Ashlee Rivet-Boyle, Development Manager provided an overview of the staff’ recommendation report for the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning application.
The following persons spoke:
- Ian Young, Resident, expressed concerns regarding the impact to the surrounding neighbourhood with respect to setbacks, shadows, building height and parking, should the developer choose not to provide free and adequate parking for tenants and visitors. Mr. Young identified technical oversights and requested that an independent peer review be undertaken. Young enquired whether staff have the authority to authorize exemptions contrary to City of Mississauga’s Rules and Regulations, and suggested that a proper study be conducted to identify the impact to the neighbourhood if the developer does not provide sufficient parking; that the memorandum from BA consulting suggesting zero parking minimums due to its proximity to MTSA be rejected, and noted that adding building heights ought to require stricter setback and zoning regulations; and enquired on the allocation of affordable rental units.
Erinma Chibututu, Urban Designer and Ashlee Rivett-Boyle, Manager, Development and Design, responded to Mr. Young's enquiries.
- Eugene Gierczak, spoke opposing the proposed development and outlined concerns regarding setbacks, shadowing, and proposed height. Gierczak presented conceptual drawings comparing the original and the subsequent shadow study which are contrary to the city’s Standards.
Ashlee Rivett-Boyle confirmed that residents will have approximately nine consecutive hours of full sun light in the summer; some amenities areas do fall below minimum factors and noted that staff are confident that there is adequate sunlight availability being provided.
- Ron Corkum, Resident, spoke in support of the development noting that there is a great need for affordable rental housing and that the use of this land for affordable housing is appropriate and requested the development application be approved.
- Athina Tagidou, Resident spoke to the negative impact to the neighbourhood’s style of living and unique character, and that the revisions to the zoning policy will redefine the entire municipality’s Official Plan for land use and urban design. Tagidou noted that there is a missed opportunity for this development to be of mixed use and explained the climate impacts for the proposed development., and expressed concern with the proposed height as a key factor for the community’s objection to this proposed development.
Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building; explained that there are number of green initiatives in the proposal and that the applicant addressed some of the issues identified in the city's green standards.