Transit Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6 (Chair)
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2 (Vice-Chair)
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member
  • Shauna Brail, Citizen Member
  • Doris Cooper, Citizen Member
  • David Fisher, Citizen Member
  • Jonathan Giggs, Citizen Member
  • Abbas Khambati, Citizen Member
  • Julia Le, Citizen Member
  • Paul Meo, Citizen Member
  • Louroz Mercader, Citizen Member
  • Mark Song, Citizen Member
  • Steven Viera, Citizen Member
Staff Present
  • Angie Melo

Staff Present

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Worka
Mary-Lou Johnston, Manager, Business Development, MiWay
Ryan Cureatz, Manager, Marketing, MiWay
Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor Horneck called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM

Councillor Horneck cited the Indigenous Land Statement.

That the September 19, 2023 Transit Advisory Committee Agenda be approved.

Approved (J. Giggs) 

Bus capacity during peak hours along certain routes; new digital UPASS issues; MiWay route at UTM bus loop; MiWay's plans to support UTM's expansion of students by 2035

Ehab James and Jan Durkiewicz, UTM Campus Council Members spoke with respect to the following:

  • Issues with the digital U-Pass causing delays in student boarding and at times not being permitted on the bus;
  • bus capacity during peak hours along certain routes that cause significant delays to students attending morning classes;
  • concerns that the growth of student population will increase, and cause further overcrowding and delays for student to rely on MiWay Transit to get to classes; and
  • proposed adjusting MiWay Route 26 bus to enter the University of Toronto Mississauga campus to alleviate the pressures on Route 44

Mary-Lou Johnston, Acting Director, Transit spoke to the issues with respect to the digital U-pass and noted that UTM has an education video, and that MiWay staff are on location at the UTM campus to provide assistance to students.  Ms. Johnston further noted we are advising transit operators to permit students while the U-Pass process is being addressed.

Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development spoke to the issues of the overcrowding and explained that staff are exploring solutions to provide additional trips and/or bus size considerations, and advised that staff are monitoring ridership to provide immediate solutions such as additional trips or change in bus size. Ms. Tyers expressed thanks for the feedback to propose Route 26 to enter the UTM campus and advised that staff will look at opportunities to improve the routing and connection between Route 44 and Route 26.

In response to Shauna Brail, Citizen Member, enquiry, Jan Durkiewicz, UTM Campus Council Member, advised that although there is less demand in the summer there are still commuter challenges.

Mary-Lou Johnston, Acting Director, Alana Tyers, Manager Service Development responded to questions from the Transit Advisory Committee as follows:

  • UTM provides a pass to students who do not have a cell phone.
  • Transit operators are encouraged to make announcements to have customers move to the back of the bus to make room for boarding customers.
  • Off boarding payment system technology is available; there are costs to providing to this technology across the entire Transit system including recruiting fare enforcement officers.
  • Challenges in providing the reliable service, as resources are not meet the demands.

Moaz Ahmed, Citizen Member, spoke to the impacts of service delays and suggested the staff consider UTM as a site to pilot an off boarding payment system.

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works noted that staff would review and report to the Committee on the suggestion to pilot an off boarding payment system at UTM.



    That the deputation by Ehab James and Jan Durkiewicz, UTM Campus Council Members with respect to Bus capacity during peak hours along certain routes; new digital UPASS issues; MiWay route at UTM bus loop; MiWay's plans to support UTM's expansion of students by 2035
    be received.


Darren Ridings and Stephen Bacchus, presented an update on the MiWay Transit Fleet transition and current and ongoing projects and budget.

Members of the Transit Advisory Committee engaged in a discussion and raised questions with respect to the following:

  • Challenges of increasing bus fleet bound by garage space;
  • Reducing Green House Gas (GHG) target; difference between newer and older diesel buses;
  • Increase recharging stations along route; priority to obtain new storage facility and electric buses sooner;
  • Difference in motors on a 40ft buses in comparison to 60ft buses, specifically in terms of acceleration performance;
  • Provide project status and completion dates;
  • Update on Geofencing technology to reduce emissions at bus terminals;
  • What requests for funding have been made to the Federal and/or Provincial governments;
  • Does the City of Mississauga own the proposed lands for the proposed West Credit transit facility;
  • What is the cost benefits of the operation side of purchasing a hybrid electric vs. a diesel and the pay back it has.

Darren Ridings, Senior Manager, Transit Maintenance, Stephen Bacchus, Manager, Transit Fleet Assets and Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works responded to questions from the Transit Advisory Committee as follows:

  • Challenges to grow fleet; bound garage space; looking at purchasing of larger buses to augment service demand;
  • GHG emissions are proportional to amount of diesel being used; an after treatment was installed in all of buses to reduce harmful exhaust emissions;
  • Challenges to support a larger hydrogen bus fleet include the supply of hydrogen buses available; the lack of hydro power on the grid; and retrofitting facility costs too expensive
  • Explained the difference of acceleration between 40ft and 60ft motor/engines on diesel and hybrid buses
  • Provided project status and completion timelines, and advised that future presentations to the Transit Advisory Committee will outline project status and timelines.
  • Goefencing perimeter at two locations; nine more zones to be piloted; if successful, geofencing will be rolled out to the entire fleet in the fall;
  • Next expansion priority project to meet transit goals is the West Credit facility; West Credit Transit facility is the next expansion priority project; looking for funding solutions through the federal and provincial government and other sources;
  • Over time, the lifecycle costs of hybrid buses will burn approximately 30% less fuel every year; it is unknown as to whether the saving of diesel will offset the cost of battery electric buses as the cost of diesel is variable.
    Moved ByL. Mercader

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Darren Ridlings, Senior Manager, Transit Maintenance & Stephen Bacchus, Manager, Transit Fleet Assets with respect to MiWay Bus Fleet be received. 


Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development and Mary-Lou Johnston, Acting Director, provided an overview of service change process, current ridership trends, Miway Five Transit Service Master Plan, and GTHA Fare Rate Comparisons.

Members of the Transit Advisory Committee engaged in a discussion and raised questions with respect to the following:

  • What are the annual services hours in 2019 and 2023
  • Why not propose more service given the high volume of closed door incidents; and whether an increase is anticipated for 2023;
  • are no show buses factored in the calculation of overcrowding incidents;
  • What happens if a route changes and does not address the issues;
  • Does MiWay have overcrowded ridership standards;
  • How well does MiWay listen to customer feedback to address their key challenges;
  • Can MiWay offer more services if other sources were to be provided
  • is it possible to share operations with the City of Brampton Transit on shared routes;
  • How does MiWay respond to ridership growth over-servicing strategy; will that route have a bus less frequently;
  • How much fare revenue is needed to provide increased service without tapping into property taxes;
  • Impact of contractor service vehicles parked at bus stops;
  • The success of red marked "bus only" lanes;
  • Is there an automated bus location App that provides real-time arrival of a bus; Consideration of a Smartcard similar to one in Europe; and
  • What is the status of the MiWay Five

Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development and Mary-Lou Johnston, Acting Director, and Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works responded to questions from the Transit Advisory Committee as follows:

  • Services hours for 2019 and 2023 are similar;
  • Financial difficulties during COVID; ridership has increased significantly and there has been a delay in response; looking at opportunities and strategies to address current challenges; more sustainable solutions moving ahead.
  • Root cause analysis to understand why come up with solutions to address overcrowding;
  • Route changes are monitored to ensure the change was successful; and if not successful, the route is brought up for reconsideration;
  • Explained the overcrowding standards of riders on a 40 and 60 foot buses;
  • Regular customer surveys provides feedback on routes and times challenges and the information is shared with planning and operations team;
  • Depends on what Council is willing to support; constraints on hiring and training new operators; staff working on expediting the process;
  • Looking at reinstating the 185 Route that was a 50/50 split with the City of Brampton transit or looking to extend the route south;
  • Currently reducing the service and widening the frequency; taking resources elsewhere;
  • Explained fare increase analysis will be outlined in a report to Council in November;
  • We don't permit contractor's service vehicles to occupy bus stops; staff would enforce this if reported; there are instances where infrastructure maintenance is required; and would coordinate and communicate the closure a of bus lane;
  • Red thermal plastic solution has been applied to bus lanes to define "bus only" transit space;
  • Real time information is available and digital signage as bus shelters is being piloted; in addition, customers can call to a service that is identified at each bus stop;
  • Presto card data shows origin of ride; however, it does show data of final destination as tapping off at a final destination is not required.
  • Provided status on the MiWay Five noting the delays during COVID

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development with respect to MiWay Transit Services be received. 


Item 7.3.

Christian Praise, Resident, presented a PowerPoint overview with respect to Making The Case: Transparent & Accountable and Service Planning for Mississauga.

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works expressed thanks to Mr. Praise for his in-depth overview of MiWay’s operations and challenges pre and post pandemic and identifying a number of concerns.  Mr. Wright noted that Mr. Praise's presentation was delivered earlier in the day and that he would like the opportunity to review the presentation further and meet offline.

Members of the Transit Advisory Committee agreed that the due to the short timelines to review the presentation, suggested that Mr. Praise be invited back to the next Transit Advisory Committee to review the material further.

    Moved ByS. Viera
    1. That the deputation and associated presentation from Christian Praise, Resident, with respect to Making The Case: Transparent & Accountable and Service Planning for Mississauga be received.
    2. That the matter with respect to Making The Case: Transparent & Accountable and Service
      Planning for Mississauga be deferred to a future Transit Advisory Committee Meeting for

Mary-Lou Johnston, Acting Director spoke to coordinating a transit tour.  Committee Members will be canvassed for available dates.

    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator canvass Members of the Transit Advisory Committee on a preferred date for the Members to participate in a tour of the MiWay Transit facility at Semenyk Court.


Councillor Horneck, Chair noted that the Workplan discussion would be added to the next meeting agenda and asked that Committee members look at subject matters they would like to have added to future agendas in terms of reports or verbal updates.

No discussion took place regarding this Item.


    That the Transit Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for December 5, 2023 be rescheduled to Tuesday, November 7, 2023.


8:49 PM (L. Mercarder)