Heritage Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 2nd Floor
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3C1
and Online Video Conference
Members Present
  • Councillor Brad Butt, Ward 11 (Chair)
  • Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
  • George Carlson, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair)
  • Richard Collins, Citizen Member
  • David Cook, Citizen Member
  • Alexander Hardy, Citizen Member
  • James Holmes, Citizen Member
  • Antoine Musiol, Citizen Member
  • Terry Ward, Citizen Member
  • Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member
  • Lucy Zita, Citizen Member

Councillor Brad Butt, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM

Councillor Brad Butt, Chair recited the Land Statement.

Approved (M. Wilkinson)

There were no deputations.

There were no questions registered for public question period.

    Moved ByG. Carlson

    That the following items were approved on consent:

    • Item 9.1 - Proposed Heritage Designation of 1 Godfrey's Lane (Ward 1)
    • Item 9.3 - Proposed Heritage Designation of 24 Stavebank Road (Ward 1)
    • Item 9.4 - Proposed Heritage Designation of 1764 Lakeshore Road West (Ward 2)
    • Item 9.5 - Request to Alter the Heritage Designated Property at 1550 The Collegeway (Ward 8)
    Moved ByG. Carlson

    That the property at 1 Godfrey’s Lane (Ward 1) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member spoke to the architectural style of the home and noted the older footprint at the rear of the building. 

    Moved ByM. Wilkinson

    That the property at 924 Clarkson Road South (Ward 2) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated April 11, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

    Moved ByG. Carlson

    That the property at 24 Stavebank Road (Ward 1) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its physical, design, historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated April 5, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

    Moved ByG. Carlson

    That the property at 1764 Lakeshore Road West (Ward 2) be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its historical, associative and contextual value, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services dated April 1, 2024, and that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

    Moved ByG. Carlson

    That the request to alter the heritage designated property at 1550 The Collegeway (Ward 8), as outlined in the Corporate Report dated April 11, 2024 from the Commissioner of Community Services, be approved.


Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member spoke to the current and future use of the property.  John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums noted that the City of Mississauga would continue to seek a tenant for the property.

    Moved ByM. Wilkinson

    That the request to alter the heritage designated property at 1507 Cawthra Road (Ward 1), as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated April 10, 2024 be approved.


Richard Collins, Citizen Member spoke to concerns with the proposed alterations.

Committee members spoke to the scope of work and completion of the alterations, the proposed addition and the process for approval.  John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums spoke to legislative timelines and process and noted the project would be sympathetic to the original architecture. 

Megan Hobson, Built Heritage Consultant spoke to the design of the additions and incorporation of the heritage attributes identified in the designation by-law.  Further, M. Hobson spoke to the materials that would be used, the design of the garage and how the addition would connect to the main building.

    Moved ByR. Collins

    That the request to alter the heritage designated property at 60 Cumberland Drive (Ward 1), as per the report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated April 24, 2024, be deferred.


Councillor Brad Butt, Chair spoke to the naming of public assets and recognition of Gary Clipperton for his contributions to the Streetsville community and noted that June 21st would be the date for the renaming ceremony and official unveiling of the plaque.

    Moved ByG. Carlson

    That the request to name a City Asset, the Streetsville Square Stage, after Gary Clipperton, as per the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Community Services, dated April 24, 2024, be approved.


Martha Cameron, Legislative Coordinator spoke to the Citizen Member vacancy.

    Moved ByM. Wilkinson
    1. That the resignation email from Chirine Constantini, Citizen Member dated February 27, 2024 was approved on March 5, 2024.
    2. That due to the resignation of Chirine Constantini, Citizen Member, a vacancy exists on the Heritage Advisory Committee, and that the City Clerk be directed to fill the vacancy in accordance with the Corporate Policy #02-01-01 on Citizen Appointments to Committees, Boards and Authorities.

Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member spoke to the status of the property and its impact on the adjacent heritage building and streetscape. Paula Wubbenhorst, Heritage Planner noted that the matter was brought before the Committee due to the recent completion of the Heritage Impact Assessment.

John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums noted that the matter was before the Ontario Land Tribunal and that conditions were met to submit the updated Heritage Impact Assessment.

    Moved ByM. Wilkinson

    That the memorandum from Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services dated April 10, 2024 entitled "Heritage Listed Property at 1646 Dundas Street West (Ward 7), be received.


John Dunlop, Manager, Indigenous Relations, Heritage and Museums noted Matthew Wilkinson, Citizen Member's interview with CBC Metro Morning to discuss Jacob's Cook's former store and its history in the City of Mississauga.

June 18, 2024 at 9:30 AM

No Item Selected