Heritage Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11 (Chair)
  • George Carlson, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair)
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • Councillor Carolyn Parrish, Ward 5
  • Alexander Hardy, Citizen Member
  • Antoine Musiol, Citizen Member
  • Chirine Constantini, Citizen Member
  • David Cook, Citizen Member
  • James Holmes, Citizen Member
  • Lucy Zita, Citizen Member
  • Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member
  • Richard Collins, Citizen Member
  • Terry Ward, Citizen Member

Councillor Brad Butt called the Heritage Advisory Committee to order at 9:30 AM.

Councillor Butt, Chair recited the Indigenous Land Statement.

That the Heritage Advisory Committee amended agenda for February 13, 2024 be approved.

Approved (L. Zita)

That the Heritage Advisory Committee draft minutes from January 9, 2024 be approved.

Approved (S. Dasko)

Adam Nangini, Lawyer, KMB Law requested a deferral of the matter advising the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) that their client did not receive notice of the intention to designate as noted in the October correspondence submitted by the City of Mississauga.  Mr. Nangini requested two months to retain a heritage engineer and prepare their own report which would be brought back to HAC and that this process has already begun.  

John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums advised the Committee that staff do not have an issue with deferring the matter for two months with the proviso that there are certain timelines under the Heritage Act requiring action if a development application came in and that this wording would be put into the deferral recommendation but the timelines are 90 days so they would exceed the two months at this point.  Committee members discussed working within the timelines required and that an eventual decision of Council would have to happen by December of this year.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. Dasko

    That the verbal deputation by Adam Nangini, Lawyer, KMB Law on item 9.1 Proposed Heritage Designation of 1 Godfrey's Lane (Ward 1) to the Heritage Advisory Committee on February 13, 2024, be received for information.


Adam Nangini, Lawyer, KMB Law requested this matter be deferred for 60 days to permit time for their client to retain their own heritage engineer to prepare a report and advised the Heritage Advisory Committee that their clients were not in receipt of the notice from the City of Mississauga in October regarding the intention to designate the property. 

John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums advised the Committee that he had no issue with the deferral request of 60 days with the proviso that there are certain timelines under the Heritage Act requiring action if a development application came in and that this wording would be put into the deferral recommendation, but noted the timelines are 90 days so they would exceed the two months at this point and that an eventual decision of Council would have to happen by December of this year.

    Moved ByM. Wilkinson

    That the verbal deputation by Adam Nangini, Lawyer, KMB Law on item 9.2 Proposed Heritage Designation of 972 Clarkson Road South (Ward 2) to the Heritage Advisory Committee on February 13, 2024, be received for information.


There were no questions registered by the public.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the following items were approved on consent at the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting held February 13, 2024:

    • Item 9.3 - Request to Demolish a Heritage Listed Property:  954 Tennyson Avenue (Ward 2)
    • Item 9.5 - Request to Demolish a portion of a Heritage Listed Property:  445 Hazelhurst Road (Ward 2)
    • Item 9.6 - Meadowvale Village Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee Report 1 - 2024 - January 9, 2024 (Ward 11)
    • Item 10.2 - Addition Adjacent to the Heritage Designated Property at 1362 Mississauga Road (Ward 2)

Discussion took place under Item 6.1.

    Moved ByCouncillor S. Dasko

    That the Corporate Report dated January 17, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services, entitled “Proposed Heritage Designation of 1 Godfrey’s Lane (Ward 1)" be deferred for 60 days and that the matter be returned to the Heritage Advisory Committee if a development application is received for the property as per Section 29 (1.2) 2 of the Ontario Heritage Act prior to the 60 day deferral period.


Discussion took place under Item 6.2.

    Moved ByD. Cook

    That the Corporate Report dated January 17, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services, entitled “Proposed Heritage Designation of 972 Clarkson Road South (Ward 2)" be deferred for 60 days and that the matter be returned to the Heritage Advisory Committee if a development application is received for the property as per Section 29 (1.2) 2 of the Ontario Heritage Act prior to the 60 day deferral period.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the request to demolish the property listed on the City of Mississauga’s Heritage Registry located at 954 Tennyson Avenue (Ward 2), as outlined in the Corporate Report dated January 3, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services, be approved.


Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member provided Members of the Heritage Advisory Committee with a history of the property owner, Paul Stafford, Architect and his contributions to the City by building landmarks within the community.

    Moved ByM. Wilkinson

    That the request to demolish the heritage listed property at 893 Longfellow Avenue (Ward 2) as outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated December 20, 2023, be approved.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the request to demolish a portion of the property at 445 Hazelhurst Road (Ward 2) as outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated January 15, 2024, be approved.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the memorandum from John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums, entitled “Request to Alter a Heritage Designated Property at 1050 Old Derry Road (Ward 11),” dated November 27, 2023, be approved with the following conditions:

    1. That the proposed picture window be revised to a three panel window, similar in form to the three panel window on the original western portion of the house, with an overall size of 6' (width) and 5" (height);
    2. That the use of brick salvaged from the removal of the rear wall be used on the western exterior side of the addition, and;
    3. That the prioritization of the matching brick exterior extend to the east and south walls of the addition and that if no matching brick can be sourced another sympathetic material be used as approved by staff. 
    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the memorandum from John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage & Museums dated November 29, 2023, entitled "Traffic Calming Measures - Old Derry Road (Ward 11)", be approved as the proposed project does not significantly alter the character of the village.


Richard Collins, Citizen Member discussed the Rangeview Masterplan and the history of the angle of the lots and inquired if the saw tooth angle could be retained in future development creating a distinctive downtown that would reflect the heritage of the area.  Mr. Collins inquired about retaining 1024 Rangeview Road and provided the history of Canadiana Textile Print Works where the first Canadian flag to fly from atop the Peace Tower was made.

A discussion was held regarding the Master Plan process with the site and long term vision of acquiring properties and discussed  ideas for commemoration.  John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums advised the Heritage Advisory Committee that the request to maintain the saw tooth pattern would be discussed with the development and design staff.

    Moved ByR. Collins

    That the Memorandum dated December 20, 2023 from John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums entitled “Alteration of Property Adjacent to a Heritage Listed Property at 800 Lakefront Promenade (Ward 1)", be received for information.

    Moved ByT. Ward

    That the Memorandum dated December 20, 2023 from John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums entitled “Addition Adjacent to the Heritage Designated Property at 1362 Mississauga Road South (Ward 2)", be received for information.


John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums spoke to the City of Mississauga's 50th anniversary and social media posts which would commemorate various aspects of the City. 

Mr. Dunlop addressed the Heritage Advisory Committee to see if members would be interested in answering inquiries from the media about the history and heritage of the City of Mississauga that are received by the communications team and advised that if there was an interest media training would be provided.

Members discussed liaising with Heritage Mississauga for the 50th Anniversary and the donation of books from Dave Cook, Citizen Member for events that require a history background.

March 5, 2024 at 9:30 AM

(M. Wilkinson)