That Recommendations GC-0133-2023 – GC-0162-2023 as contained in the General Committee Report 8 -2023 dated April 12, 2023, be approved.
That the deputation and associated presentation by Kathryn Garland, Supervisor, Culture with respect to the announcement of the 4th Youth Poet Laureate, be received.
That the deputation and associated presentation by Mike Douglas, Executive Director, Mississauga Arts Council with respect to an update on their Council activities, be received.
That the deputation by Adrian Wood, Resident with respect to the report entitled “School Zone Speed Limits”, dated March 31, 2023 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, be received.
That the deputation by Omar Khan, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Officer, High Tide Inc., regarding the report entitled “Cannabis Retail Sales Update”, dated March 27, 2023, from the Acting City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received.
That the deputation by Athina Tagidou, Resident on behalf of MIRANET regarging the report entitled “Cannabis Retail Sales Update”, dated March 27, 2023, from the Acting City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received.
That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:
- 10.2Amendment to Schedule "A" - General Fees and Charges of the User Fees and Charges By-Law 0244-2022.
- 11.1Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Report 2 - 2023 - dated March 29, 2023
- 11.2Environmental Action Committee Report 1 - 2023 - dated April 4, 2023
- 16.1A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board: Metrolinx Expropriation of a Sub-Surface Easement affecting Matheson Boulevard (Ward 5)
- That the report entitled “School Zone Speed Limits”, dated March 31, 2023 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works be referred to staff, the Road Safety Committee, Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee and the Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee for further review.
- That an updated report be brought back to a future General Committee meeting.
- That the amendments to Schedule “A” of the User Fees and Charges By-law 0244-2022 as outlined in Appendix 1 attached to the Corporate Report, dated March 22, 2023, from the Acting Commissioner of Corporate Services entitled “Amendment to Schedule “A” – General Fees and Charges of the User Fees and Charges By-law 0244-2022” be approved.
- That a by-law be enacted to amend Schedule “A” of the User Fees and Charges By-law 0244-2022 to authorize the City Manager or Commissioner of Corporate Services or the Director of Facilities and Property Management, as applicable, or their designate, to impose a new fee, waive, reduce or otherwise vary the fee or charge for the “Meeting Room Rentals” section listed in Schedule “A” in accordance with the general criteria for any such imposition of a new fee, waiver, reduction or variation.
- That the 2023 budget submission for the Cooksville Business Improvement Area (BIA’s), as set out in Appendix 1 of the Corporate Report dated April 5, 2023, from the Acting City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, entitled, “2023 Cooksville Business Improvement Area Budget” be approved.
- That all necessary By-laws be enacted and that the necessary budget adjustments be made.
That the Corporate Report entitled “Cannabis Retail Sales Update”, dated March 27, 2023, from the Acting City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, be received for information.
That the deputation from Amy Butoiske, Project Lead, Tactical Urbanism and Sharon Mittmann, Manager, Urban Design regarding The Credit Woodlands Tactical Urbanism Project be received.
That the deputation from Sarah Giacomantonio, Active Transportation Coordinator, regarding Mississauga School Walking Route Program Updates be received.
- That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at Artesian Drive and Dunoon Drive for the students of Artesian Drive Public School.
- That the Principal of Artesian Drive Public School be requested to:
- Encourage parents to use the Kiss and Ride in the morning to drop off students and to leave the Kiss and Ride open after supervision ends at the AM school entry.
- Open the Kiss and Ride fully to have school busses on the West side of the school to unload and load students.
- That Parking Enforcement be requested to increase enforcement in the "no stopping" zones in front of Artesian Drive Public School at 3325 Artesian Drive between the hours of 8:15 - 8:40 AM and 2:40 - 3:10 PM.
- That Transportation and Works be requested to review the feasibility of extending the "no stopping" zone on the east side of Dunoon Drive, 8 AM - 4 PM, Monday - Friday, September - June, to allow through traffic to navigate Dunoon Drive.
(Ward 8)
That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at Duncairn Drive and Quartermain Crescent (East Leg) for the students of Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School.
(Ward 9)
That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at Confederation Parkway and Hillcrest Avenue.
(Ward 7)
That the Principal of Kenollie Public School be requested to remind parents to offload and load their students on the curb side once the snow has melted.
(Ward 1)
That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to schedule a second site inspection at Terragar Boulevard and Rosehurst Drive for the students of St. Albert of Jerusalem Catholic Elementary School and Kindree Public School and add a second location for the students of Kindree Public School at Terragar Boulevard and Cork Tree Row.
(Ward 10)
- That the warrants have not been met for the retention of the school crossing guard at Camilla Walkway, in front of 2246 Camilla Road for the students of Corsair Public School and that the school crosswalk be removed at the end of the 2022-2023 school year, June 2023.
- That Transportation and Works be requested to remove the school crosswalk lines and signs at the end of the school year, June 2023.
- That the Principal of Corsair Public School be requested to advise that parents and students that the school crosswalk at Camilla Walkway, in front of 2246 Camilla Road will be removed at the end of the 2022-2023 school year, June 2023.
(Ward 7)
- That the warrants have been met for the placement of a school crossing guard at the Hydro Corridor, Rathburn Road East and Trail 11, on a temporary basis during constructions on Rathburn Road East once construction commences.
- That Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee be requested to re-inspect once construction is completed on Rathburn Road East in the area of the Hydro Corridor, Trail 11 to determine if the warrants continue to be met for the retention of a crossing guard.
(Ward 3)
That the Site Inspection Statistics Report for March 2023 be received for information.
That the verbal update from Miles Roque, Citizen Member regarding the Site Inspection Form be received for information.
That the verbal update from Louise Goegan, Citizen Member regarding the task force working group, investigating safety issues around Mississauga schools be received for information.
That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for February 2023 be received for information.
That the Transportation and Works Action Items List for January 2023 be received for information.
That the Transportation and Works Action Items List for February 2023 be received for information.
- That the deputation and associated presentation from Dianne Zimmerman, Manager, Environment and LJ Prabaharan, Environmental Outreach Assistant regarding the Living Green Master Plan: Final Report, be received.
- That the comments made regarding the Living Green Master Plan: Final report provided by the Environmental Action Committee Members be considered.
That the deputation and associated presentation from Edward Nicolucci, Urban Designer, regarding the Mississauga Green Development Standards Update, be received.
That the comments made regarding the Mississauga Green Development Standards provided by the Environmental Action Committee Members be considered.
That the deputation from Bryan Purcell, VP, Policy and Programs, The Atmospheric Fund with respect to the Mississauga Green Development Standards Update, be recevied for information.
That the notice of motion for the April 19, 2023 Council meeting regarding a motion for the City of Mississauga to lift its prohibition on cannabis retail stores and permit cannabis retail stores to be located in Mississauga from Dipika Damerla, Councillor, Ward 7, be received.
- That the report dated March 27, 2023 from the City Solicitor titled “Metrolinx Expropriation of a Sub-Surface Easement affecting Matheson Boulevard (Ward 5)” be received for information;
- That the City Solicitor or her designate be authorized to file a Notice of Arbitration and Statement of Claim with the Ontario Land Tribunal (“OLT”) in response to Metrolinx’s expropriation of a sub-surface easement from the City, with the objective of securing full and fair compensation for the City in accordance with the Expropriations Act (the “Act”);
- That the City Solicitor or her designate be authorized to represent the City at any oral arbitration hearing or through written submissions, and to continue pursuing discussions with Metrolinx to ensure the City’s interests are fully addressed, protected and settled.