Transit Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Joe Horneck, Ward 6, Chair
  • Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2
  • Councillor John Kovac, Ward 4
  • Moaz Ahmad, Citizen Member
  • Shauna Brail, Citizen Member
  • Doris Cooper, Citizen Member
  • David Fisher, Citizen Member
  • Jonathan Giggs, Citizen Member
  • Abbas Khambati, Citizen Member
  • Julia Le, Citizen Member
  • Paul Meo, Citizen Member
  • Louroz Mercader, Citizen Member
  • Mark Song, Citizen Member
  • Steven Viera, Citizen Member
Staff Present
  • Angie Melo

Staff Present

Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Worka
Mary-Lou Johnston, Manager, Business Development, MiWay
Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor Horneck, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:23 PM

Councillor Horneck, Chair cited the Indigenous Land Statemen

That the June 4, 2024 Transit Advisory Committee Agenda be approved, as       presented.

Approved (D. Cooper)

That the March 5, 2024 Transit Advisory Committee Minutes be approved.          

Approved (D. Cooper)

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit provided an update on the 2024/2025 MiWay Services highlighting, Current Ridership Growth, Reinforcing our MiWay Five Benefits, Implemented Service Hours in 2024, 2024 Weekend Improvements Implemented, 4% Mid-Year Budget Approval, Proposed 2024 Service Improvements, Addressing Overcrowding, proposed weekday improvements, Proposed 2025 Service Improvements:

Committee Members engaged in discussion commented as follows:

  • expressed concerns regarding the colour of the destination signage on buses and enquired regarding whether the colour can be changed;
  • what is the proposed route for the Burnhamthorpe express bus;
  • the number of instances of overcrowding
  • what was the percentage of increase of ridership from 2023 vs 2019
  • expressed concern that staff presentations are not included on the agenda in advance of the meeting
  • positive feedback from students of UTM on proposed 2025 improvements
  • timelines for the next MiWay 5 Year Plan
    Moved ByS. Viera

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit regarding the 2024/2025 MiWay Service Update, be received.


Atul Sharma, Greater Toronto Airport Authority, provided an overview of the Transportation Initiatives at the Airport and collaboration with MiWay on Initiatives; LIFT Program (Long-term Investments in Facilities and Terminals) at Pearson,  explained the importance and vitality of Pearson's operations to the community; importance of reliable transit for passengers and employees; Integrating Transit and accommodating increased passenger growth with excellent transit.

Committee Members engaged in discussion commented as follows:

  • what is the plan for the Transit Way and Eglinton Crosstown Line connections;
  • required alignment for an east/west connection;
  • whether funding for the airport segment connector is to study the matter or implement it;
  • what enhanced bus service improvements is desired;
  • enhancing services for persons will disabilities;
  • feedback from businesses in and affiliated with the airport and airport employees on the satisfaction with MiWay services;
  • does the GTAA have plans to shift transportation models for passengers and employees getting to and from the airport ;
  • does the GTAA have kiosks that educate foreign passengers on utilizing local transit service
    Moved ByCouncillor J. Kovac

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Atul Sharma, Greater Toronto Airport Authority, regarding the Transportation Initiatives at the Airport and collaboration with MiWay on Initiativesbe received.


Suzanne Holder, Manager, Customer Success and Innovation provided an overview of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program and highlighted benefits for riders and MiWay employees; and the role of MiWay employees and next steps.

Committee Members engaged in discussion commented as follows:

  • what other municipalities have this program
  • when and where will Sunflower lanyards be available to customers
  • what are the plans of promoting the Sunflower program to the public
  • expectation of customers to offer their seats to persons with a Sunflower lanyard;
    Moved ByJ. Giggs

    That the deputation and associated presentation from Suzanne Holder, Manager, Customer Success and Innovation regarding the Sunflower Initiativebe received.


Hassan Karkour noted that some disabilities are more obvious than others and hopes that MiWay drivers receive training to ensure they help people with accessibility options.

No discussion took place regarding this matter.

    Moved ByJ. Giggs

    The the 2024 Transit Advisory Committee Work Plan dated May 2024 be received.


In response to Mark Song's, Citizen Member, enquiry regarding what is the process for communications between MiWay and customers in addressing customer feedback, and the review of moving stops that have been identified to close to one another, Mary-Lou Johnston, Senior Manager, Business Development - Transit explained the process for the intake of customer feedback and complaints.

In response to Mark Song's, Citizen Member, enquiry regarding impact to transit service reliability with traffic signal timing cycles running longer, Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works will have to look into specific locations where they may have been traffic signal timing changes and will report back.  Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit,  explained that the increased service times have been allocated to adding runtimes into the routes to accommodate for issues that impact runtimes.

In response to Jonathan Giggs' enquiry regarding data collected on closed door boardings, Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit advised that there will be a report to the Transit Advisory Committee in the fall.

In response to Doris Cooper's enquiry regarding MiWay's plan to have Operators assist with manually securing wheelchairs and other mobility devices on the buses such as bands or hooks, Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit  advised that MiWay would prefer to look at an automated options when looking at a new fleet.

David Fisher, Citizen Member commented on what the policy of buses stopping and not lining up with the curb; Operators not lowering the ramp when asked and bus kneeling; and if data on the number of Operators being hired can be identified as new hires or whether they are replacing Operators who have terminated or retired etc.

Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit explained the recruitment process for replacement operators and for those hired to complement service increases.

In response to Moaz Ahmad's, Citizen Member, enquiry regarding whether the plastic bollards at new expanded bus stops withstand vehicles and if so what is the maximum speed and is MiWay considering adding these bollards to existing bus stops, Geoff Wright, Commissioner, Transportation and Works advised that will report back on the crash rating of the ballads and look into whether other locations would be considered for the installation of the bollards.

7:57 PM (J. Giggs)