-0220-2024 be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

    1. That the 2024 net operating municipal property tax levy for the City of Mississauga be approved at $681,965,790.
    2. That the tax ratios for the City of Mississauga be approved as follows:









    New Multi-Residential






    Managed Forest


    1. That the 2024 tax rates for the City of Mississauga be established as outlined in Appendix 1 of this report dated April 8, 2024 and titled “2024 Tax Ratios, Tax Rates and Due Dates” from the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer.
    2. That the levy amounts for the 2024 taxation year for colleges and universities, public hospitals and correctional facilities (“Heads and Beds” levy) be based on the current legislated rates.
    3. That the 2024 residential property tax due dates be set for July 4, August 1 and September 5, 2024.
    4. That the 2024 non-residential property tax due date be set for August 1, 2024.
    5. That the 2024 due dates for properties enrolled in the City’s pre-authorized tax payment plan be set based on their chosen withdrawal date.
    6. That the tax rates to levy the 2024 tax levy requirement for the Clarkson, Cooksville, Malton, Port Credit and Streetsville Business Improvement Areas (BIA) be established as set out in Appendix 2 of this report.
    7. That the 2024 operating budget be adjusted to reflect a transfer to the Fiscal Stability Reserve Fund (#30125) in the amount of $2,510,101.
    8. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
    YES (9)Councillor S. Dasko, Councillor C. Fonseca, Councillor J. Kovac , Councillor D. Damerla, Councillor M. Mahoney, Councillor S. McFadden, Councillor A. Tedjo, Councillor J. Horneck, and Councillor B. Butt
    ABSENT (1)Councillor M. Reid
    Carried (9 to 0)

Councillor Butt spoke to shared parking in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and requested staff to bring back a report regarding parking issues/concerns in BIA areas. Councillor Butt further spoke to the Nuisance Weed and Tall Grass Control By-law and to compliance. Raj Sheth, Commissioner of Corporate Services responded.

Councillors Butt, Horneck and Dasko spoke to the Citizen of the Year and Walk of Fame events and enquired if the City could get more involved in the events. Shari Lichterman, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer responded and noted that staff would review the event process and report back to Council regarding the Citizen of the Year event. Comments were made that the Walk of Fame event remain as is.

Members of Council announced various recognition days, Ward and Citywide events.

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Mississauga at its meeting held on May 29, 2024 which includes: recommendations, any reports of committees and of local boards, each motion and resolution passed and other actions taken by the Council. 
