N. Carey spoke to “Sauga Celebrates”; the booking process and noted it is a fluid process that evolves based on the event requested; reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis and there is not a designated staff person assigned to each event. N. Carey spoke to formalizing a Special Events Advisory Team (SEAT) to support events; a budget request to increase park infrastructure and staff support in 2025; the cost of events charged and applicable fees.
In response to Councillor D. Damerla, N. Carey confirmed that cost recovery for events is based on staff hourly rates.
In response to Councillor J. Kovac, N. Carey spoke to the time required between events and noted that it is dependent on the set up, take down and clean up of the site. Further, N. Carey spoke to reviewing the parameters for the possibility of hosting more than one event on a weekend.
In response to Councillor J. Kovac, Kelly Reichheld, Manager, Culture and Events provided the rationale for the limit on vendors permitted at events and noted it is due to safety and accessibility. K. Reichheld spoke to looking into adding guidelines for accessibility on event applications.
In response to Mayor Parrish, Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services spoke to the increase in rate in 2025 of the Mississauga Accommodation Tax (MAT) and noted more information will come forward at the next Budget Committee meeting which includes the allocation of MAT funding.
In response to Councillor N. Hart, Kristina Zietsma, Director, Recreation and Culture spoke to reviewing the restrictions on grant applications for groups who are able to host multiple events.