Christine Fang-Denissov, Urban Strategies provided an overview of the proposed Official Plan Amendment application to change the Port Credit Local Area Plan Special Site Policies.
Mayor Parrish assumed the role of Chair
The following persons spoke:
- Ross MacHattie, Resident, expressed concerns with the increase in traffic and the data applied to the models used in the traffic study; the proposed height of the building, especially closer to the lake, which blocks views and social isolation.
- Mary Simpson, Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA) expressed concern with the increase of units and reduction of jobs as a result of converting office space to condominiums; and enquired what are the plans in terms of a benefit will there be for the community.
Kate Hatoum, Diamond Corp., advised that the YMCA has committed to a daycare and that the applicant is actively looking at ways to combine it with community space, as well as explore other options, which the applicant is committed to working with the City and engaging the community.
- Chris Mackie, Resident, expressed concern with obstruction of the lake and park land with the proposed increase in building height; the increase and allocation of units; and the traffic study which does not take into consideration other peak dates/times and future area developments. Mackie suggested delaying consideration of proposed heights until the elementary school lands have been determined and additional traffic studies have been conducted.
- Dorothy Tomiuk, Resident, commented on what is being lost and whether it is possible to have complete communities and maintain the vision for this site. Tomiuk spoke to the risks of building smaller expensive rather than reserving space for future diverse uses; to the positive supports and initiatives in the community to attract businesses; and whether other area developers are committed to building mixed use spaces.
- Antoine Musiol, Resident enquired about the impact the proposed amendments would have to social housing commitment, parking provisions and community benefit with the reduction of commercial space. Musiol spoke to the architecture and massing, and the revised Heritage Impact Assessment and noted that the revised proposal can achieve a well-integrated development that maintains waterside vibrancy of the Port Credit community.
Kate Hatoum, Diamond Corp. and Stuart Anderson, BA Group, responded to Mr. Musiol's enquiry regarding social housing commitment, and whether the suspension is still in place for site generated traffic not requiring the Heritage Conservation District as an alternative route.
- Sara Reid, Resident, expressed concerns regarding the impact to the community with the increased density and enquired about the plan to mitigate traffic impacts; what are the plans for the lands that are being considered by the schools board for future school development.
Cyndi Rottenberg-Walker, Urban Strategies responded to enquiries with respect to the increased density and the plan for the site being proposed for an elementary school.
Stuart Anderson, BA Group responded to the enquiry regarding traffic impacts and study.
Christine Fang-Denviov and Cyndi Rottenberg-Walker, Urban Strategies explained the increase of height and units without increasing Gross Floor Area (GFA) on site and how it relates to the decrease of commercial space, in response to Councillor Butt's enquiry.
Councillor Dasko spoke to the application and the history of inspiration Port Credit and noted that this is an information report and that there will be more opportunities for community engagement.