That Recommendations GC-0424-2024 – GC-0449 -2024 as contained in the General Committee Report 16 - 2024 - dated October 2, 2024 be approved.
That the deputation and associated presentation by Brijesh Rathod, Resident regarding a proposal for food and refreshment carts on City property, guidelines and support for entrepreneurs, be received.
That the following items were approved on the consent agenda:
- 10.1Tourism Mississauga Compliance with Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010
- 11.1Transit Advisory Committee Report 3 - 2024 dated September 17, 2024
- 11.2 Road Safety Committee Report 6 - 2024 - dated September 24, 2024
- 11.3Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Report 6 - 2024 dated September 25, 2024
- That the Articles of Amendment for Tourism Mississauga as outlined in the report entitled “Tourism Mississauga Compliance with Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010” from the Commissioner of Community Services dated September 20, 2024, be approved by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Mississauga as the sole voting member of Tourism Mississauga, to ensure compliance with the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010.
- That Council approve that Tourism Mississauga By-law No. 1 be repealed and replaced with the form of the updated by-law in Appendix 1.
- That the City Clerk be authorized as the delegated signing authority to sign all necessary resolutions to give effect to Council’s decision as the sole voting member to approve the Articles of Amendment and replacement by-law.
- That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
That the deputation and associated presentation from Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit, with respect to the 2023 MiWay Report to the Community, be received.
That the deputation and associated presentation from Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience with respect to Results of Spring 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey, be received.
That the deputation and associated presentation from Alana Tyers, Manager, Service Development, with respect to September and October Service Changes be received.
That the verbal update from Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit with respect to Fares (Fare Strategy/Education) be received.
That the deputation and associated presentation from Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay - Customer Experience with respect to the Sunflower Program Launch, be received.
That the resignation from Shauna Brail, Citizen Member - University of Toronto Mississauga Representative, be received.
That the resignation from Paul Meo, Citizen Member, be received.
That the 2025 Transit Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule be received.
That the deputation and associated presentation by Anne Marie Hayes, Citizen Member regarding the “2024 Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals Conference” summary, be received.
That the 2025 Road Safety Committee meeting dates as outlined in the Memorandum dated August 20, 2024 entitled “Road Safety Committee Meeting Dates – 2025” from Allyson
D’Ovidio, Legislative Coordinator, be received as amended.
- That due to the resignation of Mark Currie, Citizen Member and Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee representative, a vacancy exists on the Road Safety Committee and that the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee be directed to appoint a Citizen Member representative to the Road Safety Committee until November, 2026 or until a successor is appointed.
- That the email dated September 3, 2024 from Mark Currie, Citizen Member and Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee representative regarding their resignation
from the Road Safety Committee, be received.
That the total Road Watch statistics for June, 2024, July 2024 and August 2024 as provided at the September 24, 2024 Road Safety Committee meeting by Claudia D’Amico, Constable, Peel Regional Police, be received.
That the Corporate Report dated May 27, 2024 titled “Contract Extension to Redflex Traffic Systems (Canada) for the Automated Speed Enforcement Program (PRC002592)” from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works, be received for information.
That the deputation and associated presentation by Suzanne Holder, Manager, MiWay Customer Experience with respect to the Sunflower Program Initiative, be received.
That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard.
- That the principal of Father Daniel Zanon Catholic Elementary School be requested to include the photo of the sign advising pedestrians what to do to cross the road at the crossover in an upcoming newsletter.
- That Transportation and Works be requested to:
- Replace the existing "How to Use the Crossover" signage at the crossover with the
more recent, more detailed version of the sign;
- Review the feasibility of moving the "stop for Pedestrians" signage on the hydro poles at the crossover both east and west sides of the crossover one foot higher on the poles to improve visibility for approaching vehicles when larger vehicles are parked legally close to the crossover.
- Trim the tree on the southbound, northwest approach to the crossover.
- That a Working Group be created to work on award nominations for the Dr. Arthur Wood Award and the Wilde Wood Awards.
- That Peter Westbrook, Junaid Shah, Aamira Alvi, Irene Chu, Louise Goegan, Miles Roque, Vibha Sequeira, Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee Members and Sheelagh Duffin, Supervisor, Crossing Guards, be appointed to the Award Nominations Working Group.
- That the warrants have not been met for the placement of a school crossing guard.
- That Transportation and works be requested to review the feasibility of adding curb cuts at the entrance to the park path and at the opposite side of the road by the mailbox.
- That Transportation and Works be requested to paint ladder markings at the all way
stop intersection of Fairwind Drive and Hollymount Drive, including addition of curb depressions for accessibility.
- That the principal of St. Hilary Catholic Elementary School be requested to remind parents and students crossing Fairwind Drive to/from the park paths on the east side of Fairwind Drive to do so at the protected crossing at Hollymount Drive once the crosswalks are installed.
That the Parking Enforcement in School Zone Report for June 2024 be received.
That the letter dated September 24, 2024 from the Minister of Transportation regarding the “Canada Public Transit Fund (CPTF)”, be received.
- That the Council, sitting as the Approval Authority under the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, hereby authorizes the commencement of expropriation proceedings for the property interest legally described as part of the Common Elements, Peel Condominium Plan No. 755, in the City of Mississauga, in the Regional Municipality of Peel, being Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on a draft Reference Plan prepared by Viorel Mares, Ontario Land Surveyor, The City of Mississauga, dated November 28, 2022, subject to registered easement PR741622, PR806589, LT1883863 and LT2137444, required for the purposes of facilitating the Mavis Road widening project.
- That the City Manager and the City Solicitor are hereby authorized to execute Form 2 under the Expropriations Act, being the Notice of an Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and hereby delegate to the City Solicitor or his designate the authority to serve Form 2 on the property owner.
- That the City Solicitor or his designate, be authorized to take all necessary steps and sign all documentation required to comply with the provisions of the Expropriations Act in order to complete the expropriation of the fee simple property interest and two permanent easements from Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 755.
- That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk, be authorized to execute a Settlement and Release Agreement (the “Agreement”), including all ancillary documents and subsequent amending and extension agreements, between The Corporation of the City of Mississauga (“City”) and Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 755 (“PCC 755”), and deliver the compensation payment equal to $210,841.41 in satisfaction of the value of the property interest being expropriated against PCC 755 under the Expropriations Act, for the acquisition of property interests totaling approximately 617.08 square meters (6,642.19 square feet) of land, on the terms detailed therein and in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
- That all amounts to be paid in association with this expropriation, being $236,692.72 inclusive of HST be funded through the already established PN 18200.
- That all necessary By-Laws be enacted.
That the report from the City Solicitor, dated September 20, 2024 and entitled “Confidential Legal Advice regarding the proposal to allow sports activities on public roadways”, be received for information.
- That a by-law be enacted authorizing the closure of a portion of City-owned lands consisting of a cul-de-sac, comprising approximately 0.83 acres (0.336 hectares), and legally described as Thorny-Brae Place, Plan 498, Part Lot 3, Range 5, north of Dundas Street, City of Mississauga and forming PIN 13383-0021(LT) (the “Subject Lands”).
- That City staff be authorized to register a copy of the Closure By-Law against title to the lands described within Schedule “A” of the By-Law in the appropriate Land Registry office.
- That City-owned lands consisting of a cul-de-sac, identified as Thorny-Brae Place, Plan 498, Part Lot 3, Range 5, north of Dundas Street, City of Mississauga and forming PIN 13383-0021(LT), be declared surplus to the City’s requirements for the purpose of a proposed sale to Mississauga Road Properties Inc., at market value, for inclusion in a future development application.
- That the Manager of Realty Services be authorized to execute a conditional authorization letter, and any other documentation ancillary thereto, all in form and content acceptable to the City Solicitor and/or his designate, to allow Mississauga Road Properties Inc. to include the Subject Lands as part of their development application for the adjacent lands legally described as Part of Lots 3 and 4 Range 5, NDS, Lot 2, Part of Lot 1, Registered Plan P 498 – Part 1 43R31060, Parts 1, 2 43R38445 (the “Development Application”.
- That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and the City Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including all ancillary documents and any subsequent amending or extension agreements, with respect to the City-owned lands consisting of a cul-de-sac, comprising approximately 0.83 acres (0.336 hectares), and legally described as Thorny-Brae Place, Plan 498, Part Lot 3, Range 5, north of Dundas Street, City of Mississauga and forming PIN 13383-0021(LT), at fair market value as established by an independent third-party appraisal, and conditional upon the approval of the Development Application and in a content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and/or his designate.
- That all steps necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 2(3) of the City Notice By-law 0215-2008 be taken, including giving notice to the public by posting a notice on the City of Mississauga’s website for a two-week period, where the expiry of the two-week period will be at least one week prior to the execution of an agreement for the sale of the subject lands.
- That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
That the City Solicitor be authorized to file an intervention with the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Mississauga, to the Part 1 Application outlined in the Corporate Report entitled: “Authorization to intervene in a CRTC application respecting telecommunication carrier access rights and obligations”, dated September 19, 2024.