Port Credit Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee

Meeting #:
Online Video Conference
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Antoine Musiol, Citizen Member (Chair)
  • Louie Manzo, Citizen Member
  • Renee Szuhai, Citizen Member
  • Robert Denhollander, Citizen Member
  • Robert Doyle, Citizen Member
Members Absent
  • Stuart Garner, Citizen Member

Antoine Musiol, Chair called the meeting to order at 3:02 PM.

Antoine Musiol, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

Approved (R. Denhollander)

There were no deputations.

There were no questions registered for public question period.

Subcommittee members spoke to the permit process, commencement of the work and the type of windows for the porch enclosure.

John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums spoke to compliance, permit processes and regulations.

Dan Acimovic, Architect, DA Design Inc., provided a photo of the windows installed in the front porch enclosure.

    Moved ByR. Doyle

    That the request to alter the property at 57 Port Street West (Ward 1), as per the memorandum from John Dunlop, Manager of Indigenous Relation, Heritage and Museums, dated September 11, 2024, be approved.


Subcommittee members discussed a new start time for the Subcommittee for 2025 and the change in structure of meeting dates based on required permit process for alterations and granting of permits based on the provisions of the Heritage By-law.

    Moved ByR. Denhollander
    1. That the memorandum dated September 11, 2024 entitled "2025 Port Credit Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee Meeting Dates" from Martha Cameron, Legislative Coordinator, be approved.
    2. That the Port Credit Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee meeting start time change from 3:00 PM to 9:30 AM, be approved.



John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums spoke to potential density in heritage districts and the approval process and advised that a heritage marketing campaign, including a pamphlet that would outline the Subcommittee meetings and promote the heritage grants, would be brought to the various districts in 2025.

Monday, November 11, 2024

(L. Manzo)