Saloni Khoja, Land & Building Experts, provided an overview of the applicants proposed rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications.
Jaspreet Sidhu, Planner, provided an overview of the staff's recommendation report with respect to the applicants proposed rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications.
The following person spoke:
- Aman Jain, Resident, who spoke on behalf of his parents who resident adjacent to the proposed development, sought confirmation whether the proposed development includes a plan to build on his parents property for a "T" road as noted on the applicants presentation, and noted his objection to a cul-de-sac or "T" road being proposed. Mr. Jain explained why a private road is preferred, and expressed concern that a parcel of land on the subject property will be left undeveloped and would be left unmaintained as is the current situation with the lands to be developed. Jain enquired whether there would be additional costs for to his parents should they decide to develop their land in the future, if a CEC road is approved.
Ashlee Rivett-Boyle, Manager, Development Central, confirmed that only 120 Fairview Road forms part of the application and explained the rationale for applicant's submission of a concept plan for the adjacent lands.
Ryan Au, Manager, Traffic Planning, explained the function of a condominium road versus a public road; and confirmed that public easement does provide for public access
Chris Rouse, Director, Development and Design advised that should Mr. Jains which to develop their lands they would have to make an applicant and there would be application costs; and explained the cost of provided a public road vs condominium road.
Mr. Jain expressed concern that not having a public road puts the matter into the hands of the developer.
Mr. Rouse explained the road access and costs should his parent's land be developed as one plot or subdividing the lot.